Random Thoughts


Principles for the exaltations and depressions of the planets:
1. Configuration with Cancer.
- only Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries and Taurus are eligible, the rest are rejected

2. Diurnal planets are configured through trigon with their domiciles.
- Sun - Aries
- Saturn - Virgo, Libra or Taurus
- Jupiter - Cancer, Scorpio or Aries

3. Nocturnal planets are configured through hexagon with their domiciles.
- Moon - Virgo or Taurus
- Mars - Virgo or Capricorn
- Venus - Cancer or Pisces

4. Affinity with the places - lights above the horizon, benefics in good places, malefics in bad places.
- Sun - Aries as Mc (action) opposite Ic
- Moon - Taurus as Good Daimon (gifts) opposite Good Fortune
- Saturn - Libra as Ic (death) opposite Mc
- Jupiter - Cancer as Asc (life) opposite Dsc
- Mars - Capricorn as Dsc (injury) opposite Asc

5. Affinity with the images and their domicile rulers - royalty, light, death, life, injury, fertility, eloquence. The best images become certain at this point.
- Sun - Aries is diurnal, royal, quadrupedal and running like Leo, domicile of burning and drying Mars, which has in common with the heating and slightly drying Sun
- Moon - Taurus is nocturnal, notable, horned in appearance, domicile of slightly heating and moistening Venus, same nature as the Moon
- Saturn - Libra is diurnal, common, judicial, economical, domicile of moistening and slightly heating Venus, contrary nature to the malefic, producing temperate admixture
- Jupiter - Cancer is notable, nurturing, domicile of the slightly heating and moistening Moon, producing excellent airy admixture
- Mars - Capricorn is nocturnal, servile, thievish, outrageous, domicile of Saturn, contrary nature to the malefic, producing temperate admixture
- Venus - Pisces is nocturnal, notable, most fertile and entirely submerged, domicile of Jupiter, producing excellent airy admixture
- Mercury - Virgo is nocturnal and post-ascending Leo at the same time, domicile of alternating between moisture and dryness Mercury, here having temperate admixture inclining towards the active and fertile element

6. Degrees cause cosmic appearances, or have connection with fixed stars.
Sun - Aries 19° - recurrence years and the hind foot, Mercury bound
Moon - Taurus 3° - appearance phase and the Pleiades, Venus bound
Saturn - Libra 21° - chains and Alpha Librae, Jupiter bound
Cancer 15° - head and the degrees after the Beehive Cluster, Mercury bound
Mars - Capricorn 28° - tail which is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter, Mars bound
Venus - Pisces 27° - northern fish which is of the nature of Jupiter and moderately Venus, Mars bound
Mercury - Virgo 15° - evening rising and Gamma Librae, Venus bound

7. Depressions are the opposite degrees of the exaltations because of inherent contrariety.
- Sun is depressed in Libra with obscurity and death. 19th degree due to the chains and the presence of Saturn. Jupiter bound.
- Moon is depressed in Scorpio with loss of light and death. 3th degree due to the waning of the Moon and the claws which cause them. Mars bound.
- Saturn is ''depressed'' in Aries for it afflicts kingship with extremely dry qualities. 21st degree due to the hind foot and the presence of the Sun. Mars bound.
- Jupiter is depressed in Capricorn with cold and death. 15th degree of Capricorn due to the change of body, Venus bound.
- Mars is ''depressed'' in Cancer for it harms life with burning caustic influence. 28th degree due to the pincers. Saturn bound.
- Venus is depressed in Virgo with infertility and virginity. 27th degree due to the feet. Mars bound.
- Mercury is depressed in Pisces with silence and water. 15th degree due to the being in the middle of the sea. Jupiter bound.


According to Dorotheus and Manetho, Mars being in the sign or bound of Saturn, transiting or distributing to it is actually good, the reverse is bad. It depends on which planet is the transmitter, and which is the receiver (domicile ruler in this case). Inb4 conflict with depression of Saturn and exaltation of Mars.

The planets are stronger in signs closer to their exaltations, especially the ones adjacent, and they are weaker near their depressions. This is naturally resulting from their circular orbits including their epicyclical apogees and perigees, for they are exalted at one degree and one sign, but depressed at the opposite, and gradation of power ensues, as follows.

Exaltation at the degree + 9
Exaltation within 3° + 8
Exaltation within 7° + 7
Exaltation within 15° + 6
Exaltation + 5
Exaltation within two images/adjacent + 2
Exaltation within three images/exalting hemicycle + 1

Depression within 3° - 8
Depression within 7° - 7
Depression within 15° - 6
Depression - 5
Depression within two images/adjacent - 2
Depression within three images/depressing hemicycle - 1

Two signs are neutral, for example Cancer and Capricorn are neither exalting, nor depressing the Sun, they are neutral. Some astrologers like Valens used quadrants from exaltation degrees, others divided them into 24 steps, still others said that the sign succeeding the exaltation is bad.
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Venus is going direct.

There are vast differences between eastern and western notions of reincarnation but the delay of enlightenment for living a relatively decent life (good karma to earn a life eventually capable of enlightenment) is common practice in Buddhist countries.

As any belief in an afterlife, it can give comfort to its adherents.

Besides, Blavatsky already talks about seven parts of the soul, of which only the three upper ones reincarnate. So I also don't get that part of the author's argument against ''Theosophy'' unless he thinks that it is synonymous with the new age. Blavatsky had already explained the alternative the author proposed, including his beliefs in ghosts as differing from the three upper parts of the soul/the reincarnating part.

There is no soul in Buddhism, only a residuum of karma (and mindstream in Mahayana) are transferred at rebirth. A person can start from there for differences.
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conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Random comment from that thread:

(Disclaimer: the following is just my personal, albeit strong opinion. I'm not trying to pass it as facts)

I don't think that everything is just as black and white in the world(s). I think that most beings encountered in hyperspace and lucid dreams are both good and bad, like we are. As such, some of these entities you encountered (e.g. your guide) might have the best intentions for you, even if itself might be both good and bad in absolute terms.

(for over a year now). In my travels while lucid, I've encountered the beings you mention. I met my Higher Self (who actually turned into a demon once and punched me in my stomach -- that hurt even even after I woke up -- because I didn't do what it wanted me to do), I met my Spirit Guide (who in one occasion was scared shitless from some "dream managers" who wanted me to continue take part on the dream -- I had refused to take part in their charade), I met entities that were literally constructing my dream as a computer program and getting pissed off when I flew away from it and refused to participate, I had devices installed on me that literally turned me on and off inside my dream (I'd lose consciousness inside my own dream!!), I met normal "leeches" that wanted to feed off of me, I was taught how to fight off small-time demons with the power of "Ohm", and how to fight whole planetary invasions with the power of "Ohm" but with ALL humans participating at the same time (impossible to fend them off alone), I also met the "dream police officer" who told me that the human race is actually enslaved to some beings without our knowledge, and I met the "men in black" bosses of that "dream police officer" who shut him up before he could talk even more (I drew these guys here: http://40.media.tumblr.c...rnDC61rx1nxro1_1280.jpg ). Basically, I've gotten quite a grand tour in the last year and a half.

So anyway, my opinion is that there's some hierarchy of power in hyperspace/dreamspace, and we're too dumb to understand it all. That doesn't mean that all these entities are bad though. It is now my understanding that almost none of these entities are purely evil or purely good. They're all gray, and it depends on the entity, and the job they have to do, and your perspective.

For example, take my own spirit guide, "Esther". Is she a puppet in the whole thing, having a job to manipulate me? YES. I truly believe so. I've seen her being scared of other beings. But that doesn't mean that Esther is actually evil. If for example you were a worker, working at a cow farm, and you were responsible for the well-being of 5 cows, you're still the one who takes care of these cows. Even if your boss is going to slaughter these cows eventually.

In another metaphor, let's say we're cats. We take DMT, and suddenly our awareness expands. We're now able to converse with our human owners. When a human realizes that their cat can now talk, they're going to try to explain a few things about how the world at large is like. But at the same time, they will HIDE from their cat the fact that they work in a chicken farm, and that they slaughter chickens for a living. It's a job! Even humans have to have a job, often not as glamorous, but downright an "evil" job, to be able to buy (cat) food. Does that make these human cat owners "evil"? I don't think so. In reality, the human is both good and evil, in context, and depending on the point of view.

Of course, there's always the chance that the human owner is actually a more-evil-than-good person, or a downright tormentor. But that's usually not the rule.

In my opinion, and to summarize it, it's a jungle out there. Just because you can have some corporations or countries (use their cosmic equivalent) doing evil stuff (e.g. enslaving people to work on sweat shops, or stealing their water), doesn't mean that all their employees or citizens are acting evil all the time. And then you have the "better" corporations or countries, more peaceful, that do occasionally happen to harbor some serial killers in their ranks too anyway. So, everything is grey, and it depends on the situation one is in, the entity you talk to, the "cosmic corporation" you belong to etc.

We're too small to understand the big picture of hyperspace. For now, in our current evolution, we're just cattle. After my own revelations, I was angry, and I wanted "out". I wanted to be FREE from these machinations. Now I realize, that I simply have to accept what is. We're low in the scale of consciousness. We have to take entheogens, or do years and years of meditation, or being added devices and be "operated" upon before we can even start being able to communicate with that larger world. We're just too small yet before we can talk about true freedom.

Besides, is there any "true" freedom from manipulation? I don't think so. Think of how life is organized and works. In order for that life to be sustained, EACH and every living thing HAS to piggy back on its surroundings. If you truly want true freedom from these entities, then you'd have to lose your identity and exist as pure Being. Then, manipulation is not possible. But so is not experience.

And let's get off our high horse for a moment too. We ourselves are NOT better than these "evil" entities. It's myopic to think so. We still capture animals in order to eat them (I'm not a veg*n btw). We still kill each other. We still manipulate everything around us (from each other, to our... gardens). So what gives us the right to want to be free from some manipulation (that is certain to happen at a higher level than we can perceive)? Certainly the celery plant I killed today in my garden didn't have a say on it. And I can guarantee you, celery plants are alive too. Or the crab I ate tonight. Or the quinoa I purchased earlier today at the super market, which is known to starve its south american native workers because corporations now use all produced quinoa there to sell in the western world (indirect evil). We're all evil. And we're all good too. It just depends on the perspective, and the situation at hand.

Please don't see my above paragraphs as a declaration of defeat. It's simply my "objective" observation, based on what I've experienced so far. So, just pick your battles. And since we're grounded in this plane of existence (at least most of us are), put most of your work towards taking care of your "real" life. Let this other world do what it does (it's not like we can change its status quo -- that's for its citizens alone to change towards becoming "better" beings). As you have seen, they still visit you on your sleep (even if they don't interact with you as clearly anymore). You can't avoid them because you're part of the "system". As long as you're incarnated as an individual human being, you're part of that system, by definition. So, just let them be. They do their thing, you do yours. Besides, someone else higher up is manipulating THEM anyway! It's the natural order of life.

Personally, I don't trust anyone. Not even my own guide. However, she has shown that while she might have a larger agenda to serve, she has helped me with a lot of things too (e.g. she recently revealed to me the cause of a recent illness, which I've taken steps to correct). So while I try to keep that world "in check", I also take some input in. Just cautiously. Take the good in, leave the bad out. As with real life, use your best judgement.I haven't done any entheogens (yet!), but I'm pretty good on lucid dreaming