The Great Saturn Return


Well-known member
I'm nowhere near experiencing my Saturn return or anything like that, but to the people that have experienced it, when Saturn returns, what effect does it cause the most during that time in one's chart?

Does it affect the native by the house that Saturn is located in? Does it affect the native by the aspects that are made to Saturn? Does it affect the House ruler Saturn rules? Or when Saturn does return, does it have a general effect on the native?

Is there any indication(s) that you would tell a native to look for before Saturn hits? Such as what would be the most important lessons to fulfill before that time comes.


Well-known member
what effect does it cause the most during that time in one's chart?

Many like to think of it as a time of learning. I'm currently experiencing mine at the moment. Saturn has just crossed over. Life generally slows down and it's a time of introspection and we are tested by Saturn as to "what we want in life" in the next 30 years. Some people (not all) even fall prey to chronic illnesses. You may find that a lot people say bad things about how scary the return is. It isn't necessarily painful/scary for everyone. A good example I often like to make use of to portray a case where Saturn's return proved to be exceptionally beneficial is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie became very famous after the 1984 super hit Terminator 1. T1 was released and hits the cinemas around his return which granted him an emperor like status and he quickly became a household name/icon.

Does it affect the native by the house that Saturn is located in? Does it affect the native by the aspects that are made to Saturn? Does it affect the House ruler Saturn rules? Or when Saturn does return, does it have a general effect on the native?

Yes, depending on where Saturn is located in your natal chart it teach you lessons about those areas of your life where you need to focus on. The general gist is the faster to learn the lessons and the quicker you learn to accept the unacceptable, the smoother the return will go for you. You may find that if you put yourself through hell in that area of your life which Saturn affects, the return will bare fruition during the return and the results will be very favourable. You'll need to check the house placement and sign placement, besides the aspects it makes to natal, transiting and/or progressing planets.

Is there any indication(s) that you would tell a native to look for before Saturn hits? Such as what would be the most important lessons to fulfill before that time comes.

Yes one can tell when Saturn will make its return. Simply draw the chart up of the native concerned and check an ephemeris chart. The chart will tell the reader on what day and what month Saturn will return to it's natal position. E.g. I was born with Saturn @ 21 degrees Scorpio. If I were unaware as to when it would have come full circle, I'd refer to an ephemeris chart and check what date Saturn will arrive 21 degrees. You will feel the effects a few degrees either side of when Saturn comes full circle, so in terms of time, you'll feel the effects a few weeks this side and few week that side of your return. Be mindful that sometimes when Saturn is transiting your sign to make its return it, like other planets, will go retrograde and cross over it's natal position so you may have to go back and learn your lesson again.

Addendum: try and keep calm as much possible and all will be over in due course. Don't let literature and people's bad experiences get the better of you. Once your tested, Saturn will only leave you feeling stronger and tougher than ever before. So I'll say enjoy the return and learn what the lord of karma wants you to learn. :)


Well-known member
Different for different people.

My first Saturn return (and more specifically the time just prior to it -- 1-1/2 to 2 years, or the "12th house" phase of the Saturn cycle) affected most areas of life. Look to Saturn aspects as he approaches the return.

Saturn rules my 7th...Divorce and all the goodies that go with that. Whatever Saturn is determined toward in the natal chart will be most directly affected -- house occupied, houses ruled, aspects, lord of other words, possible widespread devastation and breakdown of structures in the life.

Saturn in my natal chart is heavily afflicted, so the effects were heavy. You must judge the natal chart before any assessment of the return.

By the time the actual return occurs most of the smoke has cleared and the second Saturn cycle is taking shape.

Set a chart for the time of your return and check what all the other planets are doing (especially the ponderous bodies)...this shows the Beginning of the new cycle.

The second return was also life-changing, but mild.

Now Saturn opposes his own place for the third time.


Premium Member
Look at the location of Saturn in natal, sign, dignity, aspects, ruling houses.

My Saturn in Scorpio in 2nd by Placidus, in 3rd by whole sign. In natal rules my 5th and 6th, also the moon in 5th which is the ruler of 11th. Along with solar eclipse on mercury in 3rd ruler of the ascendant and mutual reception with 3rd & 8th house ruler Mars, I had motor accident fructure arm surgery, was looked after by great older female friends and started insurance claim, health was an issue that was daily routine also being affected had long sick leave and recovering back to work, but also started new relationship. A mix of great life experiences.


Well-known member
They say that the Saturn return usually happens around the time the native turns about 28-30 years of age.

In Whole signs, I have Saturn in Aquarius in 3rd House, Saturn rules the 2nd house, I have Uranus and Neptune sitting there aspects the Venus in 5th, Mars rules the 5th house and aspects Mars in 7th house, Mercury rules the 7th. Neptune sitting in the Second house aspects the Sun in 4th house, Leo rules the 9th house. Neptune rules the 4th and Uranus rules the 3rd house.

Where can you get an ephemeris chart?