Random Thoughts, strictly Text


Well-known member
Wow, I just noticed I got over 3000 posts.

And I am well over it! Time flies on the blue lagoon. :smile:
excellent posts as well - many thanks :smile:
the following is just one post
comprising more than two sentences

1. Powers
Sun is heating and moderately drying
Moon is moistening and moderately cooling
Saturn is cooling and moderately drying
Jupiter is heating and moderately moistening
Mars is drying and burning
Venus is moistening and moderately heating
Mercury is alternating between drying and moistening

2. Qualities
Jupiter and Venus are beneficent
Saturn and Mars are maleficent
Sun, Moon and Mercury are common

3. Natures
Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are masculine
Moon and Venus are feminine
Mercury is common

Morning planets are masculine
Evening planets are feminine

Eastern planets are masculine
Western planets are feminine

4. Sects
Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are diurnal
Moon, Mars and Venus are nocturnal
Mercury is diurnal as morning planet and nocturnal as evening planet

5. Phases
Moon is more moistening and moderately heating in first quarter
Moon is more heating and moderately drying in second quarter
Moon is more drying and moderately cooling in third quarter
Moon is more cooling and moderately moistening in fourth quarter

Morning additive planets are more moistening and moderately heating
Morning subtractive planets are more heating and moderately drying
Evening subtractive planets are more drying and moderately cooling
Evening additive planets are more cooling and moderately moistening

6. Rays
Black rays are cooling and moderately drying
White rays are heating and moderately moistening
Red rays are drying and burning
Yellow rays are moistening and moderately heating
Varied rays are alternating between drying and moistening

7. Places
Aries, Taurus and Gemini are moistening and moderately heating
Cancer, Leo and Virgo are heating and moderately drying
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are drying and moderately cooling
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are cooling and moderately moistening

8. Qualities
Aries and Libra are equinoctial
Cancer and Capricorn are solstitial
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are solid
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are dual

9. Natures
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are masculine
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are feminine

10. Sects
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are diurnal
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are nocturnal

11. Ages
First age is moistening and moderately heating
Second age is heating and moderately drying
Third age is drying and moderately cooling
Fourth age is cooling and moderately moistening

12. Angles
Hour-Marker is drying and moderately cooling
Midheaven is heating and moderately drying
Setting is moistening and moderately heating
Anti-Midheaven is cooling and moderately moistening

13. Configurations
Assemblies are common
Hexagons and trigons are harmonious
Tetragons and diameters are disharmonious

Configurations within 1° are complete
Configurations within 3° are powerful
Configurations within 7° are operative
Configurations within 15° are moderate

14. Stars
Non-wandering stars present within 1° cooperate with their powers, qualities, natures and sects

15. Houses
Leo is summery house of Sun
Cancer is northern house of Moon
Capricorn and Aquarius are wintry houses of Saturn
Sagittarius and Pisces are windy houses of Jupiter
Aries and Scorpio are stormy houses of Mars
Taurus and Libra are temperate houses of Venus
Gemini and Virgo are changeable houses of Mercury

16. Elevations
Aries is heating elevation of Sun
Taurus is vernal elevation of Moon
Libra is cooling elevation of Saturn
Cancer is northern elevation of Jupiter
Capricorn is southern elevation of Mars
Pisces is moistening elevation of Venus
Virgo is drying elevation of Mercury

17. Depressions
Libra is cooling depression of Sun
Scorpio is autumnal depression of Moon
Aries is heating depression of Saturn
Capricorn is southern depression of Jupiter
Cancer is northern depression of Mars
Virgo is drying depression of Venus
Pisces is moistening depression of Mercury

18. Trigons
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are southern wind trigon of Sun by day and Jupiter by night
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are western wind trigon of Venus by day and Moon by night
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are northern wind trigon of Saturn by day and Mercury by night
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are eastern wind trigon of Mars

19. Bounds
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius by day give Sun 7.5°, Venus 7.5°, Saturn 7.5° and Mars 7.5°
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn by day give Venus 7.5°, Saturn 7.5°, Mars 7.5° and Sun 7.5°
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius by day give Saturn 7.5°, Mars 7.5°, Sun 7.5° and Venus 7.5°
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces by day give Mars 7.5°, Sun 7.5°, Venus 7.5° and Saturn 7.5°

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius by night give Jupiter 7.5°, Moon 7.5°, Mercury 7.5° and Mars 7.5°
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn by night give Moon 7.5°, Mercury 7.5°, Mars 7.5° and Jupiter 7.5°
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius by night give Mercury 7.5°, Mars 7.5°, Jupiter 7.5° and Moon 7.5°
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces by night give Mars 7.5°, Jupiter 7.5°, Moon 7.5° and Mercury 7.5°

20. Universe
Planets in their houses, elevations, trigons and bounds are powerful
Planets in houses, elevations, trigons and bounds of planets with the same sect are operative
Planets in houses, elevations, trigons and bounds of planets with the opposite sect are inoperative
Planets in their depressions are inoperative

Morning additive planets are powerful
Morning subtractive planets are operative
Evening additive planets are operative
Evening subtractive planets are inoperative

21. Nativity
Midheaven is powerful
Hour-Marker is powerful
Post-ascension of Midheaven is powerful
Post-ascension of Hour-Marker is powerful

Setting is operative
Anti-Midheaven is operative
Post-ascension of Setting is operative
Post-ascension of Anti-Midheaven is operative

Pre-ascension of Midheaven is inoperative
Pre-ascension of Hour-Marker is inoperative
Pre-ascension of Setting is inoperative
Pre-ascension of Anti-Midheaven is inoperative

22. Nations
Make universal investigations with the biology of nations

23. Regions
Make universal investigations with the geography of regions

24. Eclipses
Solar eclipses by day and lunar eclipses by night are the most powerful causes of events

25. Times
Equinoctial hours of solar eclipses indicate the years of events
Equinoctial hours of lunar eclipses indicate the months of events

Hour-Marker indicates beginning within two months and early powerful intensification
Midheaven indicates beginning within eight months and middle powerful intensification
Setting indicates beginning within twelve months and late powerful intensification
New moons and full moons indicate particular intensifications and relaxations

26. Classes
Places and angles of eclipses, predominators of eclipses and their angles with houses, elevations, trigons, bounds and configurations, and non-wandering stars present within 1° indicate events

Hour-Marker indicates foundations, crops and adolescence
Midheaven indicates kingship, worship and adulthood
Setting indicates transitions, diseases and elderhood

Aries, Taurus and Gemini indicate airy domains
Cancer, Leo and Virgo indicate fiery domains
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius indicate earthy domains
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces indicate watery domains

Aries and Libra indicate weather and worship
Cancer and Capricorn indicate weather and politics
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius indicate foundations and buildings
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces indicate kingship and multitudes

Powerful predominators indicate major parts of classes
Operative predominators indicate some parts of classes
Inoperative predominators indicate minor parts of classes

27. Qualities
Saturn predominating indicates destruction by cold, with long illnesses, consumptions, withering, disturbances caused by fluids, rheumatisms, quartan fevers, falling, exile, poverty, imprisonment, mourning, fears, and deaths, especially among those advanced in age, scarcity and destruction of useful animals by disease, fearful cold, freezing, misty and pestilential corruption of air, clouds, gloom, multitude of destructive snowstorms, abundance of harmful reptiles, storms, the wreck of fleets, disastrous voyages, scarcity and death of fish, high and ebb tides of the seas, the excessive floods of rivers and pollution of their waters, want, scarcity and loss of crops, especially of those grown for necessary uses, through worms or locusts or floods or cloud-burst or hail, and the like

Jupiter predominating indicates increase, fame, prosperity, abundance, peaceful existence, bodily and mental health, happiness, benefits and gifts from rulers, greatness and magnanimity of kings, multitude and abundance of useful animals, destruction of the opposite kind, temperate, healthy, windy and moistening air, favourable for the growth of what the earth bears, the fortunate sailing of fleets, the moderate rising of rivers, abundance of crops, and the like

Mars predominating indicates destruction through dryness, wars, civil faction, uprisings, capture, enslavement, the wrath of leaders, sudden deaths arising from such causes, fevers, tertian agues, raising of blood, swift and violent deaths, especially among those in the prime of life, violence, assaults, lawlessness, arson and murder, robbery and piracy, hot weather, warm, pestilential and withering winds, lightning, hurricanes, drought, sudden shipwreck of fleets through changeable winds, the failure of the water of rivers, drying up of springs, tainting of potable waters, scarcity of useful animals and things that grow from the earth, the loss of crops by drying as the result of hot weather, or by locusts, or by beating of winds, or by burning in places of storage, and the like

Venus predominating indicates increase, fame, honour, happiness, abundance, happy marriages, many children, satisfaction in every mutual relationship, the increase of property, neat and well conducted manner of life, paying honour to those things which are to be revered, bodily health, alliances with the leaders, the elegance of rulers, temperate air, moist and very nourishing winds, good and clear weather, generous showers of fertilizing waters, the fortunate sailing of fleets, full rising of rivers, abundance of useful animals, good yields of fruits, successes, profits, and the like

Mercury predominating indicates transitions, stimulating event, cleverness, events which concern the priestly code, worship, royal revenues, changes in customs and laws, robbery, theft, piracy, assault, unsuccessful voyaging when predominating with maleficent planets, occasional diseases of dryness, quotidian agues, coughs, raising, consumption, irregular, fierce and changeable winds depending on dryness, lightning, thunder, hurricanes, earthquakes, destruction of useful animals and plants, diminishment of waters when drying, filling of waters when moistening, and the like

28. Comets
Comets cause wars, hot weather, drought or winds, disturbed conditions and the accompaniments of these, the time which they last indicate the time of the events, their position relative to the Sun indicate the time of the beginning, morning comets indicate rapidly approaching events, evening comets indicate events which approach more slowly, and the formations of the heads indicate the class of the events, the greater the number of parts and the greater their size, the greater the effect

29. Climates
Make universal investigations with the climate of the region, tropical, dry, temperate, continental or polar, the rainforest regions have high rainfall and temperature, monsoon regions have rainfall season, tropical savanna regions have moderate temperature and humidity, the humid continental regions have variable weather pattern and large seasonal variance, oceanic regions have plentiful precipitation, Mediterranean regions have airy spring, fiery summer, earthy autumn and watery winter, while steppe regions have high variation of temperature, subarctic regions have very cold weather and little precipitation, tundra regions have permafrost, the polar regions have covering with ice, and desert regions have little precipitation, extremely low humidity and high variation between diurnal and nocturnal temperature, for equatorial regions, places must be disregarded in favour of angles, configurations and non-wandering stars, likewise proportionally therefrom with the reversal of places and winds for the southern hemisphere, and for polar regions, angles must be disregarded in favour of places, configurations and non-wandering stars, according to latitude

30. Seasons
Make seasonal investigations from the new moons and the full moons which most nearly precede the equinoctial and solstitial places, from their angles, and from their predominators that indicate intensification or relaxation of the seasonal powers according to the weather that they produce in their current places and winds, and from the non-wandering stars that are present within 1° of the Moon and the angle that indicate moistening, heating, drying, cooling, temperate, windy, stormy, snowy, misty, destructive, pestilential and tectonic effects, according to their brightness and rays

31. Months
Make monthly investigations from following new moons or full moons

32. Weeks
Make weekly investigations from new moons, half moons and full moons

33. Days
Make daily investigations from the Moon present with the Lot of Fortune

34. Hours
Make hourly investigations from the Moon present with the angles

35. Signs
When the Sun rises or sets clear, unobscured, steady, and unclouded, it signifies fine weather, but if its disk is varied, or reddish, or it sends out reddish rays either outwardly or circling back upon itself, or parheliac clouds on one side, or yellowish cloud formations while emitting long rays, it signifies heavy winds, and if it is dark or livid, being accompanied by clouds, or if it has halos at one side, or parheliac clouds on both sides while emitting dark rays, it signifies storms and rain

When the Moon three days before and three days after the quarters appears thin and clear and has nothing around it, it signifies clear weather, but if it is thin and reddish, and the whole disk of the unilluminated part is distinct and somewhat shaky, it signifies winds, in that direction in which it is particularly inclined, and if it is dark, or pale, and thick, it signifies storms and rain

When there is one single halo around the Moon that is clear and gradually fading, it signifies fine weather, but if there are two or three, they signify storms, if they are yellowish and broken, they signify storms and heavy winds, if they are thick and misty, they signify snowstorms, and if they are pale, dark, and broken, they signify storms with both winds and snow, and the more of them there are, the more severe the storms, and the halos that gather about planets and non-wandering stars signify what is appropriate to their colours, and the powers of the stars which they surround

When non-wandering stars which are close together in some number appear brighter and larger beyond their customary appearance, they signify the winds that blow from their region, when the star clusters appear dim, invisible, or thickened, they signify rain, if they are clear and constantly twinkle, they signify heavy winds, when shooting stars are coming from one angle, they denote the wind from their direction, if they are coming from diametrical angles, they signify confusion of winds, if they are coming from all four angles, they signify storms of all kinds with lightning, thunder and the like, when the clouds resemble tufts of wool, they signify storms, when rainbows appear, they signify storms after clear weather and clear weather after storms, and generally, all atmospheric phenomena signify effects according to their formations, magnitudes and colours

36. Nativities
When the moment of nativity is known, it can be examined instead of the moment of conception, the hours must be determined with knowledge of accidental qualities, and with one of the planets in perfect configuration with the Hour-Marker or the Midheaven at every conception and nativity

37. Parents
Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus predominate parents, Saturn predominates elders
Sun and Jupiter powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished father
Sun and Jupiter operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate position
Sun and Jupiter inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low position

Sun, Jupiter and predominators in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Lot give inheritance
Sun, Jupiter and predominators without configuration with the Lot give useless inheritance
Sun, Jupiter and predominators in tetragon or diameter with the Lot give harmful inheritance

Sun and Jupiter powerful and configured with each other and Venus cause excellent longevity
Sun and Jupiter operative and configured with each other and Venus cause fortunate longevity
Sun and Jupiter inoperative and configured with each other and Venus cause average longevity

Saturn and Mars powerful in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause short longevity
Saturn and Mars operative in assembly tetragon or diameter with them cause injuries or diseases
Saturn and Mars inoperative in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause bodily weakness

Saturn makes death or injuries and diseases by cold and moderate dryness
Mars makes sudden death or injuries and diseases by dryness and burning
Saturn and Mars make conspicuous death or injuries and diseases by burning, cutting and the like

Sun is Hour-Marker of the father by day
Jupiter is Hour-Marker of the father by night

Moon and Venus powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished mother
Moon and Venus operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate position
Moon and Venus inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low position

Moon, Venus and predominators in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Lot give inheritance
Moon, Venus and predominators without configuration with the Lot give useless inheritance
Moon, Venus and predominators in tetragon or diameter with the Lot give harmful inheritance

Moon and Venus powerful and configured with each other and Jupiter cause excellent longevity
Moon and Venus operative and configured with each other and Jupiter cause fortunate longevity
Moon and Venus inoperative and configured with each other and Jupiter cause average longevity

Saturn and Mars powerful in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause short longevity
Saturn and Mars operative in assembly tetragon or diameter with them cause injuries or diseases
Saturn and Mars inoperative in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause bodily weakness

Saturn makes death or injuries and diseases by cold and moderate dryness
Mars makes sudden death or injuries and diseases by dryness and burning
Saturn and Mars make conspicuous death or injuries and diseases by burning, cutting and the like

Venus is Hour-Marker of the mother by day
Moon is Hour-Marker of the mother by night

Saturn powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished elders
Saturn operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate positions
Saturn inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low positions

38. Siblings
The Midheaven relative to the Hour-Marker of the mother predominates siblings
Moon, Jupiter and Venus configured indicate abundance of siblings
Mercury as morning planet configured indicates abundance of siblings
Sun, Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon or diameter indicate lack of siblings
Mercury as evening planet in assembly, tetragon or diameter indicates lack of siblings
Donative planets in dual places and predominating the Midheaven indicate even more siblings

Midheaven and donative planets in dual places and predominated by planets in dual places cause multiple births, the number is indicated by the number of the planets, and the sex by their natures

Masculine donative planets give male siblings
Feminine donative planets give female siblings
Morning and eastern donative planets give first-born siblings
Evening and western donative planets give later-born siblings

Donative planets powerful and predominated by powerful planets indicate distinguished siblings
Donative planets operative and predominated by operative planets indicate moderate positions
Donative planets inoperative and predominated by inoperative planets indicate low positions

Donative planets powerful and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause excellent longevity
Donative planets operative and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause fortunate longevity
Donative planets inoperative and configured with Jupiter and Venus cause average longevity

Saturn and Mars powerful in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause short longevity
Saturn and Mars operative in assembly tetragon or diameter with them cause injuries or diseases
Saturn and Mars inoperative in assembly, tetragon or diameter with them cause bodily weakness

Saturn makes death or injuries and diseases by cold and moderate dryness
Mars makes sudden death or injuries and diseases by dryness and burning
Saturn and Mars make conspicuous death or injuries and diseases by burning, cutting and the like

Donative planets in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Hour-Marker indicate friendly siblings
Donative planets without configuration with the Hour-Marker indicate unsympathetic siblings
Donative planets in tetragon or diameter with the Hour-Marker indicate quarrelsome siblings

Donative planets in assembly, hexagon or trigon with the Lot indicate friendly siblings
Donative planets without configuration with the Lot indicate unsympathetic siblings
Donative planets in tetragon or diameter with the Lot indicate quarrelsome siblings

Donative planets are Hour-Markers of the siblings

39. Life
Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon predominate life
Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon masculine and predominated by masculine planets indicate males
Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon feminine and predominated by feminine planets indicate females

Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon predominated by powerful and operative maleficent planets while Sun and Moon are not configured with the Hour-Marker indicate teratogens, when the maleficent planets are powerful, they indicate irrational nativities, but when they are operative, while Jupiter and Venus are configured with Sun and Moon, they indicate rational and honourable nativities

Hour-Marker, Sun and Moon predominated by powerful and operative maleficent planets while in complete, powerful and operative assemblies, tetragons and diameters with them indicate that the children are born dead or half-dead unless beneficent planets have predomination over one of the places and are in moderate configurations with it, for then they live months, weeks, days, and hours, depending on the predomination and configurations of maleficent planets, and the method of temporal intervals with the corresponding times, but when the beneficent planets predominate while in complete, powerful and operative configurations with one of the places, they live years, and the method of temporal intervals with years indicates the length of life

Sun is releaser when powerful by day
Sun is releaser when operative by day while the Moon is operative or inoperative
Moon is releaser when powerful by day while the Sun is operative or inoperative
Moon is releaser when operative by day while the Sun is inoperative
Hour-Marker is releaser when Sun and Moon are inoperative

Moon is releaser when powerful by night
Moon is releaser when operative by night while the Sun is operative or inoperative
Sun is releaser when powerful by night while the Moon is operative or inoperative
Sun is releaser when operative by night while the Moon is inoperative
Hour-Marker is releaser when Sun and Moon are inoperative

Saturn and Mars destroy with assembly, tetragon and diameter
Jupiter and Venus prevent destruction with configuration

The number and the power of the planets indicate which group prevails in the particular ages, the predominators of the destructive places indicate the causes of death, when maleficent planets are predominating and are in assembly, tetragon or diameter with the Sun and the Moon, they cause unnatural deaths, when the destructive places are pre-ascending, deaths occur in foreign regions

40. Body
Hour-Marker and Moon predominate body
Saturn predominating as morning planet makes those who are dark-skinned, robust, black-haired, curly-haired, hairy-chested, with eyes of moderate size, of middling stature, with temperament of cold and moisture, and Saturn as evening planet makes them dark, slender, small, straight-haired, with little hair on their bodies, rather graceful, black-eyed, with temperament of cold and dryness

Jupiter as morning planet makes them light of skin, but in such way as to have good colour, with moderately curling hair and large eyes, tall, commanding respect, with temperament of heat and moisture, and Jupiter as evening planet makes them light, but without good colour, with lank hair or even bald in front and on the crown, of average stature, with temperament of moisture

Mars as morning planet makes them red and white of complexion, tall and robust, gray-eyed, and with thick and somewhat curly hair, with temperament of heat and dryness, and Mars as evening planet makes them simply ruddy, of middle height, with small eyes, with not much hair on their bodies, with straight yellow hair, with temperament of dryness

Venus has temperament similar to that of Jupiter, but is apt to make them more shapely, graceful, womanish, effeminate in figure, plump, luxurious, with eyes bright as well as beautiful

Mercury as morning planet makes them sallow, of middle height, graceful, with small eyes and moderately curling hair, with temperament of heat, and Mercury as evening planet makes them light, but without good colour, with straight hair and olive complexion, lean and spare, and with glancing brilliant eyes, somewhat ruddy, with temperament of dryness

Predominators configured with the Sun make more impressive and more robust bodies
Predominators configured with the Moon make better proportion and greater slenderness

Moon in first quarter and morning additive predominators make large bodies
Moon in second quarter and morning subtractive predominators make robust bodies
Moon in third quarter and evening subtractive predominators make small bodies
Moon in fourth quarter and evening additive predominators make weak bodies

Aries, Taurus and Gemini make them well-favoured in complexion, stature, robustness and eyes, with the temperament of moisture and heat, Cancer, Leo and Virgo make them with moderately good complexion and moderate height, robust, with large eyes and thick and curly hair, with the temperament of heat and dryness, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius make them sallow, spare, sickly, slender, with good eyes and moderately curling hair, with the temperament of dryness and cold, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces make them with dark complexion, moderate height, straight hair, with little hair on their bodies, somewhat graceful, with the temperament of cold and moisture

Saturn and Mars in assembly, tetragon and diameter with the Hour-Marker and the Moon or with their predominators cause bodily injuries and diseases, for the most part, injuries as morning and eastern planets, and diseases as evening and western planets, while the affected parts of the body are indicated by the powers of the planets and predominators of the Hour-Marker and the Moon

Sun predominates circulatory system, nervous system and visual system
Moon predominates female reproductive system, upper gastrointestinal tract and exocrine system
Saturn predominates skeletal system, immune system and lymphatic system
Jupiter predominates male reproductive system, respiratory system and integumentary system
Mars predominates muscular system, lower gastrointestinal tract and renal system
Venus predominates endocrine system, olfactory system and secondary sex characteristics
Mercury predominates vestibular system, auditory system and gustatory system

Hour-Marker and its predominators, or the Moon and its predominators, in assembly, tetragon or diameter with Saturn and Mars, and not configured with Jupiter and Venus, indicate that injuries and diseases are incurable and painful, particularly when the maleficent planets are powerful, but when they are in assembly, tetragon or diameter with the Hour-Marker or its predominators, with the Moon or its predominators, and Jupiter and Venus are configured with the same, then injuries are not disfiguring and do not entail reproach, and diseases are moderate and yield to treatment, and they are easily cured when the beneficent planets are powerful, Jupiter and Venus cause the injuries to be concealed, and the diseases to be mitigated, and when Mercury is configured with the places under consideration, they bring this about by medicine and the aid of good physicians
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