I need help figuring out these placements!


New member
I have two fixed T-squares and numerous squares in my natal chart. I think that my real-life problems stem mainly from a lack of willpower and ability to focus (I'm fighting with a behavioral addiction that always puts me out of the present moment). I'm incredibly stubborn in my ways even after running in the same wall a thousand times... I am very self-critical but I also seem to never think about actually making an effort to start things and change myself. I wonder if this has to do with mars in pieces or with other aspects... Can you give me some insight on my chart? Or tell me something about it that hits you.


Well-known member
The 10th house is the pressure house, with your sun there and being born on a full moon (sun opposite moon), this may be something to look into.

When you say self sabotage, what are you trying to get? If you can pinpoint the things you value that aren't working out for you it will be easier to use your chart for real help and understanding.

You also have Lilith, Chiron, and Venus in the 8th house which carries Scorpio energy of destruction for the sake of evaluation or breaking things that must be broken. It's also the house of other people's resources.. Lilith bring trouble wherever she goes

Also you have Pluto in the 7th inconjunct your ASC. Inconjuncts are paradoxes and sometimes plays out in a sense where you need what you don't want, or really want what you really don't need. The ugly word sacrifice comes up when you're dealing with inconjuncts

So yeah, what area or areas of life do you find yourself ruining?


New member
Thank you for your answer!

The 10th house is the pressure house, with your sun there and being born on a full moon (sun opposite moon), this may be something to look into.
My sun is in aquarius though? So isn't It in the eleventh?

When you say self sabotage, what are you trying to get? If you can pinpoint the things you value that aren't working out for you it will be easier to use your chart for real help and understanding.
I'm sabotaging my academic career. I have bad habits (like procrastinating and zoning out in class and skipping) that are difficult to kick off and I've already failed many times... My relationships are not the best either: i do have friends but I don't put in as much effort into my personality and my work as I would like so I feel like a fraud when I'm with them: I'm awkward and kind of silent and end up talking about superficial things. My insecurities are very obvious to people. I value my social groups, and my artistic hobbies, and being consistent and orderly and passionate (because I've never been :/).

You also have Lilith, Chiron, and Venus in the 8th house which carries Scorpio energy of destruction for the sake of evaluation or breaking things that must be broken. It's also the house of other people's resources.. Lilith bring trouble wherever she goes
I have been wasting my family's resources, which I'm not proud of. Especially my mother's. I've been told before that all those placements in the eight house can give me a lot of scorpionic energy, bit I don't get what It means on a practical level.

Also you have Pluto in the 7th inconjunct your ASC. Inconjuncts are paradoxes and sometimes plays out in a sense where you need what you don't want, or really want what you really don't need. The ugly word sacrifice comes up when you're dealing with inconjuncts
This speaks to me on some level. For the longest time the main food for my self-connfidence and motivation was other people's opinion of me. I used to build my personality around that, without doing much self-reflection. I chose my first high-school because my mom thought I would have the brains to do it, but I didn't have the work ethic, so in the end it didn't work out. Now I'm left behind my peers and also ignorant and I haven't even learned from my mistakes, because I keep falling into old habits.
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Well-known member
Thank you for your answer!

My sun is in aquarius though? So isn't It in the eleventh?

I'm sabotaging my academic career. I have bad habits (like procrastinating and zoning out in class and skipping) that are difficult to kick off and I've already failed many times... My relationships are not the best either: i do have friends but I don't put in as much effort into my personality and my work as I would like so I feel like a fraud when I'm with them: I'm awkward and kind of silent and end up talking about superficial things. My insecurities are very obvious to people. I value my social groups, and my artistic hobbies, and being consistent and orderly and passionate (because I've never been :/).

I have been wasting my family's resources, which I'm not proud of. Especially my mother's. I've been told before that all those placements in the eight house can give me a lot of scorpionic energy, bit I don't get what It means on a practical level.

This speaks to me on some level. For the longest time the main food for my self-confidence and motivation was other people's opinion of me. I used to build my personality around that, without doing much self-reflection. I chose my first high-school because my mom thought I would have the brains to do it, but I didn't have the work ethic, so in the end it didn't work out. Now I'm left behind my peers and also ignorant and I haven't even learned from my mistakes, because I keep falling into old habits.

"but I don't put in as much effort into my personality"

This pressure is from Saturn being conjunct your ASC. Plus your Mars in the 11th shows a longing to friendships, groups, and having developed a need for soceital acceptance. Also look up Virgo in the 5th.

It's important to note that our charts really do move as 1. You can't move one placement, without the whole overview falling apart. So things kinda get redundant especially when you can actually pinpoint what your core problem is.

Your ability to self analyze to the extent you do, dosen't just come from the 10th house, it's also a benefit of having Jupiter in the 12th. Most people have to be told what their core problems are but if you can recognize these things you're already ahead of the curve.
Jupiter in the 12th is a blessing, like the best internal guidance system. One of the best offerings is natural good and kind nature, pure intentions.

Your 8th house Chiron and 7th house Pluto are both Sesquisquare your Jupiter. This aspects means that external situations are going to create a tension between who you know yourself to be and who you have to be in relation to others. The 8th and the 7th house are both relational houses. It's going to require that you start to integrate the things you are learning. It's not really about huge changes, but moreso, altering your considerations just slightly as you pick up on new things. You're ridicously young and you have time

You have Part of Fortune in the 7th house with North Node in the 4th...and there aren't any issues present between your 4th and 7th.
So building your relationships again seems to be a key theme for you.

Also Taurus and Gemini in your 1st house, wants sturdiness, but ease. A lot of the times we ignore what we would really prefer, and push ourselves into races that bore us and make us tired. Just be careful of this. But again Saturn makes us all work for it and it's really pushing you

I PMd you a write up about Part of Fortune in the 7th house Scorpio.

Also, since May 2017 you have been experiencing your Nodal Return. This has been a huge time period for you. And if you can pull out any themes that have arisen for you that connect you to the 4th house, you can use this for direction.

Good luck to you! If you have any other questions feel free