Chicago Ends 2020 with 769 Homocides


It's not just murder. It's carjackings, looting, burning, and shooting.

That's more murders in Chicago than any of the last 20 years but one.

The Democrats are blaming White Supremacists and the video game Grand Theft Auto, a video game that is 20 years old with no major change in five years.

It's the Democrats. They are to blame.

In Seattle, Portland, New York, Chicago, and Oakland, Democrats stopped arresting the criminals because that would be "racist". In Chicago, the AG arrested practically no one for more than 10 months. That is where the surge of crime comes from.

Only thirteen percent of the nation is Black, but fifty percent of the homicides are committed by blacks. Stating that fact is alarming and disturbing, but it is not racist. Democrats want to call it racist when you state the facts and fix the problems.

White people will be blamed as usual, and that is racist.