addicted to gambling


Well-known member
yesterday i learned that one person who was very close to me in the past is addicted to gambling and it was real shock for me...
so i`d like to hear your opinion-what may indicate such kind of addiction in one`s natal chart?
well i thought i might be 5th house(as gambling), neptune(as addiction)...but in that person`s chart neptune isn`t involved, doesn`t aspect any personal planet, 5th house is empty...
what do you think, what else shows such tendency?


Well you could look for similarities with my chart. I have a gambling problem, let me know if you want to take a look.


Well-known member
well, his jupiter in cancer sextiles mercury in virgo and with wide orb conj mars, but orb is too wide, so i wouldn`t call it conjunction...
dd198-yea, i`d like to take a look at your chart


Here is my chart chart.gif I look forward to reading your thoughts.


Well-known member
Addiction for bad per vedic

venus in 6th, venus in 12th,venus with nodes(rahu, ketu),venus with sun,
Exalted venus, venus in 6 or 8 angle to saturn...bad addictions..



Well-known member
I'm still learning, but I would consider two options:

One might be either a Mars or more possibly Venus Square Pluto which would give this person a compulsive edge, and if Mars or Venus was in Gemini in the 2nd house, might make them careless with money and willing to use it in a careless manner for validation and attention. (I think the type of gambling is important - are they going to blackjack tables, or are they playing Lotto and scratch cards in isolation - the social component may make a difference and give a clue)

I would also consider Uranus and whether or not it is in the 2nd house with finances. Maybe this is the shadow side of some kind of speculating tendencies, or a desire to "take chances" with business. Perhaps this person wanted to own his or her own business or company, but Uranus was afflicted, and so they are taking inappropriate financial risks out of fear.

My father had a gambling problem which he kept secret for years. He had Mars Square Pluto, lots of eight house placements (A question about your friend - whose money is he or she spending? This could be an eight house issue if they are spending other peoples or spouse's money) and he had Pluto in the 5th house.

Hope this is helpful.



Active member
I am a newby here. Ive had an interest for most of my adult life, but in the past couple of yrs took it to study more.
I am also a compulsive gambler - and have been in recovery for a couple yrs. After spending hrs studying my own chart I would say - Keeping in mind that addiction of any color is an Emotional Illness~
moon in cancer (2nd house)
Pluto (compulsion) conj Jup opp Sun (ego) in the 10th w/MC @fateful 13 degrees. Saturn sq Sun, jup & Pluto
Finally thetransits that put it all into "play". Just as a side note, I lost my career of over 25 years due to my compulsion to gambling. Compulsive gambling can be very serious for many people:sad:
I do agree pluto drives the compulsive nature & I would not overlook the"progressive nature" of this addiction when considering progressions and transits.
I hope some of this helps you and your friend.
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Well-known member
Szanne, thanks for this post and for your honesty. I posted above and forgot to mention that, like my father, I also have Pluto in the 5th house, and Mars square Pluto. I have other compulsions, and spent money like air when I've had it, but I've never been compulsive about gambling. I'm afraid to go to Las Vegas or an casino for fear of what might happen. I think it's probably better if I never start.

Anyway, your post helped me.
