A mars/venus conjunction on IC angle.


New member

What is your take on this aspect in synastry. I have Venus conjunct my IC in Virgo 3rd house, and my SO has Mars conjunct my Venus ( IC angle). How would this pan out? .His Jupiter is also conjunct my Venus ( IC).
Anyone experience this :)


Well-known member
When it comes to relational astrology, the most important thing is not the presence of positive aspects but the absence of the seriously bad ones.
So, if we take just this one aspect completely out of context, what remains is a "cookbook" interpretation - romantic feelings and sexual attraction.

The fact that Mars is cojuncting your IC (forming an opposition to your MC) can produce certain discord regarding family matters, where the IC person would see the Mars person as too aggressive and/or insensitive at times.

If the Mars is in the third house, the Mars person could stimulate your mind, communication... all the matters symbolized by the third house.

Jupiter Venus conjuction is an aspect of affection, not necessarily romantic attraction, but real affection, which of course is always helpful regardless of the type of the relationship. It can mitigate some other more stressful aspects.