When Uranus enters 9th house..


Well-known member
... your belief system gets a kick in the a..ss.
... your vision gets a change.
... you can travel suddenly to far places.
... you can deepen your astrology knowledge.
... you can start higher education suddenly.
... you can open up your mind.
... you crave more for freedom.

Who can enlarge this list?


Well-known member
Ever since Uranus entered my 9th, I've been travelling so much :biggrin: last year I went all over Turkey, all over Greece, to Greek islands, all over the UK, and this year it will mainly be several places in Italy (we'll mostly be staying in Rome, but Naples and Tuscany too). It might not seem a lot, but before Uranus entered my 9th, I had never even been on a plane :sideways: now I'm making plans for Australia. All of my travelling from this year and last year had been sudden and unexpected.. last year, it was a last minute thing, me and my boyfriend literally just decided we wanted to do a load of travelling, so we quickly made arrangements literally just weeks before we went.

Oh and with higher education- I've gained several certificates in different areas, mainly animal care. They're not so great and very basic, but I have been making a lot of impulsive decisions around education for the past year or two. (Including getting a place in college, then deciding as I arrived that it wasn't what I wanted to do).
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