marriage or not?


Premium Member
hope observations enable take stock, adapt as relevant;
do share pointwise salient ground feedbacks how true-insightful etc etc

gemini-mer 7th inimical-malefic for sag asc,
stress-delays in marriage-vocation-business;

mer-venus conjunct, literary-oratory-astro and
information processing-artistic-graphics aptitudes;

mer own gemini, growth-riches through intellectual pursuits,
writings, journalism, information processing, etc etc,
while could be confused at decision making;

mer-venus inimical gemini 7th,
prone to abdominal, chest, lung issues to care;

sat now transit sag asc opp mer-venus, 2nd from moon,
stress in health-relationship,
craving for affection but difficult to manifest;
mer-sat opp negotiation skills;

later sat transit own cap 2nd, earnings from distant lands;
good for tech-mech-event management aptitudes;

natal sat-mars 3/9 axis, tech-mech-entrepreneurial aptitudes,
sat 3rd acq good for initiative and innovative approach;
but sat-mars opp stress-struggle with siblings-father-husband,
and in matters of luck-edu-travels,

while sun 9th lord negates to the 8th negating luck-support from father;
mars leo high self-pride, mars 9th distant lands;
spirituality through service of mankind;
mars lord 5th for luck-edu-position over 9th;

rahu NNode now transit sun-cancer 8th, foreign travels, and
prone to toxic health issues heart-stomach-urological-circulatory etc,

separative south node ketu transit cap 2nd,
detachment from family-finances,
pain-injury knees-throat-teeth etc to care;
7 yrs ketu dasa-period since age 21 approx;

natal ketu taurus 6th, accident prone, job separations,
pain-injury-surgery throat-thyroid-teeth-intestinal etc etc

moon-rahu scorpio 12th, research-occult-forensic psychology aptitudes,
rise-fall in life,
seek ancestral blessings observing fast No-moon evenings taking milk-fruits;

rahu debilated scorpio, avoid excessive occult indulgence;
secretive, sentimental, sarcastic, passionate;
wear brown hessonite over pendant;

moon-rahu scorpio prone to toxic urological-feet-circulatory issues;
mars aspect own scorpio 12th, supportive of foreign lands-travels;

hope asc lord jup now transit libra 11th
promotes gains-friendships,
trine mer-venus gemini 7th for marriage to watch for;

lords 1/7 jup-mer over virgo-gemini square, same lord jup,
compatible but intellectual challenges in the relationship/marriage;

10th asc lord jup virgo 10th,
good for audit, quality management-advisory roles;
jup aspect own pisces 4th,
supportive of domestic comforts-property;

20yrs venus dasa follows at 28+,
venus lord 11th for gains over 7th
gains from marriage-vocation-business,
though under stress-delays;
may wear 0.25 carat diamond over platinum pendant touching heart;

mars leo attracted to a partner with high self-pride,
while jupiter settling for a perfectionist.
sat-mars opp under stress-struggle;
jup-mer square challenges to cope with in the relationship.

do ack, and promptly share feedbacks,

wishing well, kshantaram