Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Uranus - brings stability?


Well-known member
I posted recently on another thread about this, but I haven't gotten any responses, so I thought I would post something again. I've been doing a bit more digging about Saturn conjunct natal Uranus and I am wondering if this makes people more serious about existing relationships. My initial inquiry was regarding myself and potentially marrying my boyfriend. The date that we were thinking about would be when Saturn would conjunct my natal Uranus. Interestingly enough, Saturn conjunct HIS natal Uranus in the 7th house over Thanksgiving weekend this year and that was around the time that he told me he was sure that he wanted to marry me sooner rather than later. Similar to me, he has a strong Uranus in his chart as well (but less hard aspects). He has Sun, Venus and Mars trine Uranus and he has his Moon and natal Saturn Square it. I have Uranus square my Sun, opposite my Moon and trine my Venus.

Does Saturn contacting one's natal Uranus make someone more stable? Sort of like the opposite or transiting Uranus contacting natal Saturn and causing everything to become chaotic and unstable?



Well-known member
I had saturn station on my natal uranus and my efforts to get out of difficult situation were thwarted. Realizing this, I stopped struggling and decided to wait for saturn moved on. By that time, however, the situation improved on its own and I no longer felt the need to do anything. :sideways:

So, it felt like big hand holding me down and voice saying "have some patience... before you go making more trouble." :lol:


Well-known member
I've got this coming up in 2015/16. Plus it'll tightly conjunct Moon, so needless for me to say that my emotions are going to be extremely erratic. Particularly in health matters.


Well-known member
Saturn will conjoin my natal Uranus in mid to late 2017 when it goes through my Saturn-Venus-Uranus conjunction. This will be after transit Uranus goes through my 5th house and conjoins my natal Jupiter. I keep hearing I could get pregnant during that time so I hope that Saturn going over my Venus will lend itself to the relationship I'm in becoming more serious if it hasn't already.

Saturn going over Uranus makes me think of something entirely different though. Saturn is about restriction and Uranus is about originality and the unorthodox. So my first thought would be there might be roadblocks to anything you try to do that is out of the ordinary, whether at work or in relationships.