Sun conjunct Mars - mutual sex. desire aspect or..?


New member
Hello everyone!:happy:

I always wondered if mars/sun conjunction in synastry means mutual sexual attraction or one sided?

For example, women's mars is in conjunction with man's sun.
It's understanding that this in some short lines means that this man fits quite well in picture of women's mars and that she is attracted to him, but does this aspect also speaks about his desire for her? For their mutual sex.desire?

On this topic I would like to focus on sexual part of this aspect in love relationships.

Sorry for my bad english
I would like to discuss fluently, but unfortunately I'm not ready yet:crying::crying::crying:

So for me, My Mars in Aries conjunct his Sun in Aries, it was hot!hot!hot! I mean gotta have you right now, right here hot. But unfortunately, unlasting in the longevity scheme of things. Passion like crazy in bedroom but didn't translate to every day living. I wish it did. I still physically ache for him, if that makes any sense. Great question!!!