did my colleague sabotage me at work today?


Well-known member
i thought i would update you all about the end result,
ok i met with my boss today privately. i showed him everything, (i document everything:)) that happened with my colleague. he indirectly agreed that there was something questionable about the whole mess, anyway after i stated my case to him, he told me he was happy from my output, and gave me a huge unexpected BONUS!! I suppose that would be expalined by Jup conjuncting mars (me) and conjuncting NN..so perhaps the NN had to do with the fated sabotage on my in order to be able to recieve my bonus (Jupiter ruller of house 2 conjuncting mars Me)..

no way venus in detriment could stand a chance against mars (explosive)conjunct jupiter (expanisive) with the fate of NN..

thats the justice of the stars and our glorious unviverse.

thank you to all..

