Carmic relationship? What are the lesson here? Confused.


New member
Hello everyone. I recently met a guy (19/4) and went on a couple of dates when on 8th/5 he broke his leg, and had to take care of him for two weeks, as he is an orphan and does not have any siblings. Then we had a huge fight and left him, out there in the cold almost as I could not bare for him to insult me.
I know this had something to do with karma and previous lives, situation but I haven't got the message yet and the time that passed actually in the relationship was only two weeks and I haven't still figure out what was all that. No communication since the break up on 23rd/5. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
Hello everyone. I recently met a guy (19/4) and went on a couple of dates when on 8th/5 he broke his leg, and had to take care of him for two weeks, as he is an orphan and does not have any siblings. Then we had a huge fight and left him, out there in the cold almost as I could not bare for him to insult me.

I know this had something to do with karma and previous lives, situation

but I haven't got the message yet and the time that passed actually in the relationship was only two weeks and I haven't still figure out what was all that. No communication since the break up on 23rd/5. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Karma is a word that means Action
and actions have consequences :smile:

Karma = Action
There are three BASIC types:
VERBAL action
MENTAL action.

Every action leaves an imprint

Physical actions may produce tangible residue
verbal and mental karma create intangible imprints.

Analyze the trail of any karma
and one may be surprised
how it may wane
never gets destroyed completely.
It is the residue of each karma that conditions one

you mention karmas from previous lives
keep in mind actions of our current lives as well :smile:


New member
Thank you very much for your answer. This life's karma, from this relationship I have no idea what it was. 😊 Still haven't figure it out.