Masculine and feminine in astrology


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The idea for this study began when I became curious about how the astrological signs are broken up into the masculine and feminine energies. When I looked I up I was disappointed to find that in traditional western astrology they are divided along elemental lines, with the fire and air signs being masculine and the water and earth signs being feminine. This seemed not only like it was a quick easy division without any ought, but often didn't make any sense at all. For instance, how could Taurus, a sign symbolized by the bull and characterized by its building skills and structural understanding be considered feminine? And how could Gemini, the sign of communication and vivacity be considered masculine? On top of that, I personally feel (and I think many would agree with me) that gender is a more fluid idea that lies along a spectrum and is not dualistic in nature. Therefore I decided to go back over each sign and determine whether or not they were more masculine, feminine, or a third category, neutral.

Below is my understandings of the natures of each sign and my determinations of whether or not they are masculine, feminine, or neutral, in list format:
Aries ♈ (cardinal, fire) - Traditionally the first sign in astrology, symbolized by the ram, it marks the beginning of spring and is the sign of the seed of spring, and of leaders and motivators. Based on this I determined Aries to be a masculine sign.
Taurus ♉️ (fixed, earth) - Taurus is the sign of the stock of the plant or trunk of the tree, symbolized by the bull. It is the sign of grounding and practicality, and of material or physical pleasure. Based on this I determined Taurus to be a masculine sign.
Gemini ♊️ (mutable, air) - Gemini is the sign of the two within one, symbolized by the twins. It is the sign of communication, brilliance, gregariousness, and vivacity. Based on this I determined Gemini to be a feminine sign.
Cancer ♋️ (cardinal, water) - Cancer is the sign of emotions, symbolized by the crab, and it marks the beginning of summer. It is the sign of intuition, sensitivity, family, and home. Based on this I determined cancer to be a feminine sign.
Leo ♌️ (fixed, fire) - Leo is the sign of admiration, symbolized by the lion. It is the sign of performance, decoration, warmth, regality, and anything that will get it attention. Based on this I determined Leo to be a feminine sign.
Virgo ♍️ (mutable, earth) - Virgo is the sign of attention to detail, symbolized by the virgin. It is the sign humanism, of tenderness, and care. Based on this I determined Virgo to be a feminine sign.
Libra ♎️ (cardinal, air) - Libra is the sign of balance, symbolized by the scales of justice, and it marks the beginning of autumn. It is the sign of harmony, peace, order, and pleasing others. Based on this I determined Libra to be a neutral sign.
Scorpio ♏️ (fixed, water) - Scorpio is the sign of mystery symbolized by the scorpion. It is the sign of poisons and medicines, of charm and danger. Based on this I determined Scorpio to be a neutral sign.
Sagittarius ♐️ (mutable, fire) - Sagittarius is the sign of travel symbolized by the centaur and the arrow of time. It is the sign of philosophy, adventure, and change. Based on this I determined Sagittarius to be a neutral sign.
Capricorn ♑️ (cardinal, earth) - Capricorn is the sign of a strong foundation, symbolized by the goat, and it marks the beginning of winter. It is the sign of determination, practicality and ambition. Based on this I determined Capricorn to be a neutral sign.
Aquarius ♒️ (fixed, air) - Aquarius is the sign of rationale, symbolized by the water bearer. It is the sign of reason, truth, and selfless contribution to the group. Based on this I determined Aquarius to be a masculine sign.
Pisces ♓️ (mutable, water) - Pisces is the sign of the hidden realms, symbolized by the fish. It is the sign of spirituality, diversity, and friendship. Based on this I determined Pisces to be a masculine sign.

At this point I felt pretty good about this because each of the three energies now had one of each element within them, which countered my original grievance with the traditional approach to the masculine and feminine energies in astrology. However I still wasn't totally satisfied with what I had done because I felt that in some instances there was still a prevalence of feminine energy in a sign I had determined to be masculine, a prevalence of masculine energy in a sign I had determined to be feminine, or a prevalence of masculine or feminine energy in signs I had determined to be neutral. That's when i noticed the division of the aspects (cardinal, fixed, or mutable) within the energies. The neutral signs had two cardinal signs, one fixed and one mutable. The masculine signs had two fixed signs, one cardinal, and one mutable. And the feminine signs had two mutable signs, one cardinal and one fixed. It seemed to me then that the cardinal aspect was neutral, the fixed aspect masculine, and the mutable aspect feminine. This made sense as well because the cardinal signs are the leaders of their elements, and a leader should be neutral. The fixed signs are the workers and supporters of their elements, and a laborer should draw on their masculine side. And the mutable signs are the idea generators of their elements and feminine energy is the source of ideas and creativity.

Now when I went back and looked at my divisions they seemed to make even more sense overall. Based on their aspects I assigned them a sub-energy. This is how they looked now:
Aries ♈️ (cardinal, fire) - Main energy is masculine, sub-energy is neutral. Being the sign of the seed with the potential to become a male or a female it should have some neutral energy, and being a fire sign (fire traditionally being considered masculine) it should have something stopping it from going over the top with its masculinity.
Taurus ♉️ (fixed, earth) - Main energy is masculine, sub-energy is masculine. Being the sign of the builder it should be more masculine, and the extra masculine energy helps balance the earth energy traditionally viewed as feminine.
Gemini ♊️ (mutable, air) - Main energy is feminine, sub-energy is feminine. Being the sign of communication it should be more feminine, and the extra feminine energy helps balance the air energy traditionally viewed as masculine.
Cancer ♋️ (cardinal, water) - Main energy is feminine, sub-energy is neutral. Being the sign of home and family it should be neutral, and the neutral energy helps prevent the traditionally viewed feminine water energy from sending it over the top with its femininity.
Leo ♌️ (fixed, fire) - Main energy is feminine, sub-energy is masculine. Being the sign of outward expression it should be more masculine, and the combination of the traditionally viewed masculine fire energy makes it the most masculine of the feminine signs.
Virgo ♍️ (mutable, earth) - Main energy is feminine, sub-energy is feminine. Being the sign of detail and tenderness, it should be the most feminine sign, and the combination of the fixed aspect and the traditionally viewed feminine earth energy make it solidly feminine.
Libra ♎️ (cardinal, air) - Main energy is neutral, sub-energy is neutral. Being the sign of balance it should be extra neutral, and the traditionally viewed masculine air energy helps with the view of Libra as a patron of justice.
Scorpio ♏️ (fixed, water) - Main energy is neutral, sub-energy is masculine. Being the sign of mystery it should have all three energies mixed to add to the mystery, and it's fixed aspect and traditionally viewed feminine water energy provide this.
Sagittarius ♐️ (mutable, fire) - Main energy is neutral, sub-energy is feminine. Being the sign of the traveler it should have all three energies mixed to support the diversity that traveling exposes the traveler to, and it's mutable aspect and traditionally viewed masculine fire energy provide this.
Capricorn ♑️ (cardinal, earth) - Main energy is neutral, sub-energy is neutral. being the sign of foundations it should be mostly neutral, but with some feminine energy to understand the earth it is building its foundation in so that the shifting earth doesn't upset the foundation too much, and it's cardinal aspect and traditionally viewed feminine earth energy provide this.
Aquarius ♒️ (fixed, air) - Main energy is masculine, sub-energy is masculine. Being thing of reason and rationale, it should be the most masculine sign, and the combination of the fixed aspect and he traditionally viewed masculine air energy make it solidly masculine.
Pisces ♓️ (mutable, water) -Main energy is masculine, sub-energy is feminine. Being the sign of spirituality and hidden realms, it should be more feminine, and the combination of the mutable aspect and the traditionally viewed feminine water energy provide this.

Now I felt much better about my divisions of the signs. It created a much more balanced view of astrology to me. I decided to take this idea to individual charts and break them down into their percentages of masculine, feminine, and neutral energy. I devised a method for this based on a concept introduced to be by fellow astrologer I met in Portugal (I would like to reference him by name because it is his idea but I don't have his permission to do so). The idea is this: A human is like a play, and a birth chart is like a program given to the audience before the curtains open. The most important people putting on this play are the Producer, the Director, and the Writer, or the Sun, Rising, and Moon (SRM) respectively. Then next most important people are the main actors, or the visible planets (VP) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The next most important people are the extras, or the invisible planets (IP) Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. And finally the last most important people are the crew building sets, making costumes, etc. or the rest (R) of the bodies and points on the chart.* Based on this I assigned each group a number of points and began to do tallies of individual’s charts. With the SRM getting four points each, the VP getting three points each, the IP getting two points each, and the R getting one point each, they end up looking like this:
Dylan Lorenço
22nd of July, 1991, 07:00, Stinson Lake, NH, USA
SRM - 8F, 4N, 0M
VP - 12F, 0N, 3M
IP - 0F, 6N, 0M
R - 2F, 2N, 2M
Totals - 22F, 12N, 5M - (these three numbers put together should always equal 39)
Percentages - 56%F, 31%N, 13%M

When I discovered that my percentages came out to be just how I thought of myself before doing this, I decided to start guessing what the percentages would be for each person I knew before looking at their chart and figuring it out, and I found that almost every time I was spot on, or really close! I also began to notice a trend with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the planets I identify as the generational planets. A generation will be defined by Pluto which spends 11-32 years in each sign, and that generation will be further subdivided by where Uranus and Neptune are. If we look at where these three planets lie for people of my generation, all three are in neutral planets, meaning people of my generation will all get an automatic 6N points. This seems to correlate with the rise of the gender neutrality and non-conformity movement of the past decade as the individuals of my generation enter into university and the workforce. I decided to go back and look at the last time all three of those planets were in masculine signs (when people born would get an automatic 6M points), and the last time all three were in feminine signs (when people born would get an automatic 6F points) to see if I could notice any correlations with historical movements and events. The last time all three planets were in masculine signs was the 13th of March, 1859 at around 17:04 (I chose Hawaii as the birthplace for my test person when figuring this out because it seemed like the most physically removed place from the rest of the world, and it's close to the equator so the houses won't be as skewed as those born in the farther reaches of the Northern or Southern Hemispheres). People born before and around this time were the ones responsible for the creation of the industrial revolution and for starting the First World War. The last time all three planets were in feminine signs was the 3rd of October, 1942 at around 07:12. People born before and around this time were the ones responsible for the civil rights, anti-war, and counterculture movements.

Another important observation I made was that people with the same or very close to the same percentages of feminine, neutral, and masculine energies seem to have very similar personality types. Is is why I need as many charts as possible, because I believe there might be a key to connecting astrology with things like the Jungian archetypes, or the Myers-Briggs personality types.
However my data here is slightly skewed because most of the people I know are my age. I'm missing a large sample of people much older or younger than me to provide more insight into the generational differences and how they will play out with these ideas.
If you like what you read here please send me your chart! I'm very eager to continue this study, and I'm also very eager for any criticism from other astrologers or anyone in general, even those that deny astrology, I've made this a big part of my life’s work for the past three years and I feel like I have a very rational and logical explanation for how astrology applies to everyone.
Also I am not sure whether to look at how the planets and houses are divided into feminine, neutral, and masculine. I attempted this once with the planets, and was disappointed, maybe only because 3 is not a factor of 10, but I also felt like I was doing too much guesswork and the results were unsatisfying. Perhaps if my Portuguese astrologer friend’s analogy is very accurate, then maybe they shouldn't be broken down further because actors and the stages they act on don't need to be gendered, only the parts they play. Again I invite ideas or criticisms from other astrologers and anyone who believes they have a valid opinion.

*To go more in depth, the signs are then seen as the roles these people take on throughout the play, and the houses are seen as the blocking, or places on stage that people act out their parts on. This is a great method for chart interpretation and makes it easy for amateurs!

I think you did a great job of testing your hypothesis and using your own criteria, so props from me! However, I do disagree with a certain aspect of your own perception of what is masculine and femenine. Masculine and femenine, according to what I understand about astrology, are not meant to be indicators of how signs may be perceived as manly or girly. Rather, they are strict definitions that entail the energy of the sign. The fallacy here is to interpret masculine as the way people perceive masculinity in society, and femenine to the way in which people are perceived as girly.

I found this excerpt from a website called Skyscript, which may clarify what I'm trying to say here:

In many ways, the polarities of masculinity and femininity are similar to those of sect (diurnal/nocturnal); masculinity representing the active, solar principle, and femininity representing the passive (or receptive) lunar principle. But diurnal/nocturnal definitions seem to be more dependent upon the generation of heat (diurnal) or lack of it (nocturnal), whilst the masculine/feminine definitions are more dependent upon dryness (masculinity) or moisture (femininity). It may be that both divisions arose as alternate ways to describe the same essential polarisation that modern astrologers prefer to label 'positive or negative'.

Masculine and femenine in astrology represent a duality between that which is active, positive, hot, dry, dexter, superior, solar and that which is described through the terms passive, cold, wet, sinister, inferior, etc.

So the predominance of any of the two types of signs and energies isn't meant to be an indicator of general masculinity and/or femininity, but rather of more simple terms. Chart predominance is indicated by the placement of planets and aspects which describe specific aspects of an individual, whether they're expressed outwardly or not. I, for example, have a 9th house Sun in Aries which isn't particularly shown right away to others; instead, it describes mental activity that's expressed in a masculine way, internally.
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david starling

Well-known member
I'm going with "Assertive" and "Receptive". Fire and Air are more Assertive, Earth and Water more Receptive. The gender issue is cultural, not something intrinsic to the Signs themselves. [IMO]


Well-known member
I'm going with "Assertive" and "Receptive". Fire and Air are more Assertive, Earth and Water more Receptive. The gender issue is cultural, not something intrinsic to the Signs themselves. [IMO]
I agree, but if you think about the elements themselves, wouldn't you say that:

- Fire is always assertive
- Earth is always receptive, in that it's set in it's place
- Air/Water can be both, in that both can contort themselves to accommodate objects sharing a space, but also push into new spaces with force. I would say they're more dependent on modality

david starling

Well-known member
I agree, but if you think about the elements themselves, wouldn't you say that:

- Fire is always assertive
- Earth is always receptive, in that it's set in it's place
- Air/Water can be both, in that both can contort themselves to accommodate objects sharing a space, but also push into new spaces with force. I would say they're more dependent on modality

Would you say all the Cardinals are assertive?
For tropical astrology, they're used to locate the other Signs, so we could bring "Locational" into play. I'm reminded of the 4 "Cardinal-points" of a compass.
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david starling

Well-known member
Here's something. Way, way back, before the internet, information wasn't so easy to come by. I was wondering why the Moon and Sun were Domicled in only one Sign, where the Planets were given two Signs. Obvious answer: Moon and Sun move in only one direction, whereas the Planets have both Direct and Retrograde motion.
Later, I read that Ptolemy used gender to explain it. He proposed that the Sun is "too masculine" to rule a "feminine" Sign, and the Moon is too "feminine" to rule a "masculine" Sign. This doesn't work for me, because it's culturally based, and therefore not intrinsic to astrology itself. In fact, the oldest known lunar deity was male, and the father of the female deity associated with the Planet now known as Venus. And, there were cultures that identified the Sun with a female deity.
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Well-known member
Would you say all the Cardinals are assertive?
For tropical astrology, they're used to locate the other Signs, so we could bring "Locational" into play. I'm reminded of the 4 "Cardinal-points" of a compass.
In some sense, yes. I wouldn't think of Cancer or Libra first when talking about assertive signs, but they are in their own way. I think when you think about the first 4 signs being about the self, the next 4 being about the other, and the last 4 being about the collective, it makes sense (when you combine it with the elements/modalities).

Aries = Self-Oriented (First 4) | Set in Reality (Fire) | Instinctive (Fire)
Cancer = Self-Oriented (First 4) | Set in Idealism (Water) | Emotional (Water)
Libra = Other-Oriented (Middle 4) | Set in Idealism (Air) | Intellectual (Air)
Capricorn = Collective-Oriented (Last 4) | Set in Reality (Earth) | Pragmatic (Earth)

Since we usually associate assertiveness with action over idea/concept, it makes the Cardinal Fire/Earth signs seem moreso assertive than Water/Earth.

Not to mention being other-oriented (Middle 4 signs) which Libra is, and being emotional (Water) which Cancer is, is not appreciated as assertive in our society. But both are in their own ways.


Premium Member
I would definitely say that Cardinal signs are assertive.....says the
Libra Sun Mercury
Cancer Mars
Capricorn Saturn


Hello everyone!

I am new to astrology so was wondering where do I belong more, masculine or feminine side. Can you advice?

I have the screenshot of birth chart bellow and it's a bit confusing since my sun sign is in Taurus but the rest personal planets are in "masculine sign" based on my time and place of birth.


  • birth chart aspects.jpg
    birth chart aspects.jpg
    52.3 KB · Views: 48


Re: assertive vs. receptive, to Chrysalis

Saturn, physically speaking, not metaphorically, is wetter than Jupiter. Cold, yes. But not dry.

Saturn is moderately drying in most systems, whereas Jupiter is moderately moist in all systems I know except one (Morinus). Saturn is related to water through cold, and is most related to seamanship in Hellenistic astrology. Water is cold and moderately moist, as is winter, which is necessary preparation for spring in many temperate regions after the dryness in autumn.
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david starling

Well-known member
Re: assertive vs. receptive, to Chrysalis

Saturn is moderately drying in most systems, whereas Jupiter is moderately moist in all systems I know except one (Morinus). Saturn is related to water through cold, and is most related to seamanship in Hellenistic astrology. Water is cold and moderately moist, as is winter, which is necessary preparation for spring in many temperate regions after the dryness in autumn.

Makes sense. Also ties into the tropical Age of Capricorn, the Sea-goat, ruled by Saturn. A very sea-faring Age, which is usually attributed to the Neptunian rulership of the sidereal Age of Pisces.


Re: assertive vs. receptive, to Chrysalis

Makes sense. Also ties into the tropical Age of Capricorn, the Sea-goat, ruled by Saturn. A very sea-faring Age, which is usually attributed to the Neptunian rulership of the sidereal Age of Pisces.

Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces could be watery constellations for the reason of winter there, Cancer is mixed with water because of the northern wind.

david starling

Well-known member
I read an esoteric article which attempted to portray Saturn as a female goddess. But, in ancient times, including the Middle Ages, Saturn was always portrayed as male. Cronos/Saturn had a wife, Rhea/Cybele, daughter of Gaea/Gaia. She's known as the Mother of the gods, meaning the Olympians.


Cold is masculine, not feminine as some might think. -

Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are masculine
Moon and Venus are feminine
Mercury is common

Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury as morning stars are masculine
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury as evening stars are feminine

Eastern planets relative to the horizon (in 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12 houses) are masculine
Western planets relative to the horizon (in 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 houses) are feminine

Planets in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are masculine
Planets in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are feminine

There is a relatively easy way to find whether the nativity is of a male or a female. Ascendant, Sun and Moon masculine and predominated (by house, exaltation, triplicity, term and aspect) by masculine planets indicate males, when they are feminine and predominated by feminine planets, they indicate females. See

The natural sex ratio for humans is around 1.06 in favour of males, accounted by the nature of Saturn. They have higher chance to die in infancy (and generally at all ages) and boys are 2 years behind girls, by reason of the maleficence of cold and dryness (moisture grows things). Many other differences between the sexes indicate that things in nature are not 50/50.
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Well-known member
The 3 strongest feminine/woman and maternal/mother personalities in astrology:
Moon conjunct Ceres (my Mom has a Moon conjunct Ceres in Pisces, but the moon cusps Aquarius, which is close to my own moon conjunct Aquarius sun).

The Moon is of the female parent or mother conjuncts the one of maternity.

Venus conjunct Ceres (the planet of beauty conjuncts the one of maternity).
Jupiter conjunct Ceres (the planet of pregnancy conjunct one of maternity).

Moon conjunct Ceres is more frequent than Venus and even lesser, with Jupiter.
I can relate to the reason why we’re often seen as masculine cos our symbol is a male cow but it’s all about our energies

Also I think Cancer and Virgo should be the most feminine, Pisces isn’t that feminine in energy to me as they can be more androgynous

Leo and Aries and maybe Capricorn should be the most masculine

We Venusians can be a little bit androgynous too


Well-known member



I find Aquarius to be genderfluid/flux/variant, like a man constantly changing into a woman and back. It should go to neutral here, like the "twins" Gemini (fraternal brother and sister) and the "scale" Libra (vice versa of Aquarius).

david starling

Well-known member
I find Aquarius to be genderfluid/flux/variant, like a man constantly changing into a woman and back. It should go to neutral here, like the "twins" Gemini (fraternal brother and sister) and the "scale" Libra (vice versa of Aquarius).

I consider :uranus: to be the sole Domicile-ruler of Aquarius, but with both a male and a female version. The ancient Greek prefix "Uran" means "of the Heavens", and it's included in both versions: The god Uranus is male, and the goddess Urania, is, of course, female.

It's interesting that astronomers chose an ENTIRELY Greek name (unlike the Roman names for all of the other planets, Mercury through Pluto) for the first newly discovered planet beyond Saturn, rather than using the Roman version, "Caelus". And, that (Greek)Ouranos/(Roman)Caelus, unlike any of the other gods and godesses in the Greek and Roman pantheons, was believed to be ENTIRELY out of play, and even possibly dead--a bygone figure, remembered but no longer worshipped. Instead, Ourania/Urania was the then-current, living deity personifying the Heavens and worshipped in both cultures.

Notice that :uranus: is known as the Modernist ruler and inspiration for astrology itself. And once one knows of Urania's function as the Granddaughter of Uranus and "goddess of the Heavens" in both ancient Greece and in ancient Rome, it's easy to see why that's the case.*

Using both male and female versions of the Domicile-ruler of Aquarius ties in nicely with the gender fluidity of the Sign. In the Ryder-Waite tarot deck, for example, on the 17th card of the Major Arcana, entitled "The Star", Aquarius is pictured as a woman pouring out water, rather than the usual Greco-Roman image of a male figure.

*[Ourania/Urania was, quite literally, the "Muse of Astrology and Astronomy".]
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Well-known member




Compiled and annotated by Deborah Houlding :smile:

Explanation on this Table
The 1st column headed 'Sign' shows the essential planetary dignities/debilties
that apply to all the degrees in the sign.
For further information see:

Ptolemy's Table of Essential Dignities.

The 2nd column headed 'Dg.' lists the degrees.

Remember that:
'dg. 1' refers to the first degree which incorporates 0°00' - 0°59;
'dg. 2' thus equates to 1°00' - 1°59;
and so on, ending with 'dg. 30' which equates to 29°00 - 29°59
The 3rd column headed 'T.' shows the planet that rules the degree by term.
The 4th column headed 'F.' shows the planet that rules the degree by face.
- Also known as '...decans...' divisions of the signs into 10° sections
each of which is governed by one of the planets.

These appear to be based upon the Egyptian division of the year

into 36 ten-day periods, each presided over by a particular stellar deity.

The 4th century astrologer Firmicus Maternus
is among many who placed great emphasis on their use
saying that a planet in its own decan is as good as in its own sign.

Like Manilius before him
he attributed decan rulership to the signs of the zodiac
but most authors, including Ptolemy
gave them to the planets in descending order towards the earth

Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.
Their order reflects planetary rulership over the days of the week.

For further information see:

The 5th column headed 'G.' (for 'gender') indicates whether the degree is masculine or feminine
according to Lilly's 'Two necessary TABLES of the Signs, fit to be understood
by every ASTROLOGER or Practitioner' (CA., p.116).

Consideration of whether the Moon and principle significator
falls in a masculine or feminine degree
is used in horary matters relating to the sex of a thief
or unborn chld.

The scheme is also presented in Al Biruni's Elements (v.457)
with the following variances (marked in the table by an asterick):

In Aries, the 8th degree is marked as female, not male.
In Aquarius, the 13th, 14th, 15th, 28th, 29th and 30th degrees are classified as male not female.
The 19th, 20th, 21st, 26th and 27th degrees are classified as female not male.
In Pisces, the 13th, 14th, 15th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th degrees are denoted male not female.
Al Biruni makes it clear he is presenting the method
not approving of its use
