Algol rising vs Pluto Rising



I don't often count "minor" aspects but I have Mars inconjunct Pluto. That's part of how my Mars can get icky.

I wonder if it's better to have peregrine planets rather than include minor aspects?


Premium Member
I don't often count "minor" aspects but I have Mars inconjunct Pluto. That's part of how my Mars can get icky.

I wonder if it's better to have peregrine planets rather than include minor aspects?

I don't usually include minor aspects either; I was just illustrating that my peregrine Sun has no beneficial aspects to buoy it.

Not sure I understand in what respect you are asking if "it's better to have peregrine planets rather than include minor aspects." Would you say a bit more about what you mean? By that, I mean, are you wondering if Sun or Mars would be better being peregrine, or it would be better for the planets that aspect our Sun or Mars?


Well, since I don't look at minor aspects (but some do), I just wonder if it's better to just consider the peregrine planets as-is or to take into considerations some minor aspects as offering some sort of anchor?

I don't have any truly peregrine planets in my chart, so I ask out of curiosity.


Premium Member
Well, since I don't look at minor aspects (but some do), I just wonder if it's better to just consider the peregrine planets as-is or to take into considerations some minor aspects as offering some sort of anchor?

I don't have any truly peregrine planets in my chart, so I ask out of curiosity.

This is just my practice. I think it would depend on the situation in question. I don't usually look too much at a minor aspect unless it is the only aspect a planet makes, or unless someone is manifesting the nature of a minor, like the inconjunct, and you see that there is that kind of aspect present in the chart. Also, sometimes when I am looking for challenges in a chart either natally or by transit, beyond the square and the opposition, I will look at the 45, 135 and even the 22.5, especially if there are few Ptolemaic aspects.


Well-known member
Mars Conjunct Algol , When you get angry is it to the extreme?

WHOA! Yes! I always wanted to know what the experiences of my opposite is! I have Mars conjunct Algol 8th. Do you have clear boundaries of what your possessions are?

I hope I will find time to answer this and everything else in this interesting debate.

I'm not sure I can astrologically explain my Mars conjunct Algol in the second house. It seems I am really terrible when it comes to money and possesion in the terms of not being able to protect my material rights. But I'm not sure my other placements confirm this (except opposition to Neptun). My second house is ruled by Venus positioned in Taurus in the first house. My Mars itself has an opposition to Neptune in the 8th and exact trine to Pluto in the 6th (the most exact aspect in the chart).

As it was already said here, I too do not provoke violence and aggression. I actually hate it. I am not afraid of physical violence, I actually don't have much experiences with it. But as a steretypical Taurus Mars I do have certain issues with anger management (or at least I did) because in some occassions I do not react immediately and then it can suddenly outburst in its stronger variation. But this are actually very rare examples and they always come from a sense of essential injustice. Generally, I am very calm and soft person.

When it comes to the question of victims and predators, I have more difficulties to understand the behaviour of predators than victims. Although I am trying to. But the example of Chris Brown and Rihanna doesn't seem to me the most useful one. There are countless of stories like this, and I take it as just one example of people trapped in certain personal dynamic. I do not blame them and I do not see them as a predator and a victim. And probably they don't either.

There are certain situations, however, when people are exposed to a certain kind of violence, destruction or danger. And here we can talk about victims. This could open a new space for a debate.
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Well-known member
Regarding Chris Brown's violence: Algol's affect is likely limited, being 8-10 degrees away from his Sun and Moon conjunction at about 15 and 17 degrees of Taurus. And 15 degrees of fixed has its own intensity, being at the midpoint of the 0 cardinal signs.

Also, a cursory look at Brown's chart shows a debilitated Mars, in its fall and in the the 12th closely opposed by unpredictable Uranus. This might more likely explain sudden outburst of violence. Saturn Neptune's trine to Sun Moon might also be a bit crazy-making.

Just some thoughts.
I think his anger issues comes mostly from Sun/Moon and Venus(?) being opposite Pluto.


Well-known member
can anyone please imput something more about algol vs pluto?
Algol is a fixed star.

A fixed star is a distant Sun which in spite of it's vast
distance away from planet earth,
is nevertheless visible as a tiny 'star' in the night skies.

Fixed star Algol, in particular then is 93 light years distant from Earth.

To get an idea of that distance consider that a light year is the distance that light travels in a period of one year.

The speed of light is constant, at 300,000 km per second approximately so a light year in terms of distance is very nearly 10 million million km.

Our entire solar system out to the orbit of Pluto, is only one eight-hundredth of a light year across :smile:

To reach Algol from earth it's necessary to travel at 300,000 km per second for 93 years

Yet, despite that vast distance, Algol is visible glittering as a star in our night skies

Image below illustrates the size of our sun in comparison to a few fixed stars


Image below is of our sun in comparison with planets orbiting it
- dwarf planet pluto is a mere dot in comparison with Earth which itself is a mere dot in comparison with Jupiter and Saturn


Dwarf Planet pluto is an asteroid and asteroids are defined as 'small rocky bodies orbiting the sun'

Asteroids range in size from nearly 600 miles (1,000 km) across to the size of dust particles. The image below illustrates dwarf planet pluto is in comparison to other planets in our solar system


dr. farr

Well-known member
Algol rising vs Pluto rising-which is "worse":
-neither unless conjunct/parallel the ascending degree or conjunct/parallel a planet in the ascending sign
-IF conjunct/parallel the ascending degree or planet in the first house?
Algol, no question about it (Pluto could have a totality of benefic influences making it a functionally benefic planetary influece; this cannot occur with a star, such as Algol)

dr. farr

Well-known member
Pluto can have affinity to such things as Will vis a vis the personality; Algol mostly indicates tendencies toward various difficult or unfortunate circumstances, or is indicative of various corruptions of the mind or personality; Pluto is capable of a variety of benefic influences, depending upon circumstances; Algol is not capable of any benign influences-if Will is involved, under Algol it will always be a corruption (perversion) of the Will...

dr. farr

Well-known member
It would (in my opinion) somewhat spoil the beneficial promise of the "Lucky Strike" North Node (which I consider to = the combined influences of Venus and Jupiter)


Well-known member
So it could mean one would experience difficult situations/Karma? Seeing the NN as what we aim for in this lifetime, how can one aim for Algol? Or is there a positive side to this star as well?

dr. farr

Well-known member
For me it means that Algol-connected (qualitative) karma must be purged before evolution to a higher level (the NN promise) can progress further; read the indications for Algol, then examine if any of the qualities indicated (not the extreme literal wording of Algol's influence, but the quality/principles behind such wording) exist (at least to some extent) in you, and then take steps to eliminate any such qualities (or perhaps tendencies you might have to such qualities) from yourself...


Well-known member
Found this:

You will not be able to ignore suffering and horror, or brush it aside… The Algol placement on a chart insists upon a confrontation and assimilation of these harsh aspects of human experience in this lifetime.….Algol, like other stars, confers tasks upon us which, if comprehended and accepted, offer great rewards of power and creativity. These stellar challenges are not to be feared, but understood and used in a positive manner.” Diana Rosenberg [1].
