Make Sense Of Using Both Western and Vedic


New member
Hello astrologers and astrology lovers. I'm trying to make some sense of using Western astrology and Vedic astrology. You see I know astrology Western is perfectly accurate because I have accurately guess people's Sun Signs based on observing them plenty of plenty of times. And I have sought out my very own proof of looking into the past before I knew about transits and having precise things happened to me on precise Transit. So basically I'm 100% confident that Western astrology is correct. And then also of what very little I know about Vedic astrology so far it seems also extremely correct. Where do I start to learn Vedic astrology plus sticking with the Western astrology. Do any of you use both? How and Why? How do I explain this to the public and to people who are very questionable about either one?


Well-known member
One can definitely use both Vedic and Western astrologies but my suggestion to you would be to keep the two systems separate. If you try to use western principles in Vedic or vice-versa you will be in trouble.


Well-known member
I study all of the systems. Ancient, tropical, Sidreal, Vedic. By far recommend studying them all. Ancient systems are fun, using the system of actually figuring out your birth constellations like they did in the olden days helped me learn to appreciate my chart.


Well-known member
And how do we choose when to use which ?stability gives validity in everything so maybe thats why astrology is not a science after all...


Well-known member
In terms of predictions, I agree with Mathur. Don't mix them and you will get excellent results with both systems. In terms of natal astrology and sun signs, based on my own experience with both systems, I find vedic to be far superior.

I also recommend studying both systems. It puts things into perspective and you'll less likely fall prey to dogmatism.


Active member
Actually Western Astrology is better at personality analysis or.interpersonal astrology(synastry).....Vedic is more practical and can predict practical aspects of a person's life. Like adoption, divorce, accidents. Nevertheless, they both all up to the same thing, for example if you have a Pisces moon in Vedic, and Aries moon in Western, you might notice that certain aspects like a neptune conjunct exact to the moon water it down significantly, it also depends on the traditional differences between both of them. Western and Vedic astrology tend to vary much when it comes to traditional rulers and archetypes assigned to a particular house or sign. What you should actually look for is a proficient and open-minded person that will look through your natal chart objectively and without prejudice. Vedic astrologers tend to demonify certain aspects and term them fatalistic unnecessarily whereas se western astrologers in lieu of political correntness


Premium Member
curious whether western astrology and western astrologers not predict at all accidents, murders, assassinations, earthquakes, doom, etc etc

what do they then predict?

regarding inter-personal relations vedic has its own detailed methodology of the synastry system for marriage matching, which most indians follow carefully before marriage, keeping the divorce rate low.

vedic has it's own therapeutic approach through remedial measures, wearing gems, visiting temples, performing charity, prayers etc etc; at times we may not be able to predict exactly what will happen out of the so many possibilities, but remedial measures can overcome the negativity of time and prevent or limit negative incidents.

vedic has it's elaborate elective system to benefit from positive configurations for construction of house, starting business, studies, marriage, swearing in ceremony, operation, etc etc

vedic astrology is enabling integrate dharma-artha-kama-moksha for holistic living achieving vision and mission-economic well-being-desires fulfillment and achieving spiritual liberation - houses and signs are classified and interpreted accordingly, vedic esoteric astrology.

the moon constellation-nakshatra defines the DNA of the person in terms of his personality, temperament, talent, luck, negativity, etc etc; the planetary periods start from the lord of the moon nakshatra of the person, each sign consisting of some 2 and a half nakshatras with four divisions each, going to the micro level, each division having it's own elaborate variations again within each nakshatra for further micro-fine tuning/micrometer.

vedic and western may have different sign placements, but the house placements are same or similar, with no change in the trine, square, sextile, positions etc for consideration.

western has uranus, neptune, pluto, asteroids; vedic too has it's upagraha sub-system which are mathematical points and transits of upagrahas over natal upagrahas can make great predictions, which may not be visible purely based on the natal preliminary chart, but not popularised and not discussed, handled by the scholars.

vedic has the ashtakavarga system to quantify the benefic-malefic impact of a planet and house; also has the system of shadbala to quantify the strength of the planet how well it will fructify positively or negatively, this apart from the vedic harmonics defining the strength of the planet in relation to health, marriage, spirituality, etc etc where planets can be defined in terms of their sign propensity to 150th degree too. while there are various dasa systems-planetary periods, becoming complicated ofcourse for a beginner.

vedic has its house systems, though not exactly alike the placidius system,
defining the asc deg as the mid-point of the houses, equal-unequal options etc etc. sign placements define the nature of the planet and it's overall behavioural impact, and the house placements of planets define what matters will be affected by the placement of the planet in the sign.

astrology is about psychology, spirituality, success-failure, health, preventive or remedial measures, enhancing personal strengths, overcoming weaknesses and failures etc whether western or eastern astrology. tools and techniques and expressions may differ.

today we have western astrologers applying vedic principles over a tropical chart, and vedic astrologers adopting western techniques, adopting outer planets, etc etc ready to learn and adapt from each other.

for some the mere mention of nomenclature like rahu-ketu for the north-south nodes puts them off calling it a vedic reading of the western chart, and close their minds to the content of the reading, the interpretations, the predictions/prospects, not having the patience to examine if at all how true-untrue-relevant-useful-insightful etc in a personal reading offered having posted and invited a reading on these forums, ignoring the astrology report and remedy provided.

hope this note and rambling offers to build further perspectives into astrology, which experts here may help further define and articulate and enlighten further ahead.

humble regards, kshantaram


Well-known member
I have studied both system and find both of great value. But preference is vedic system with the planetary period systems :Dasha's that gives a unique way to see karmic developments in the souls journey.

While the western method of progressions and cycles, and outer planets is priceless too.

Both zodiacs do work as there is substance to both approaches.
Stellar based as in sidereal method. And more sun/earth based as in tropical method.

Ultimately I think that it is the actual skill of the astrologer to use and attune to a system of symbols
that is the important issue really.

Here is a thread which show how good sidereal signs can sometimes work out in a study:

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Well-known member
Hello astrologers and astrology lovers. I'm trying to make some sense of using Western astrology and Vedic astrology. You see I know astrology Western is perfectly accurate because I have accurately guess people's Sun Signs based on observing them plenty of plenty of times. And I have sought out my very own proof of looking into the past before I knew about transits and having precise things happened to me on precise Transit. So basically I'm 100% confident that Western astrology is correct. And then also of what very little I know about Vedic astrology so far it seems also extremely correct. Where do I start to learn Vedic astrology plus sticking with the Western astrology. Do any of you use both? How and Why? How do I explain this to the public and to people who are very questionable about either one?

For what it is worth, some thoughts shared by me a while back:
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Well-known member
I have studied both system and find both of great value. But preference is vedic system with the planetary period systems :Dasha's that gives a unique way to see karmic developments in the souls journey.

While the western method of progressions and cycles, and outer planets is priceless too.

Both zodiacs do work as there is substance to both approaches.
Stellar based as in sidereal method. And more sun/earth based as in tropical method.

Ultimately I think that it is the actual skill of the astrologer to use and attune to a system of symbols
that is the important issue really.

Here is a thread which show how good sidereal signs can sometimes work out in a study:


Nice article! :)

I recently (couple of years or so ago) acquired an e-book on astrology by Acharya Rajneesh (Osho). Inimitable style as ALWAYS, for all readers, whether disciples or others. alike!!
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