Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!


Wished that the right knowledge should appear about my reading (presently in the forum) Drew: 8 as the weight of the question; 36th card or the Fire triplicity-by way of a scribe revealing the truth as best from on high-the spirit of the Law or Lord in Men and Women that judge. The 6 Venus card was drawn indicating that Law is viewed always from my Lord's Loving hand when exacting Judgement 8; and then the Success card..21 for the identity of the Great Sun shines his light and presence there.

:rightful:Leaving VIII XIII


Account Closed
Picking up those 2 of swords: i am at a stalemate within my self of wanting to go, but needing to stay in order to fulfill some of my goals. I yearn to be with him again, but doubt our longevity and his feelings. Do I want to go back just for him, and is that really all that smart? I have to make some important moves and decisions and soon regardless of whether I go back there or not, but I am at a stand still. This card is saying choose a path, and face up to all of the obstacles i have been putting in my own way which results in no decisions being made.

I am Leaving:

The Chariot


Well-known member
I asked will i pass my test tomorrow. I have to straighten out some red tape which maybe an extra hassle to pass, so fingers crossed. I wonder what this card means? I'll have to meditate on it.

I leave: 9 of Swords. (Wow I really meditated on that one, ouch!)
Positive start of new project this year. Hoping for the best result.

I leave The High Priestess.

Things seem good. Good results down the way; but you have to be cautious. Something is telling me that some information is going to come to you and you're going to have to make a decision. Use your intuition; trust your gut.

I asked if my ex will come back to me.

I leave behind the 6 of swords.