Future Transits


I think I finally got it now. Thanks guys!



it is interesting that you have asked about your love life as you seem to have recently been disillusioned. the node was square your Venus on may 6th and conjunct your moon/Jupiter conjunction between may 12 and may 23th. this is a very romantic transit and often shows a serious new relationship or even a possible marriage. so for you to ask about you love life is a bit surprising. either you are trying to make sure this new relationship is honest or a relationship that you felt was solid has broken up.
but as the moon/venus and Jupiter/venus midpoints are conjunct to pluto, I think you were blind sided sometime around the 5th of may and breakup occurred.

if this is true then it was because the man you though was sincere was actually very selfish and only interested in financial aspects.

if this is true then it seems that a relationship that began when the node transited your venus/mars midpoint on December 22 2014 ended in may 2015.

I can't see anew relationship the near future.



Staff member
Love, to Willow


You said:
I am interested in any major transits that are occurring or will be occurring in my life in the future. I am specifically interested in transits regarding my love life

You have a stellium (collection of energy) that involves Venus :)venus: love), Uranus :)uranus: impulse), and Neptune :)neptune: dissolving). As mentioned, Neptune dissolves whatever it touches so Neptune dissolves both your love and your impulses to love. This can result in an idealistic attitude towards love. Since this stellium squares (stresses) your Moon :)moon: emotions), this idealistic sense of love creates emotional issues.

Two major transits are happening right now. Most importantly transiting (moving planets in the sky) Pluto :)pluto: transformation) is going over this stellium. Pluto transits often cause "death and rebirth" experiences where the old way of doing things is forced to die so a new way can be born. Pluto going over this Venus stellium suggests that your idealistic attitude towards love is undergoing a "death" and being transformed into something else. Since Neptune is also associated with spirituality, it may be that you are becoming more aware of the spiritual side of love. This is a LONG transit so by the time it is over you will have a completely different idea of and way to approach love.

At the same time Uranus is squaring your Venus stellium. Since Neptune dissolves everything it touches, you may not notice this transit as much. It is adding a sense of "urgency" and impulsiveness to the changes that Pluto is forcing on you.

