Extraterrestrial dream interpretation


Well-known member
Again I dream of these strange beings that look like ALIENS!

This time, 2 nights ago, I dreamt that aliens came to sleeping people, picking them up while they were sleeping, and they also took me. They brought us to their spaceship and was transporting us through long hallways that looked like hospital hallways.

In front of me in the hallway was a blond young boy on some kind of bike, but when he turned around he did not look human, but a human-looking robot...

The aliens took me to a female gynechologist. I saw another woman being transported out there after some kind of fertility treatment. She looked rather drowsy... The female gynechologist with long dark hair and glasses (human) asked me why I was there, and I said I couldnt remember. But I asked if it was also possible for me to get some treatment there.

Suddenly I felt on the back of my scalp that there were some electrodes there (around the occipital lobe), I changed them around a little bit with my hand and suddenly something happened to my vision. It seemed like it shifted wavelength/dimension or something with an electrical buzzing noise and flickering vision field until the woman that I thought was human turned into something "alien like"... I felt a bit shocked and scared, cause I was sure she was human. I changed it back to "normal" again before she came over to examin me.

She became a bit susipicious and asked me to look into the mirror infront of us... I did so, then she touched my electrodes on the back of my scalp with her hand, and the same weird flickering change of vision happened, I could se myself in the mirror right next to this clearly non-human looking being with a huge head.

She was waiting for my reaction when I noticed that she was "alien", looking for some type of fear reaction. Then she alerted the others mentally I think, and told me that I wasnt supposed to be able to see past this "physical world of illusion" that should be quite "human-proof" or hard for us to see through. And she said none of us really knew that we had these electrodes wired to our brains. Then suddenly my DNA became more interesting for her it seemed....

Then I walked around in this "ship" and there were botanic gardens of many plants, trees and animals. Also researching on nerves to dead mice and some other animals, which I found a bit disgusting.

What on earth could this kind of dream mean?? It was a nice dream, though scary at the same time...

The nights after this Ive been bothered alot by this vibrational sounds (from eardrums) in my ears every single morning! Dont know if its connected though...


Well-known member
My life is ok. Im not depressed or anything like that. I do alot of things and have alot of friends and family close to me. Just think I dream a whole lot!


I really enjoyed reading that :) My dreams are so real and involve this life mostly I have only just started interpreting mine, so I am a little clueless when it comes to looking for hints or subtleties. But definatley sounds like you are in an interesting mind space.


Well-known member
Very interesting. I had a friend who had an experience like that as well.

Rather, his experience was at a party with lots of flashing strobe type lights. He was just watching a corner and suddenly something non-human appeared in the corner. When he made eye contact, it became agitated that it could be seen and took off.

I don't believe or disbelieve. I just think it's interesting. Maybe they are amongst us all of the time, just cloaked. Or maybe, there's nothing at all. I'm okay with either perspective.

Is the vibrating in your ears painful or anything? Could it also just be a coincidence of tinnitus and bizarre dreams at the same time.

I've also heard that this kind of vibration is very normal with Kundalini awakening.


Well-known member
Im quite sure there is something going on that we cannot understand or perceive in a normal state of mind at least. Hard to describe, its more obvious during some periods.

Had another vivid dream before about an alien looking woman that acted as some kind of spirit guide. Maybe this is what they are? Or people that are guides in your life?

Im in the medical field too, so all the medical people seem to appear often. I think me going into this field was a clear calling, felt like a mission given to me from the beginning.

I have many of those symptoms from that list...


Well-known member
The vibration in the ears (eardrum) is not painful, just annoying. But sometimes there is pressure in my head. One time it started in my right ear and then communicating to the other ear (vibrations) until everything was vibrating out of control, and it felt like electricity was going from my head near the ears down towards both my arms and the rest of the body like getting "electrified" or getting electrical shock over and over again. Until I finally woke up. And then still could feel a little electrical sensation still in my arms and fingers. Hope it wasnt epilepsy or something. I was tested for that before, but they didnt find anything...
Seems like this was more than a dream! Either you have a very vivid imagination, or you were actually abducted by some higher type of beings, not of earthly origin, here studying humans. This may have happened in an etheric state, or physical, but this sounds like a classic abduction. You may want to go get x-rayed, see if there is anything unusual implanted in or around your brain.

My best guess is, that they are looking for a way to move among humans, so are looking for the right DNA that will fit their race or species. And make no mistake about it, there are many species out there, at least 57 of them humanoid, and documented.


Well-known member
I dont know so much about aliens. But I have very vivid dreams sometimes, in periods. Not the first time I dreamt that Ive been taken into an alien ship.

Last time was last year or so then I dreamt about the end of the world and there were natural disasters everywhere and the water was flooding and rising and I looked up and was taken by an alien ship that beamed me up with blue light and told me that they planned it a very long time ago to take me with them. They took specimins from as many species as the could from earth like animals and plants then. Felt like some kind of "Noahs ark". This extraterrestrial looked different, lizard like and had an armour on it. It was a "gatekeeper" that worked in this elevator/ beamer thing.

And some years before that again I dreamt that I was working for some aliens on another planet that looked like a sterile environment with sand and rocks outside (like the moon), we were inside glass walls. I was working on a project for them with fetuses to create some artificial way of giving them nourishment in jars so they could grow outside the womb. The aliens told me that they were glad they made me do my med. education a long time ago (Im still a student!) Was very shocked when I woke up, that I was there with them without being scared:alien:


New member
Aliens or UFO's in dreams usually symbolizes situations in our waking lives that are unfamiliar or unexplainable. It sounds like you may be experiencing changes in waking life that you've never experienced before.

Here's a quote I took from a website:

"To dream of aliens represents aspects of your personality that are unfamiliar, unknown, or unusual. An alien may also represent a situation in your life that you can't do anything about. You may also be observing, or experiencing things that are not normal for you. Things that may be hard to explain or understand."

Source: DreamBible.com

What's new in your life? Has anything happened to you in waking life that's weird or unusual? You mentioned being in the medical field. Perhaps, you've experienced some strange medical conditions or new medical procedures.
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Well-known member
Dont know what kind of changes that could be... Ive dreamt of them before. But Im sure one of "the aliens" I saw on the astral plane beside my bed one night probably was my guide. She said so indirectly. I felt it very strongly. I know there is something of higher intelligences surrounding me. She is the voice in my head giving me the psychic experiences sometimes she said. She didnt look human, but I was not scared then, just felt love.
Dont know what kind of changes that could be... Ive dreamt of them before. But Im sure one of "the aliens" I saw on the astral plane beside my bed one night probably was my guide. She said so indirectly. I felt it very strongly. I know there is something of higher intelligences surrounding me. She is the voice in my head giving me the psychic experiences sometimes she said. She didnt look human, but I was not scared then, just felt love.

Sounds like you have been contacted, and probably have been since you were a child. Are you familiar with the term "indigo children" or "star children"? What year were you born?


Well-known member
Iiiiiik! Guess what... My friend just found some strange looking bump with two small black dots inside it at the back of my neck. It looks like 2 identical pigment dots beside each other going inwards, but doesnt look like a typical pigment. Just hope its not cancer!:alien: