What signs tend to do well against Scorpios in power struggles and confrontations?


Well-known member
Onto the actual topic, tho. The OP seems to be about power in an external sense, as in outright fighting for it. But my Mars in Virgo will take power all the while whoever I'm fighting against may be fully unaware. It's more calculated more, 'yeah yeah, whatever you say, but I'm gonna do what I wanna do anyway so keep screaming'


Well-known member
It's curious to me that people equate stubbornness with strength. Stubbornness implies inability to adapt to the inevitable changes reality brings and insist on ones own ways despite the fact they may ONLY be working in the fixed person's mind
Real strength comes with adaptability and ability to create in any circumstance whatsoever rather than to insist on previous, possibly defective ways. In reality, stubbornness gives the superficial air of strength only
This is onto something else I've noticed... People who seem sure of themselves fake others into believing what they say is truth like they're some kind of prophet. You see through the facade, the fixed persona has its whole cover blown :)


Well-known member
This is onto something else I've noticed... People who seem sure of themselves fake others into believing what they say is truth like they're some kind of prophet. You see through the facade, the fixed persona has its whole cover blown :)

Yes I have noticed this too. It is like when you have a boss at work and she or he doesn’t know how’s to do their job properly and so the team doesn’t work well together due to bad decision. I think that’s why planets at the top of a chart have gifts for success in the real world and these planets are the ones more visible to the public perception. Idea the bottom of the chart shows difficult the person will cause conflict. Or a person can have a good reputation when they cause conflicts but manage to still have a good perception of their behaviours. Energy is very subtle and there can be more complicated things going on that what is generally seen.

1st chart is included in this although the 7th chart isn’t less so as it isn’t leading to the top cart. Likewise the 12th house behaves like a bottom chart house as it isn’t close to 1 and less like other top houses.


Active member
From personal experience, I have mars leo and people with Mars Scorpio have fought me but always apologize immediately, especially because its so easy for Leo to not get worked up about what Mars in Scorpio is. Scorpio realizes they actually really enjoy Mars in leo and make the effort to do things their way. They also depend a lot on the emotional and material support of someone with Mars in Leo. Also, there's nothing Mars in Scorpio can do or say to someone with Mars in leo except puff their ego and make them feel better about themselves. Even if it's meant to insult them. I have a lot of relationships with Mars in Scorpio on being with my father who has literally tried to fist fight me many times and has kicked me out a couple times all to beg for my forgiveness. Same with my wife except she doesn't try to fight me, I just have to with hold sex and Scorpio goes nuts, with my son, if I'm distant because he's being rude or anything to me. He always brings me stuff and tries to impress me tp make me laugh and get me on his good side again. They are all exactly square with my mars.

Lol I Have a Mars In Libra In the 5th house and Some chick with a Mars In Cancer And me started fighting because she called me a ***** at my mans house and I remember Afterwards her trying To Give me advise with my life and trying to be my friend, My Mars Is In 5th house(house of Leo), and I’ll make It known to anybody I don’t like em, And I won’t befriend somebody I Fought, I think It’s My Inner Lion not settling for a Trashy two-faced Person. My Pride and Ego Is definitely tied Into My Mars, I can’t even 🤣


Well-known member
Been doing a great deal of reading of Scorpio placements and it seems like Mars in Scorpio is an even better placement than Mars in Aries, they say the sign is indestructible but I believe everyone has their weakness and every sign has its weakness.

My question is, what signs are naturally made to defeat Scorpio placements when it comes to power struggles and confrontations?

Interesting how so may ppl claim to have power struggles with scorpio ppl yet I have found them to be the most easy going of all the zodiacs. Perhaps this is because my ascendant is scorpio. I have found Taurus types to be the most difficult with power struggles cos they just dig their heels in and flat out refuse and are oppositional for no legitimate reason. So I would say opposing planets do best with the power struggle eg: Taurus would challenge scorpio and scorpio cant keep using the same strategies they use if they want to control someone.


Well-known member
If Cancer is the strongest that would mean
Water and Cardinal are the strongest combination
which would mean Fire Cardinal Aries, Air Cardinal Libra, and Earth Cardinal Capricorn
are stronger than Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, and Taurus and Virgo.

I think Fixed is stronger than Cardinal and Mutable.
Harder to decide than the elements though.
I don't think it should work like that. Astrology is not maths and signs are not equations.
Fixed signs are not necessarily the strongest ones.
Neither are cardinal signs nor mutable.

The strength can be only evaluated in comparison.
I personally don't necessarily think that Scorpio is the strongest sign
but judging by the muchacho's quote, one could come to such conclusion. :sideways:
I actually think Cancers can beat Scorpios lol.
No sign is intrinsically strong or weak.
It is made so by the planets in it (or the lack thereof,)
and by its position amidst the house cusps.

Just for example, as the mutable water sign, we might see Pisces as "weak"
but if someone has Pisces in the 10th house with the MC, sun and Jupiter (domiciled) there
with Jupiter trining the (domiciled) moon in Cancer,
Mr. Pisces has a lot of strength in this situation.
Much more so than the sun intercepted in Scorpio (fixed water) in the 12th house.

You get the picture.

There is no such thing as a weak sign.

There are weak placements, but no weak signs.

Signs are neutral.
They have descriptions, sure, like human, mute, violent, bestial, fertile, barren, crooked, long ascending, and on and on,
but at the end of the day, the signs are neutral.

It's the planets both in and that rule them that bring them to life.


There are No weak sun signs.

To say there is, it is belittling astrology.

There are natal charts that indicate a weak personality.

Charts lack of hard aspects,
(especially from saturn to personal planets)
with full of trines and sextiles may point to a weak person.

when there are tough transits, they easily feel depressed and they become paralyzed and Can't cope with problems.
Because,they are not familiar to that kind of stressful energy.

"there is no such thing as a weak sign"


Well-known member
I can see you have highlighted the use of the word strength, so I thought I would quote an old quote from myself which puts to the rest the debate about hierarchy in the signs.

The planets are symbols of different type of strength or intelligence!

sun - ego
moon - emotion
mercury - mind
venus - heart
mars - physical
jupiter - spiritual
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Well-known member
I can see you have highlighted the use of the word strength
so I thought I would quote an old quote from myself
which puts to the rest the debate about hierarchy in the signs.
for beginners
to be clear then
a Sign is comparable to an ENVIRONMENT and is NEUTRAL
and is neither weak nor strong nor partial :smile:

Thank you. Signs have no power, planets do.

and so
to use an analogy from nature:
a cactus thrives in sand in harsh sun
and dies when placed in nutrient rich soil in shade

sand is NEUTRAL
sand IS NOT partial to cacti

neither strong nor weak

another example:

a mushroom thrives when placed in nutrient rich soil in darkness
and dies when placed in sand in harsh sun

i.e. to be clear then
nutrient rich ground is NEUTRAL and is not PARTIAL to mushrooms

an environment is IMPARTIAL


SIGNS are neither weak nor strong
Signs are NEUTRAL
Interesting how so may ppl claim to have power struggles with scorpio ppl yet I have found them to be the most easy going of all the zodiacs. Perhaps this is because my ascendant is scorpio. I have found Taurus types to be the most difficult with power struggles cos they just dig their heels in and flat out refuse and are oppositional for no legitimate reason. So I would say opposing planets do best with the power struggle eg: Taurus would challenge scorpio and scorpio cant keep using the same strategies they use if they want to control someone.

I completely disagree, most Scorpios I have met are power hungry hypocrites who cannot be trusted and are quite deceiving. It is my goal before I leave this forum to find every single weakness of that very sign in a power struggle.


Well-known member
My late mother was a Scorpio. She died suffering from depression. My 15-month old adorable grandson is a Scorpio. Are you calling them "power hungry hypocrites"?

Astro Assist, can you just possibly get by now that you do not understand very much astrology? And probably less about human nature? You've had a lot of advice here, with JA finding passages from the vault that confirm that there is no point in sticking to some kind of pop-schlock astrology, because that isn't how the real astrology actually works.

So you're a Leo whose pride has been terribly wounded, and you construe life as a zero-sum game. Wouldn't these be the places to start your analysis?

Truly, there is nobody else out there. All of the signs and planets are within you. But some of what's in you, you dislike and pasted it on your boss. Try owning your "inner Pluto" and see what happens.


Active member
If you’re going to ‘label’ a Sign you should Look at what negative Aspects you have In your Natal Chart, Seems like more of a personal Issue If you’re directly bashing one sign for no reason 👀


Well-known member
I completely disagree, most Scorpios I have met are power hungry hypocrites who cannot be trusted and are quite deceiving. It is my goal before I leave this forum to find every single weakness of that very sign in a power struggle.

Scorpios love sex. The obvious weakness then would be being cheated on. They like being able to go after what they want. So getting in their way would weaken them. However a smart Scorpio will always find a way around that. That’s the lesson and power of Scorpio.


Well-known member
If you’re going to ‘label’ a Sign you should Look at what negative Aspects you have In your Natal Chart, Seems like more of a personal Issue If you’re directly bashing one sign for no reason 👀

I was just thinking this.


Well-known member
On another note I do believe in striving for a positive outcome for yourself. You can’t control other ppl but you can control your actions and feelings. I read someone say you are a Leo sun? That makes sense. Leo loves to be the leader, take initiative, be free and independent. But I often see Leo’s get jealous of Scorpios and Scorpios not wanting to follow and adore leo’s lead. I’ve never understood it. It would be good to see your chart though. I mean perhaps you need to put yourself in a better position to lead if that’s what you want. I mean it sounds like you don’t like having a boss at all. I don’t either lol (I have Leo MC).


Well-known member
Scorpio energy is all about a zero-sum game though, he is not wrong.

All or nothing, yes. 8th sign energy overly manifests in my moon sign and manifests in Venus, Mars/Pluto, and the spritual AC in my chart. I can second how in love and in relationships of any kind (as Venus and Pluto are both in my 11th house) that I want all or nothing. Your in or your out.


Well-known member
All or nothing, yes. 8th sign energy overly manifests in my moon sign and manifests in Venus, Mars/Pluto, and the spritual AC in my chart. I can second how in love and in relationships of any kind (as Venus and Pluto are both in my 11th house) that I want all or nothing. Your in or your out.

Yes and he also described how scorpios manoeuvre their way around situations and to get out of situations where they may look bad. So this added to the zero-sum game means they will hurt others who get in their way.

So understanding Scorpio energy is important for even Scorpios to understand or we will continue to think we have to destroy others to feel safe.

This guy is talking sense yet apparently he is troubled...why not help him understand energy instead of completely denying the existence of negative energy?


Well-known member
Yes and he also described how scorpios manoeuvre their way around situations and to get out of situations where they may look bad. So this added to the zero-sum game means they will hurt others who get in their way.

So understanding Scorpio energy is important for even Scorpios to understand or we will continue to think we have to destroy others to feel safe.

This guy is talking sense yet apparently he is troubled...why not help him understand energy instead of completely denying the existence of negative energy?

Scorpio energy is inherently negitively charged at a base level. However Scorpio is different because it has a inborn method to change energy from a negitive to a positive. That being said the Scorpios that this User is experiencing are all at a lower level in the evelutionary stages, this probably stems from something in the users chart, not just from external forces. Otherwise they would experience all evolutionary stages of Scorpios, not just the lowest stage.

Scorpio energy works differently too, from even let's say Capricorn energy, as it's less direct and seeps through the natives energy. (Think Capricorn drys the pond whislt Scorpio makes it toxic)