Why i am such a loser in life?


Everything i lay hands on falls apart. I lost my job trough ongoing health problems. Romance never work. People think i am weird....
What is my purpose on this earth? Where should i start new?


Well-known member
Time is in the morning? If thats the case, then we can discuss about the dignity of your planets. Looks a very special case of a chart, if time is in the morning.
Really, vedic astrology can never be simplified through knowing just basics. Very important that you assess everything before predicting, which is the problem of lot of astrologers today.


Well-known member
Are you a singer? Do you usually gets alot of confused with you and your philosophies? How's the relationship with father?


I only sing für myself and my mother always says i am having a beautiful singing voice,but she might be biased since she is my mother. And i am also very fond of celtic and classic music.
Can you precise the second question?
My father abused me, so that relationship is very broken.