Is Venus conjunct Saturn a difficult aspect?


Well-known member
Venus & Saturn in aries.

Ive heard some people say it creates problems and delays for relationships and others just say that it makes you a very committed person when in relationships..


Well-known member
Good question, I've come across the same thing. A lot depends on the aspects with other planets. Aries is a selfish sign, not very giving, but helped by, for example, a good aspect with Jupiter, or a dreamy and self-sacrificing Neptune, it could soften the harsh corners. It can make affections cold, it can make two persons committed, it could indicate a love in later life or one where a partner is much older than the other.


Well-known member
A friend of mine has saturn conjunct her venus in capricorn, she puts herself down a lot and never thinks she's good enough. This materializes in her always wanting to lose weight even though she's already thin, she has this desire to look perfect, which has progressed to her having hair extensions, fake eyelashes and fake tan topped up everyday, and she next wants lip fillers and breast implants.

She compares herself to other females all the time, and because of her poor self image, in her relationship/s she can get very jealous and clingy, as she always thinks her partner will cheat on her, as in her eyes she's not good enough for him, the clinginess has caused her current partner to leave her a few times now as he starts to feel suffocated.

Her partner is older than her by 5 years.


Well-known member
I have Saturn conjunct Venus in Leo, and yes it is difficult. It makes you feel like you need to "work" to be loved, like Chrysalis's friend. Mine is also conjunct Moon, trine Neptune and sextile pluto, so it's not completely hardened, but that is the danger with Saturn conjunct Venus; Venus becomes a fossil, entombed in Saturn's harsh criticism and structure. Alternately, this is a great aspect for an artist. Saturn makes you work hard creating beauty. The Saturn/Venus native needs to love themselves. there is a real self esteem wound there. Lighten up, have fun, don't be scared. That's the antidote.


Well-known member
I agree! I deal with some of those issues as well when it comes to self-esteem issues but I've actually been broken up with for being too distant. Most of my planets make aspects to Uranus and Neptune so maybe that helps balance?


Well-known member
I agree! I deal with some of those issues as well when it comes to self-esteem issues but I've actually been broken up with for being too distant. Most of my planets make aspects to Uranus and Neptune so maybe that helps balance?

We tend to turn the same cool, objective eye onto our lovers that we have on ourselves. That's frankly terrifying for most people who are looking for an ally, confidant, emotional support in personal relationships. I think in this area its really okay to "fake it til you make it"--most of us Saturn/Venus natives didn't really have anyone in our childhood really loving us in a warm, non-judgemental way, so we just don't do that automatically with the people in our life. Challenge yourself to respond with warmth and empathy, even if it feels forced. That's what we all need, and it will also help you heal your own emotional wounds by providing for others what was denied you in childhood.


Well-known member
Yes, I think so too. Because Saturn limits, this is the planet that limits and delays whatever you desire. Personally, I have Venus trine Saturn, so it's a bit different from your aspect. But I heard that pretty much all Venus/Saturn aspects are like that. And people with this aspects tend to look for older partners, like the father figures, etc. But it depends on other astrological placements/aspects because we have to take a much more closer look on your birth chart to determine other factors. Also, people with Venus/Saturn aspects usually get married at the age of 28 or later.


Premium Member
sat-venus craves for affections but difficult to manifest,
artistic aptitudes - painting, sculpture, etc
poses mutual health issues in marriage-relationship.
