Random Thoughts, strictly Text


Account Closed
Yes the root chakra is the red one and is about our shadow fears and sexual fears. It is recommended you meditate and journal about what feelings come up which could be quite intense.

I did a solar plexus meditation because I have anxiety and I focussed on imagining sunlight warming that area up.

I did have distance healing done as a freebie and thought about paying for more sessions until someone reminded me solar plexus is about owning your own power and everything you need you can do yourself.

Sounds complicated but I will try and do it. See how it makes me feel and what it does to me or for me.

Don’t call it rona lol. U don’t want a reminder lol


Well-known member
“This group unites endeavors that uncover exotic use of RF and other ranges of radiation that undermine the health of the public. Our goal is to per FCC ruling and the Department of Health, ensure that such exotic technologies of subliminal programming and inducing illness are identified and removed from all mediums embedded with the public.”



Staff member
Can you do me a reading right here please?

I don't provide tarot services, in forums or otherwise. I do participate in tarot discussions. If you have a tarot spread you've done and you want to discuss the interpretation of it, you can post that and I might participate, but that should be a separate thread. A focused discussion on tarot isn't really random thoughts.


Staff member

Reminder, even in Chat, even in a random thoughts thread, you MUST keep your language appropriate! I just deleted several posts for inappropriate language. Participants know who they are. Moderator has spoken.

