Does Mars retrograde have a more significant effect for those that have Mars on ASC?


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My question is as follows, from my understanding mars retrograde effects all- but because it is the ruler of Aries and Scorpio- the people with their ascendants in those signs are significantly impacted more for the ascendant rules their entire self.

But how does this relate to people who have mars on the ascendant, he doesnt rule the sign of the ascendant but he is still very much a big part of their life for any planets in the first are extremely significant.

i ask this because after a particularly turbulent and strange time in my life- i set out to find what was causing this- and yes i knew mars was retrograde but after really having the worst 2 months where everything that could have gone wrong went wrong- i had a thousand issues in all areas of life blow up so extremely in my face that at some points i thought- this isnt really happening is it- this cant be that literally everything went wrong- i wont go into the details but lets just say that if you name an important area of life- i could say that i had something go terribly wrong there- name any area. and it seemed like a never-ending spiral of doom but then mars turned direct and simply out of nowhere- because at that point i had just given up on trying to solve anything and i just was ready to crash and burn because i had no energy, no faith or anything left in me that had the ability to solve the situation- and then out of nowhere things started to improve- by themselves

i had previously tried- and failed- i had put all of my energy and willpower- and it was futile and had no effect whatsoever. and then suddenly everything sort of magically improved- a week after mars turned direct most of the problems were solved- most of them by themselves.

so i was like- lets check out what happened during past mars retrogrades- and what do you know, i was very unpleasantly surprised by my findings

a selection of what previous mars retrogrades have brought to me: lost my passport while abroad, chipped my front tooth, broke new iphone, letter from my college got lost in the mail resulting in me getting my student-stipend (my primary source of income when i studied) to be stopped for almost 2 months, had argument with parents which led to escalation of different events, lost money, food poisoning which was hospitalized, accidentally broke an expensive camera at work resulting in me having to pay it off with 3 months of salary, fell of my bike, same bike got stolen, losing home keys resulting me in not being able to get home for the entire night when i had nowhere to go- and last but certainly not least- literally had almost nothing to eat for 2 months and could not do anything about it because of a series of events i could not ever have imagined to happen- did happen.

and of course, negative events have also happened during other times- but what stands out to me for all of the above events- is that i could not do anything to solve it- i was unable to control the situation and make it better- at least for the duration of the retrograde- i put in 10 times more of my energy and i never got any results- the helplessness- the desperation of it all- thats what really stands out to me- thats not who i am- no optimism, giving up, giving in, settling, preparing for the worst instead of my usual i hope for the best- it was terrible and i am only now starting to feel more like myself again. its like a blur this past summer.

so of course other factors would also come in to play but it cannot avoid the obvious here- mars retrograde has a significant detrimental effect on my life and i was thinking why specifically is mars so impactful? i dont have mars retrograde in my natal chart, im a sag ascendant, my mars isnt receiving any hard aspects from malefics- no squares or oppositions from saturn, pluto, uranus, neptune whatever- his dispositor is exalted, and he is in a strong position- the first house

so then i started thinking- what if mars on the ascendant IS the reason that i do experience the retrograde so heavily- as opposed to the retrograde of my asc lord jupiter for example- which i dont even notice, same as the retrogrades of planets that are natally retrograde in my chart- for example mercury retrograde i actually never have anything go wrong concerning documents when he is retrograde- and to be honest venus retrograde i checked all previous times- nothing dramatic or even out of the ordinary happened-

so are there any astrologers that can confirm my assumption? does mars retrograde affect not only aries/scorpio ascendants more heavily- but also people that have mars on the ascendant?
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A friend of mine has her capricorn mars on her asc, to my knowledge the only thing that has happened to her during the retrograde period are her having problems with her teeth/toothache (capricorn).


Well-known member
Hi January,
I don't want you to get the wrong idea about these Mars issues. You are discussing 2 totally different dynamics.

Mars on the ASC, in any sign has a meaning. The aspects to that Mars in your natal chart has a meaning. The sign it's in has a meaning. This is part of your core natal identity.

Transit Mars, even retrogrades, are a different dynamic. The only way one would affect the other (negatively) is if in transit, by retrograde, Mars opposes, squares or inconjuncts that natal Mars which during that transit.

Most of us find Mars retrograde a bit of a pain. Especially in a fixed sign. This past Mars in Aquarius retrograde was particularly difficult. Luckily, Mars doesn't retrograde in Aquarius on any regular basis.

If you check other planets during the time you had these inconveniences you may find that other planets were not friendly either to some extent.

If you post your chart with the transits of a date that was particularly difficult, maybe I can find some additional causes for some of these events.


Well-known member
Hi January,
I don't want you to get the wrong idea about these Mars issues. You are discussing 2 totally different dynamics.

Mars on the ASC, in any sign has a meaning. The aspects to that Mars in your natal chart has a meaning. The sign it's in has a meaning. This is part of your core natal identity.

Transit Mars, even retrogrades, are a different dynamic. The only way one would affect the other (negatively) is if in transit, by retrograde, Mars opposes, squares or inconjuncts that natal Mars which during that transit.

Most of us find Mars retrograde a bit of a pain. Especially in a fixed sign. This past Mars in Aquarius retrograde was particularly difficult. Luckily, Mars doesn't retrograde in Aquarius on any regular basis.

If you check other planets during the time you had these inconveniences you may find that other planets were not friendly either to some extent.

If you post your chart with the transits of a date that was particularly difficult, maybe I can find some additional causes for some of these events.

yes i know that its not about mars retrograde and the position of mars in your natal chart however because its on the ascendant i thought that maybe that would have more effect on someone- as everyone always states that planets on the ascendant are 10 times more important as you literally become that planet- so i thought if we say that when your ascendant lord is retrograde- you will feel that impact a lot as it rules YOU- so why would we not take into consideration then having planets ON the ascendant going retrograde- as having the same such impact? or even more so..

but sure lets look at my chart

i just randomly picked the 20th of july as that sounded like it was half-way through the retrograde

merci and cant wait to see what you have to say


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To begin with Mars retrograded ON your Venus.....and inconjunct your Jupiter. That was bad enough to define most of what you have experienced. Actually it inconjuncted your Jupiter once on the direct, and then inconjuncted it again on the retrograde and will inconjunct AGAIN as it passes 9 degrees Aquarius. It was pretty much a nightmare for most of the people I've spoken to on the forums - including myself. I'm not sure the Mars on the ASC issue was particularly important. I believe that whatever aspects Mars (or other retrograde planets) makes - those areas are the key issue focus.

Mars today is JUST NOW in the process of passing the degree it was when it retrograded.

Jupiter will cross your ASC this year. I think you are going to find yourself in another head space entirely.
and just between you and me, you can try everything you want and spend all the physical and emotional energy you want trying to fight transits......but it won't help. We are so tiny in this universe. We just have to suck it up and get thru to the more positive "presents".
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Well-known member
To begin with Mars retrograded ON your Venus.....and inconjunct your Jupiter. That was bad enough to define most of what you have experienced. Actually it inconjuncted your Jupiter once on the direct, and then inconjuncted it again on the retrograde and will inconjunct AGAIN as it passes 9 degrees Aquarius. It was pretty much a nightmare for most of the people I've spoken to on the forums - including myself. I'm not sure the Mars on the ASC issue was particularly important. I believe that whatever aspects Mars (or other retrograde planets) makes - those areas are the key issue focus.

Mars today is JUST NOW in the process of passing the degree it was when it retrograded.

Jupiter will cross your ASC this year. I think you are going to find yourself in another head space entirely.
and just between you and me, you can try everything you want and spend all the physical and emotional energy you want trying to fight transits......but it won't help. We are so tiny in this universe. We just have to suck it up and get thru to the more positive "presents".

in no way have i wanted to 'fight' this or any transits, i understand (after having to have to live through some especially tricky transits) there is benefit to every transit and a lesson to be learned from it! i just wanted to know if having mars on the ascendant would impact me more significantly- so that next time mars goes retrograde ill be aware more and not that i could change anything- but at least i could control my own actions/behavior (the only thing you can control is yourself after all) and perhaps try to minimize the harmful effects as much as i can...

i actually never thought about mars inconjuncting my jupiter by transit- i have this aspect natally of course with venus- but to be honest seeing they are both benefics it hasnt ever gotten so dramatic and horrid as with this transit...its not the best aspect to have but it has never punished me in the ways mars did....i can only say thankgod mars was sextiling my ascendant as well? who knows what would have been if that wasnt the case...i look forward to mars moving out of this zone in my chart..

and yes jupiter is going to conjunct my ascendant in november...although i have noticed jupiter only truly manifesting great blessings for me after he retrogrades and then goes direct that will be somewhere next year then..but it sure will give me some relief and hard-needed good luck!

where did mars transit for you?


Well-known member
" but at least i could control my own actions/behavior (the only thing you can control is yourself after all) and perhaps try to minimize the harmful effects as much as i can..."

lol....ideally. But not. You can't control Mars transit energy even when you know it's coming.
Next time Mars goes Rx it will do so at 28 degrees of Aries."

It won't be aspecting anything ON the retrograde at that time (in your chart.)

Also, I am not sure that your Mars can be considered "conjunct" your ascendant. It is 8 degrees from that ASC. That doesn't mean that aspects to the ASC won't affect the Mars and aspects to Mars will not affect the Asc. The faster planet transits may seem like they are together...but the heavy planets in transit can take a really long time to transit from the ASC to Mars. It's all very "one step at a time" - depending upon the planet and the transit and the other transits at the same time.

Retrograde Mars for me was part of a SH.... Storm of difficult transits which have been going on for over 3 years. Anyway, Mars retrograded on an inconjunct to my natal Mars which is near, but not ON my MC.

My natal Mars is square my natal Uranus and this inconjunct and in fact the whole time Mars was retrograde totally ATE UP my entire summer in many ways. That isn't the only transits from Mars but now it's over and I hope I can forget it.

But I'm still hearing bad news from friends and clients who have planets in early degrees of signs which Mars aspected poorly as it is taking it's time to move on. It's like the retrograde that just left all types of devastation behind it.

But remember: Aquarius is the sign of the unpredictable. So just can't know. I am hoping Uranus into Taurus (the sign of tradition) will help "us" as a worldwide society" even if it may do some damage personally. We really need some positive structure in this world.
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