

Hi guys and gals, I was wondering if anyone could help me make sense of my 10th house Chiron in the same house as my moon and mars?

Could this explain why co-workers sometimes tell me too many details of their personal lives --then sabotage me at work later? Could it be my prominent moon and the nurturing it can give coupled with mars the planet of war? Then Chiron leaves my reputation in the 10Th too vulnerable?



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Well-known member
Hi guys and gals, I was wondering if anyone could help me make sense of my 10th house Chiron in the same house as my moon and mars?

Could this explain why co-workers sometimes tell me too many details of their personal lives --then sabotage me at work later? Could it be my prominent moon and the nurturing it can give coupled with mars the planet of war? Then Chiron leaves my reputation in the 10Th too vulnerable?


Hi, your chart is very interesting. I´m also curious about how you experience your Sn/NN axis. Would you be willing to talk about that? (I´m currently a little obsessed with a celeb who has the same one :tongue:).

I´m not sure about the meaning of your Chiron conjunctions, but it makes sense that you´d feel sensitive and hurt around the workplace (doesn´t mean that your coworkers aren´t fake, but you can´t do much about other people, instead let´s focus on you):

The 12th house is the house of losses, of the public, of giving away and of your self undoing, but also of hidden enemies. It´s ruled by Cancer, so by the Moon, and look where yours sits : the 10th in Aries.
I would look up the 12th house/10th house connection if I were you, and I recommend the vedic approach for this, since there are some simple but good videos that explain it. KRSchannel on youtube might not be the deepest, but it´s a nice illustration of the 12th ruler in the 10th.
Just a little improv interpretation: your emotional nature and mentality are very independent and visible to others, so you might look like a threat and an easy target all at once. You might need to be more secretive about your inner workings, and at the same time establish boundaries with others. You´re not their therapist, nor their punching bag, but maybe you look, in the workplace, like a stand in for mommy? Take care of yourself first, they are simply fooled by your placement, but you don´t need to be.

The Moon in the 10th might make you self conscious and sensitive about how you appear to others and whether you are liked. You might forego your real needs to look more pleasant and sociable, you might even overdo to feel better about yourself. Again, place yourself first.

Chiron here can actually be a great force, even if it will likely be painful, remember that it´s more a matter of mindset that objective reality. Look up its merits in that placement, should be interesting. As to the sign of Taurus, it deals with material and self worth, so thinking that you have to prove your worth might be a destructive force in your worklife.

Mars here is great, the drive, the will and intelligence are all there, plus since it´s close to the 11th I would count it as inside both houses. Look up more details, I´m sure it´s encouraging.

Good luck! (and maybe also google appropriate boundaries with others, so you can place distance between you and the nasty ones :whistling:)


Well-known member
Hi. I think your chart would be more use to you and easier for others to interpret if you reduce the orbs to about 70%.

Perhaps the main reason why people tell you stuff is the Venus in Gemini aspecting both Pluto (angular) and Neptune, especially since Venus is in the 11th house along with the Gemini Sun, with Gemini's ruler in Cancer in the 11th/12th. The Moon is also involved with Venus, Neptune and Pluto, but more loosely.

The 10th house Chiron may well be relevant, but my eye goes to the Mars Uranus opposition - perhaps there is something about your own desire to get ahead that you're not fully conscious of, and so it trips you up through the disruptive actions of others?

Probably worth reflecting on what messages you picked up as a child about communication and about getting on in life.

Best wishes



hi Jettabor

you may be on to something with your focus on chiron.but really the energy and drama is coming from the quintile that chiron makes to your node/ascendant conjunction .
the node/ascendant marks you as extremely psychic and telepathic.

chiron gives a very analytical, critical inquisitiveness. when coupled with the node ,you can be prescient to all that goes on around you. but the major problem is that chiron speaks its mind with no regard to the consequences. so though you may only be being truthful in your analysis of friends etc.... you have little tact and this likely is why others are turning on you. you must consider that people do not usually want to heard their faults even if they seem to ask you.

with your psychic abilities ,you are likely reading their minds and hence you know much more fully what is happening than just by what they are telling you.

with mars opposed to Uranus, you are a "radical "person . this would add to the possibility that your words are rubbings the wrong way. the problem is that you are too truthful but then that is the only way you can be.



Thank you very much Mia, Rahu, and Miquar. I am beginning to perceive a unifying theme to all of this.

My nodal axis makes me a natural antenna to the emotional and mental currents swirling around my environment. Then, due to the Mars/Uranus opposition I may be guilty of broadcasting my "radical" perception of things back out into my surroundings. Spiritually I feel like I am participating in a purging of the un expressed friction others carry. In reality I am stirring up the bees nest -- people need to process things in their own way - in their own time -- they are resentful that I am asserting myself in this way.

The frustrating part of it for me is that even if I stay silent - people still get frustrated with me. I end up needing to put so much effort into self regulation (to keep my mouth shut and my affect pleasant) that I inadvertently start making cognitive errors at work. I get spacey and forgetful and drop things.

Friends and family can also tell I am moving boulders around in my brain silently - they get peeved that I'm walking around with a weird facial expression and I'm silently stewing. I think this is where the "isolation" of the 12TH House description comes from. In order to take a step back from upsetting others or processing too much friction - I end up spending a lot of time alone. Sometimes it's because I told a dear friend something about waiting to adopt a child until she is more sure - and she then gets upset with me and shuts me out consciously. Other times it is because I can feel everyone's intentions and this frightens me sometimes...

Anyhow - thanks again!
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