The Challenging Transits of Autumn 2007: How to Survive


Saturn-Uranus opposition

Carole said:
I am watching very closely that upcoming opposition between old conventional Saturn and revolutionary Uranus. It's looks like a preparation for the events that will be more noticeable from 2012, which are supposed to bring a new spiritual revolution.

Soooooooo interesting!

Yes, it is Carole. The Saturn-Uranus opposition, the first of several, becomes exact on Nov. 4 this year, on general election day in the U.S. In a major way, it is preparing the world for events of 2010-2013, overall, and especially highlights the year of 2010. Because this opposition occurs on the Virgo-Pisces axis, it is strong, as most mutable signs are when major planets aspect along mutable axis lines.


Carole said:
I am watching very closely that upcoming opposition between old conventional Saturn and revolutionary Uranus. It's looks like a preparation for the events that will be more noticeable from 2012, which are supposed to bring a new spiritual revolution.

Soooooooo interesting!


Yes, it is Carole. I wrote this last year when looking at the world transits of last autumn, this winter, and the transits of this year. We are already seeing the results of the lack of preparation, especially in government and on Wall street. I phoned it in, but few people believed.