Will renting a desk space pay off?


Active member
Hello horary astrologers

I would really appreciate if you could look at this chart! It certainly is an interesting shape, I promise!

My question was "will investing in this desk space (that I saw today) pay off (financially) in my business?"
I mean if the $$$ invested in a real studio would eventually lead to more earnings, because I would be better connected and set up... does this make sense?

Thanks for any input, greatly appreciated!

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Well-known member
Well...you did fine for 2011 :sideways:. Here is that chart for 2012. :)



Well-known member
You are signified by Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant. Your money is also signified by Mercury. Mars co-signifies your money as it is on the 2nd house cusp.

Mercury immediately applies to Mars, a trine, with a powerful mutual reception. This is a positive indication of making money at the venture.

The Moon, is in a mutual reception with Jupiter. Jupiter rules the other parties involved and their money. It can also rule the money of the public, customers, etc. So, there is some assistance there.

The Moon also is about to square Venus, the ruler of the 10th. This is a square so it shows difficulty but, being from strong houses and both significators strong, shows success.

Mars is also the dispositor of Fortuna. Mercury trines Mars, as said, so this confirms there is a positive indication of financial gain.

Over all, I think there is positive gain in this venture but, even though there will be some difficulty (as in all things), you have the support and drive to make it a success.



dr. farr

Well-known member
Didn't see the corrected chart, but from indications given by Anachiel (one of our top horary experts here @ AW), placements mentioned, etc, I concur-influences sound highly favorable for the querent!


Active member
Thanks for taking the time to read this chart for me, Anachiel!

And I cannot believe I put in the wrong year…sorry, sorry!

Thanks again (also to dr.farr as well for concurring!

If someone could explain to me if the Moon signifies something as well?
And lastly, in the corrected chart, I cannot see Venus as a ruler of the 10th house?
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Well-known member
No problem.

The Moon co -signifies you.

Venus rules Taurus, on the MC (also known as the 10th house).

And, as an aside, as in everything, common-sense and safety first.


Active member
Thanks for clarifying!

So I guess the Moon Square Venus was more relationship-related (especially the ones with women).. well, there were only women working in that space when I visited, so surely there might be room for conflict.
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