Sun square Moon indicates bad father or bad husband in a woman's chart?


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Sun square Moon indicates bad father or bad husband in a woman's chart? I heard that women with Sun square Moon astrological placements have either bad relationships with their fathers or bad relationships with their husbands, in worst situations, both. So my question is, which one is it? Or is it both? Because I have Sun square Moon in my birth chart and honestly, I have a very bad relationship with my father, we lost contact with each other several years ago. Right now, I don't even know where and how he lives, or if he still lives. But I couldn't care less anymore because he hurted me a lot, both physically and emotionally in the past. I don't want to see him ever again in my life. But I'm concerned because I'm afraid that my future husband will just be like him since I have Sun square Moon.


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Premium Member
Sun square Moon indicates bad father or bad husband in a woman's chart? I heard that women with Sun square Moon astrological placements have either bad relationships with their fathers or bad relationships with their husbands, in worst situations, both. So my question is, which one is it? Or is it both? Because I have Sun square Moon in my birth chart and honestly, I have a very bad relationship with my father, we lost contact with each other several years ago. Right now, I don't even know where and how he lives, or if he still lives. But I couldn't care less anymore because he hurted me a lot, both physically and emotionally in the past. I don't want to see him ever again in my life. But I'm concerned because I'm afraid that my future husband will just be like him since I have Sun square Moon.

The Sun Moon relationship is more about your perception of your parent's relationship than you own relationship with another. Except often what we see is what we, in turn, do.
But I see no reason that you MUST have a relationship with a man like your father, like you or your mother did with your father.
There is always hope to go in a new direction, if that is your intention.

I am truly wishing you the best,


Well-known member
The Sun sq Moon typically shows some emotional difficulty with the father in childhood. This early conditioning leaves an imprint in the psyche that tends to carry over into the future, and thus yes, it often creates difficulties dealing with the husband as well, if the past issues remain unresolved. It shows the likelihood that the parents were not in sync in terms of their relationship and their parenting of you, which then in turn affected your perceptions and reaction patterns regarding other men. As we grow up we tend to subconsciously model our own relationships according to how we were conditioned in childhood.

With the Sun afflicted this also suggests a problem relating to your own sense of Identity and with such patterning, it tends to cause difficulties with others. As such your Scorpio expression can be distorted, especially if you feel a deep impulse to 'prove yourself' to others. Problems occur if you choose to leave the conflicts unresolved, which then in turn tend to be projected onto others. Overall it is better to find a resolution in order to truly move away from repeating the same patterns with your father. It doesn't really help to isolate the feelings you have about your father and keep them locked away in the psyche; denial just serves to create more blockages.

With father issues, women tend to consciously believe they are seeking someone very different from the father, although we often end up attracting the same 'patterns of personality conflicts' to ourselves. The only way to overcome this problem is to work at dissipating the pattern that lies within, by being honest with yourself. Especially considering the abuse you underwent, because that could easily happen again without even recognizing the warning signs.

To fear having a repeat pattern in your married life is not helpful at all; it requires that you make a sincere effort to know your true self within, and turn your inner conflicts into greater understanding, so you can find different outcomes, rather than repeating the same patterns.