Thankyou Transit i really didn't need this...not happy at all.


Well-known member
Im still alive, and no attack as of yet.

Only thing thats happened to me, which started on the 18th (the prediction was 13th - 18th Dec) was i came down with a cold, its gone now thankfully.

Next prediction is Newyears eve, so we'll see :unsure:

Actually... i think it was on the 13th/14th, i by a fraction nearly got run over by a car, the car was driving very fast around the bend too, it was a red car. I was very surprised at the time that it missed me, but it did.

But then all my life ive been lucky in situations like this, ive been looking at my chart for some lucky star ive been born under, put can't pin point one as of yet.


Well-known member
The next prediction was newyears eve/day, mars related and to do with my venus/pluto conjunction.

Well this one did happen, i was raped, i was so drunk though i cant remember it happening, only my bum is telling me another story.

Right now i dont know what to do.


Well-known member
The next prediction was newyears eve/day, mars related and to do with my venus/pluto conjunction.

Well this one did happen, i was raped, i was so drunk though i cant remember it happening, only my bum is telling me another story.

Right now i dont know what to do.

Omg Chrysalis, take care my friend!


Account Closed
Chryasalis, please go to a police station now and obtain a full rape kit. Whatever you do now, do not shower.

Your mind is probably in shock now and your body is probably extremely tired. Get some food and water somewhere local so you can last a couple of hours, then go ASAP.

I do not know the procedures in the UK. But I reason to believe it is similar in many developed countries. The police may send you to a hospital. When I live and travel to the US, the procedures were very systematic.

The most important thing right now, is to get ALL evidence and DNA. (We do not know if the previous older man has anything to do with this, if at all, or if it was just a stranger.)

But after you obtain and record all the evidence via the rape kit, then you may decide what you want to do with it, and your best options. When, weeks later, you are at a clearer mind.

But if you do not do that now, you may regret it later you didn't take immediate and necessary action.

Also, weeks later, let us know to delete those posts and comments if you prefer.
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Well-known member
I cant go to the police as I was so drunk I can't remember anything.

I just know somethings happened as I had faeces running down my leg and I was crying trying to get a taxi home, taxi driver refused because of state I was in.

A police officer ended up paying a taxi driver £10 to take me home, as I'd also lost my purse.

When I woke this morning and felt the soreness of my bum, the first thing that entered my head was that I'd been raped ....but lastnite I was in such a state I don't think I even realized, as why didn't I tell the officer.


Account Closed
Can't the authorities, or the hospital, at least take a DNA kit? And have it on file? I am sure you have a right as a Citizen.

This way, it may have a possibility of a match. Even if years down the line.


Well-known member
I cant go to the police as I was so drunk I can't remember anything.

I just know somethings happened as I had faeces running down my leg and I was crying trying to get a taxi home, taxi driver refused because of state I was in.

A police officer ended up paying a taxi driver £10 to take me home, as I'd also lost my purse.

When I woke this morning and felt the soreness of my bum, the first thing that entered my head was that I'd been raped ....but lastnite I was in such a state I don't think I even realized, as why didn't I tell the officer.

What's your last memory before you drunk? Or are you partying at the new year eve? :crying:


Well-known member
What's your last memory before you drunk? Or are you partying at the new year eve? :crying:
Last memory was at around 11 something pm, I can't even remember the clock striking 12.
Didn't go out till 10pm, was supposed to have been a couple of drinks to see the new year in.

I cant believe the prediction that's been in my head for months awaiting it...just lastnight on the actual predicted date, went out of my head...or maybe I would have stayed in.

Next thing I then remember is crying Trying to get a taxi home.

Ive somehow left the pub I was in alone, as the person I went out with left me because u was too drunk refusing to leave with them, and ended up in the city centre. I don't even know how I got there.

Its all just a mess, I can't believe it's all happened, I just feel numb.

The prediction was accurate though to the dot.Mars related was the attack, venus/pluto was the rape.


Well-known member
Chrysalis, I am so sorry this happened to you.

Please get yourself tested. Do not wash the clothes you were wearing. They are evidence. Get tested at a police station or preferably a walk-in health clinic. If you were raped (anally?) there is often physical evidence like tearing of the tissues.

The police officer and taxi driver will have some record of events. If you were at a bar or a party, there will be at least some sort of witnesses.

A woman who is drunk, let alone passed out, cannot legally give consent to sex.

Please get an appointment with a psychologist. Too often, women think they will simply put the rape behind them and soldier on with their lives. Unfortunately, this generally doesn't work. You've had a major trauma and will benefit from counseling.

Please take care of yourself. Now.

And thanks for all the good work you do on this forum.


Well-known member
Thanks waybread.

Ive not washed any clothes yet, but i can't contact the police today i feel too weak.

Im going to see how i feel in the morning, and may or may not then.

Its the not being able to remember it happening, thats actually putting me off going to the police, i have no recollection at all. Its just obviously how my bum feels thats telling me that it did happen. And obviously the date was predicted for an assault with relation to my horrible venus/pluto conjunction i have in my yes it must have happened.


Well-known member
Chrysallis, of course you need to look after your well-being. But time is of the essence here. Perhaps they can send someone to your home. Do you have a girl friend or female relative who can stay with you?

Otherwise, their chances of catching the perpetrator diminish. Even so, the rate of conviction for rapists isn't high, but I don't think you want to simply leave this man free to hurt another woman.

It's OK not to remember anything. This is why physical evidence is so important. It is illegal to force sex on an unconscious woman. Also, during a highly traumatic event, the mind often "splits" and doesn't recall what happened. It's very common for traffic accident victims not to recall the actual accident, for example.

I personally wouldn't put too much faith in those transits. I would go by your story, to the best of your ability, and your physical evidence. Please see a doctor or nurse practitioner as soon as you can. Please get a woman friend to help you through this difficult time.

Please do not blame yourself. You did nothing wrong.


Well-known member
I am sorry if I came on too strong, Chrysalis. I just hope you realize that we are all on your side.

We can talk about transits later, if that's important to you.


Well-known member
I am sorry if I came on too strong, Chrysalis. I just hope you realize that we are all on your side.

We can talk about transits later, if that's important to you.

No I appreciate the way you come across, it's fine.

The transits that took place are in the 1st page of the thread from unique astrology.


Account Closed
Thanks waybread.
Its the not being able to remember it happening, thats actually putting me off going to the police, i have no recollection at all. Its just obviously how my bum feels thats telling me that it did happen. And obviously the date was predicted for an assault with relation to my horrible venus/pluto conjunction i have in my yes it must have happened.

Chrysalis, your lack of memory may have to do with being roofied. And your subsequent weakness physically. Someone may have put something in your drink without you being aware of it. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself, or your memory for symptoms induced by external drugs that's out of your control.

You said you went out around 10 pm that night, and your last memory was at 11 pm? Forensically, I find it hard to believe alcohol can induce that type of effect within one hour. That is simply not chemically possible. Without some type of external substance in the mix. The effect of Roofie start to kick in after around 20 or 30 minutes and the victim starts to feel very drunk. And News Year's Eve? Very likely for that type of attack.

Rohypnol stays in the body for several hours, and can be detected in the urine up to 72 hours after taking it.

From the web: What should I do if I think I've been drugged and raped?

Get medical care right away. Call 911 or have a trusted friend take you to a hospital emergency room. Don't urinate, douche, bathe, brush your teeth, wash your hands, change clothes, or eat or drink before you go. These things may give evidence of the rape. The hospital will use a "rape kit" to collect evidence.

I hope you overcome the guilt, and listen to waybread and others to get things tested. Time is of essence here. Let the necessary people know potential drugs may have been involved, hence the lack of memory. This is not your fault at all.
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Well-known member
Chrysalis, your lack of memory may have to do with being roofied. And your subsequent weakness physically. Someone may have put something in your drink without you being aware of it. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself, or your memory for symptoms induced by external drugs that's out of your control.
Idk i think i was just drunk, i was drinking vodka, this drink does this to me, not all the time, but sometimes i have blackouts and can't remember anything from a certain point.
You said you went out around 10 pm that night, and your last memory was at 11 pm? Forensically, I find it hard to believe alcohol can induce that type of effect within one hour. That is simply not chemically possible. Without some type of external substance in the mix. The effect of Roomie start to kick in after around 20 or 30 minutes and the victim starts to feel very drunk. And News Year's Eve? Very likely for that type of attack.
I left my house just past 10pm to go for the last couple hrs, i was with my (then) boyfriend. There was a large tv behind us, the last thing i remember is turning around and looking at the time and it was around 11.30pm, so we'd been in there for just over an hr. My (then) boyfriend said he left at 12.30 but i was refusing to leave with him, telling him to he left alone. I must have left shortly after as the pub said everyone was out by 12.45.
I hope you overcome the guilt, and listen to waybread and others to get things tested, as soon as you are physically able. Let the police know you may have been drugged, hence the lack of memory.


Well-known member
We're glad you're safe, Chrysalis.

Probably all of us who drink have had much too much at one time or another. I have. This doesn't make sexual assault permissible,.

Of course, it is your call as to how to deal with this. My hope is that you will sign on for some counseling to deal with the after-shocks from a big trauma.

Wishing you all the best in your healing, W.


Well-known member
Hey Chrysalis,

I just read through this thread and your experience and the numbed, conflicted energy I feel coming off of your made me want to post this.

I know everyone is telling you to go to the police, to do your part to catch the person who assaulted you. I get why they're telling you to do that, but I know it's never that simple in your mind when you survive. Maybe you blame yourself or feel ashamed or believe nothing will come of an investigation anyway. I get that.

I want you to know you can accept it isn't your fault. It's going to take time and effort and anger and suffering, but you have the power. You have the choice. Be patient with yourself. You've been through a lot and when the shock wears off, it's going to be painful. I'm sorry you're going through this.

Ultimately, we do what we must to survive, to get to a point where we can breathe again. People say you may regret not going to the police, but whatever decision you make right now - to stay in stasis or take legal action - you do for your own survival. When you start to process all of this, honor your decision. I support whatever path you decide to travel and I know you will empower yourself and breathe again no matter what you choose.