pluto conjunct north node in the 8th house ?


Well-known member
we would need to see your chart, to see it's context as part of the whole...each station has variable implications for each individual...
ok, here's my chart.

Gino's chart.JPG


Well-known member
the preferred chart here on the forum is that which comes from; the one provided lacks a lot of detail for this powerful placement. Still, in a general sense, I would offer this:

the sign ruling that house is Libra, ruled by Venus in Scorpio, reinforcing the Pluto theme;
this energy relates to 'the mysteries of life and death' and 'the cycles of life'
Pluto in Libra is all about relationship difficulties and crisis.
Pluto/Scorpio relates to power and control, but at a deeper level is also about intense understanding of things metaphysical and hidden; studies and research, often about things that less people care to venture into due to 'fear of the unknown'; it rules the underground, and places where few will choose to travel.
Pluto's influence is often very subtle, relating to the subconscious. It is the seat of the soul, where our psychological challenges are shown. It shows where we may need to undergo powerful transformations in the life, due to such profound understandings and undergoing experiences of crisis.
The 8th relates to tending to matters of the dead; inheritances, wills, legacies, and making funeral arrangements. This is where the NN comes into play: showing that close encounters with death is part of your destiny, as to personal encounters and that once you have faced your own fears about it you may actually involve yourself in such matters as an occupation: bereavement counselling, end of life care, the coroner's office, etc.
Tying it all together I would suggest that you are meant to undergo many such close encounters, to prepare yourself for your own mortality. It is about overcoming the paralyzing fear of death. The SN might indicate something such as having to sacrifice your own ego, in order to help others heal their own inner wounding from crisis.
Also with the NN, Pluto can suggest psychological counselling in general, that you may become capable of doing for others, but first you must be fully acquainted with your own psychology by studying your chart in depth. It can lead to great in-depth and profound understanding to share with others.
and The aspects involved are unclear in this chart, and these are indicators that provide further detail.
Remember the word 'transformation' in terms of 'rising from the ashes of destruction' and being 'resurrected', as in The Phoenix.
No, it does not relate to your own 'physical' death, as with every death there are new beginnings....
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