Reading about the 12th House


Hi all! I'm currently seeking recommendations for reading up on the 12th house :) Preferably, any astrologer/resource that explains anything and everything about this house in an in-depth manner. I am deeply interested in learning as much as I possibly can about it, since I have stellium sitting within it. I've read my fair share of internet articles about the 12th, despite this, I'm under the impression that many astrologers refuse to fully flesh out/aren't as knowledgable about this house so as to provide me with truly meaningful information. I'm aware that it represents the subconscious mind, dreams, and things which hold us back. I know it's generally considered a "negative" house of the zodiac, though I wholeheartedly refuse to see it in such a terribly biased manner. There is dark and light to everything, and I'm only seeking informative pieces that will show positive and neutral aspects about this subject and how to work with its planetary placements. Thanks in advance!!


Staff member
What Maurice Fernandez has to say about the 12th house is very interesting, and a counterbalance to all the negative stuff you hear about it:

He's also written a whole book about it. I've never read the book, but I have attended a lecture by him in which he spoke about the 12th house in that way. He was even more engaging in person than on paper.