Was Moses Born in the Sign of Aries?

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
The following horary question was inspired by a statement I found in
LABOR I: The Capture of the Man-eating Mares
, part of a twelve-part series of articles I introduced on the thread The Astrological Implications of the Twelve Labours of Hercules.

It is interesting to note that Mahomet, the founder of the most militant religion, was born in this sign, and legend says that Moses also was born in it; Moses, the lawgiver, and Mahomet, the warrior.

Question: Was Moses born in the sign of Aries?

Arian Maverick


Staff member
Hey, I'd like to know: how could one tell if the horary answer is correct...?

There is Mars in Cancer (you) in the 9th house for religious persons. That could be your assumption that Moses was an Aries...

The Moon rules the 9th house, so she represents Moses. We see the Moon separating from an aspect with Pluto (modern 1st house ruler, the inquirer), so I'd say that this is an indication for a No answer.

Also, the Moon (Moses) is in Gemini, sextile Venus and about to enter Cancer, is domicile. This is a description for Moses. Moon's dispositor, Mercury is in Gemini trine Neptune. No Aries/Mars influence here.

So, my best guess is that Moses wasn't an Aries. Prove me wrong :D

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Thanks for the interpretation, Radu! Though like you've mentioned, we may never know for certain what sign Moses was inclined towards...do you have any guesses, based on the chart?

Arian Maverick

P.S. I asked this question at 7:11 PM EST if you wish to contruct another horary chart :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Moses' astrological sign

Just an idea....you may want to closely read Exodus-Deuteronomy as the Jews understand it to get a full sense of how tradition has passed down the full idea of who Moses was and then recast the horary.

As for Moses' actual natal chart, it could be that he had very prominent Jupiter and Saturn placements and aspect that led God to choose Moses as God's voice to the Israelites.

My thoughts as always.


Summery Joy

Well-known member
Re: Moses' astrological sign

This is actually a cool question, Beth. I have wonderings like this myself. Like, I've always had a feeling that St. Peter was an Aries.

Elianah, what I know about Moses comes only from the Old Testiment of the Bible. I know that it is based on the original Jewish books, but I don't know how much it conforms with them. What I know about Moses from the Bible gives me the impression that he had a lot of fixed energy. He had a problem with his speech which gave him a self-confidence problem, which sounds like a stressful aspect between Mercury and Saturn. What do you think?


Well-known member
Yes St Peter could fit the mould of Aries, being the headstrong, all conquering leader.

Here's another one or two:

Judas and St Paul, what about them?

Summery Joy

Well-known member
Judas' character seems like an Earth sign to me; maybe Capricorn. St. Paul? Well it took a miracle to convince him so I figure he was born under a fixed sign. He was very intense about his faith. Scorpio?

Summery Joy

Well-known member
Really Egyptian? I know he was born and raised in Egypt. I think he lived there (here! :D) for 40 years before the famous biblical incident of killing the Egyptian who was fighting with the Hebrew. But being originally Egyptian? I don't know.


Well-known member
Moses was Hebrew. He was born to a hebrew Mother and put in the river to escape death. He was raised as an Egyptian Prince.