Composite VERTEX conjunct composite DC


Well-known member
I've read that it's common in married people's chart to find composite vertex conjunct to composite descendant, as a signal that the two were meant to be together.

Here are some internet sources:

... However, one such indicator of a fated relationship is the composite vertex conjunct the composite descendent.

Strong Vertex and Anti-Vertex aspects in the Composite chart also indicate a fated union. Indeed, Composite Charts featuring a Vertex/Descendant conjunction are common among married, fated, “meant-to-be” relationships.

Are there any other opinions or experiences on this?


New member
I have this with my current interest. It is still fairly new. Does anyone else have this? How did your relationship play out? Appreciate any help!


Well-known member
This is true. I looked at all my married friends composite and a few celebrities and vertex was either conjunct or in the 7th house...I would say about 90% of the charts I looked at had this. Very interesting. But I wouldn't go buying a wedding dress if I were dating someone and this showed up in composite, sometimes relationships aren't meant to last. You have to look the the whole composite, some composites do look like a serious relationship where some just look like a fling or short-lived.


Premium Member
Not in anything current but several significant associations I've had do have the Vertex very close to the DC in the composite and it has been something I've wondered about. However by itself it definitely doesn't show marriage.


Well-known member
Half the charts I checked have Vertex in 7H but not conj DSC. Another half don't have Vertex in 7H and no where near DSC.

So I would say this isn't indicative of marriage. Vertex strong composites may give feeling of fatedness though, whether or not it turns into marriage is another thing.


New member
My ex and I (which I have never gotten over) had our composite vertex exactly conjunct the DC and composite vertex in the 7th house in piesces. We both have our normal vertex in piesces 7th house almost conjunct. Also venus opposite venus.
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