Help! Aries moon eclipse & burning vocational questions



This Aries moon eclipse is driving me crazy, what with burning vocational career questions. I'm a musician (composer) considering changing to a different primary career path. Question is, is that smart and what do you all see in this chart in terms of vocation??? I've done conservation work, writing, a little tai chi/yoga/qigong and could pick up on any of these threads....or something new. :)

A couple of weeks ago I had a reading with Noel Tyl, who said these months have more indicators of change than he has seen in any of the 22,000 charts he has done. Uranus, venus, and Pluto are all conjunct and, as I understand it, moving over conjunct sun AND mercury according to the solar arcs. Yes, it IS an explosive time of change -- moved house, country, primary relationship "evolving", and am considering a career change. Also considering adopting a child -- a stable relationship and natural child seem impossible given the horoscope indicators and my age.

Thank you for any help!!

17 October 1964, 7:47 am CST
near Chicago (41N42' 14", 87W42'06")

Libra Dragon

(Dragon in Chinese astrology)


Staff member


Yes, it IS a time of change, as Noel indicated. It is also a time of career achievement, since transiting (planets in the sky) Saturn (duty, also career) is conjuncting (energy is combined with) your Midheaven (outer world). When Saturn conjuncts the Midheaven is when we some way "peak" in our career. However, after Saturn conjuncts with the Midheaven, it begins its way DOWN in the chart, indicating that our ability to "pick and choose" our career is becoming less and less. In general it is NOT a good time to change career.

So what CAN you change? ;) Just about everything else...if you want to! ;) The Uranus opposition which you are now having is a time when we want to change everything and rebel against what we were doing in our eagerness to "start fresh". However, decisions we make at this time may have more impulsiveness than sense if we simply "rush out" and make big changes in our life.

I suggest thinking about your life and deciding what you WANT to restructure somehow. Perhaps it is your approach to relatoionships, perhaps it is the way you think about yourself, or perhaps it is something else. And then, in the same way, decide what you want to rebel AGAINST...what things/people/attitudes in your life have been holding you back and causing you challenges you don't want/need?

And, once all this i clear in your mind, go through your life and let Uranus do its "restructuring" work. You may not be aware of all the helpful changes until MUCH later, but they will probably be there. And, if you decide some change is less helpful than others, change your list! And let Uranus help you out in achieving your goal! ;) Also, you might want to consider putting off adoption until all life settles down a little...bringing a child into this "whirlwind" might be a little scary for them! ;)

Urging acceptance of astrological processes,



As per a previous posting, here's the direct link to my chart --

Your analysis is very helpful. The urge to go in a completely new direction has been really strong of late, and it's helpful to understand it a little better. And put the brakes on that unbridled energy, and focus the energy where it can be put to good use. So it's onward with the music, but within that realm, into new dimensions!

Thanks so much!

Libra dragon