I'm an air dominant with scorpio moon 3rd house - gemini mars, 12th house mercury


Well-known member
i'm an air dominant with lots of indications of suppression of communication.

it's like my communication happens behind me (mercury 12th house, subconscious) and i'm trapped. i'm a loner and don't put myself in positions where it drains.

however, i do have the desire to communicate with others, i feel trapped in my own communication.

i have a moon/chiron 3rd house and i'm wondering how i can put this to good use. . .

just feels as if an air dominant i am giving myself so much space for rumination, and with a gemini mars 10th square jupiter pisces 7th. cancer sun in 11th. all indications of needing to release this communicative energy.


Well-known member
You need to write. Write and write and write. And at some point you will have some structure in the writing or your ideas will morph into stories or essays or just become a journal of day to day thoughts or impressions.

Just do it every day for X number of minutes 30, 60, 120....etc. even if you don't think you have anything to write, when you begin you will keep writing.

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