Exactly how do the planets/stars affect us?


Big picture question here. Bear with me I'm a beginner. Is it energetically? On a metaphysical and physical level? In other words, we know astrology works, but why? What are the connections? Why do the planets/stars affect consciousness? Are the planets/stars sentient intelligent beings that are entrusted with guiding the consciousness of humanity?


Well-known member
Big picture question here. Bear with me I'm a beginner. Is it energetically? On a metaphysical and physical level? In other words, we know astrology works, but why? What are the connections? Why do the planets/stars affect consciousness? Are the planets/stars sentient intelligent beings that are entrusted with guiding the consciousness of humanity?

No from what I understand everything has a vibe. There is a subtile energy behind the planets and stars if you meditate you will feel it for yourself however I do not for sure know how it works I am not sure anyone does at this point in our development as human kind.

I meditated and kind of felt it like this. Think of each sign (house) as a 30 degree place in Space not just the stars of that sign when a planet enters that sign it changes based upon its own vibe visualize it moving through that area and that energy can effect us. Each sign kind of has a certain vibe that can be harnessed for good or bad it has no intelligence the person picking up on it does.

It has been said by many that there are places in the astral and planets associated with the "signs" some good some bad, I personally like Sagittarius hence my name and spent some time between lives there if I am right. It is so beautiful advanced nothing like earth.

Think of these as vibrations.

Now focus on this and meditate it is so beautiful earth is pretty far behind most other places cause they choose to be so angry and negative on this other world there was none of that, maybe other civilizations put out thoughtforms to play with us but I don't think I mean this seems to be the way the universe works.

I tend to think maybe earths place in the universe Screws us and hope maybe Aquarius is more positive than Pisces
Hope this helps


Big picture question here. Bear with me I'm a beginner. Is it energetically? On a metaphysical and physical level? In other words, we know astrology works, but why? What are the connections? Why do the planets/stars affect consciousness? Are the planets/stars sentient intelligent beings that are entrusted with guiding the consciousness of humanity?

They do not. They merely signify. The constant movement of the planets and stars mirrors the constant movement occuring everywhere else in the universe simultaeneously. Analogy and pattern together. So, as far as astrology is concerned, the planets and stars have no effect on us at all; they merely show us what is happening. Energy, physical or metaphysical, does not come into play. Astrology doesn't "work", it just is. Everything is connected to everything else, that is the connection. The planets and stars do not affect anything. Everything that exists can be considered a "being", and everything that exists carries at least the potential for consciousness, so in a way, yes, the planets and stars can be considered conscious beings, along with the rest of the universe, and in totality, too; they cannot, however, be considered sentient or intelligent, because as far as we know non-living matter cannot possess those traits. Therefore, they could not be entrusted with guiding the consciousness of humanity.


Well-known member
The website that was given sells nothing. The only purpose if it, and that I have taken the time to put together is to help people learn about astrology.

Its not shameless self promotion unless I am promoting something for my benefit, like the sales of my wares. Since I am retired, and am not offering my services for a price, the only purpose is information.

The responder could have seen this if they'd pursued it long enough. The sarcastic comment was simply offensive.

I agree. That is way out of line.
I checked your link and it is purely informative done in good intention and spirit.
Somebody needs a hug.
...or the boot...


Well-known member
One thing to keep in mind is that everything that your physical self consists of comes from Sol.


All the planets of this SOL-AR system were a discharge of the Sun itself, spewed out and in one event. They all began in an alignment at one point. That point, I believe is most likely that which Tera returned to when the Prince of Peace was born. As all was perfect when first created as God only creates perfection. ...and even imperfection in form is for a perfect reason

That was when the Tropical and the Sideral Zodiac aligned again. It only occurs every 26,000 years, apprx.

It is also what nourishes and sustains us.

Our very own personal Star, Sol, connected to all other stars, all of which connected to the central Star.

In the notation of physics it is stated thus: M = E/Csqrd or if you prefer M = E/(C x C)

What you are, i.e. Matter, is composed of nothing more than Energy & Light.

That Energy & Light came from Sol. From whence you came and in hence you shall return.

Everything in nature depends on everything else... it's all interconnected!
The REAL you is much more than what you might think.
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Well-known member
Not my job to promote any religion over any other or even any religion, period.

Although what is stated in the Tanakh is true. Gods' Eternal Light cannot exist in this physical universe. The Stars are Gods' Eternal Light in physical form.
Gods' Eternal Light is ONE with Gods' Word of Creation to which one can look to the Vedas' for the answer of what that Word is, and it is [phonetically] OM .... or AUM [which is considered more proper, but usually creates confusion as to how to pronounce it]

...and, so going back to the Tanakh: God created the Sun and the Moon to be that most imperfect form of Gods' perfect Eternal Light, and as that Eternal Light is ONE with the word of Creation this gives explanation for why physical light in the universe displays both wave and particle form/characteristics, as sound is of "wave" form.

So the Stars have a consciousness of a kind but that consciousness is ONE with God.

So in answer to your question,
there is sentient influence going on here.
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Well-known member
Bearwalk9, the answer really depends upon whom you ask.

Back when horoscopic astrology got started, the Hellenistic astrologers took a neo-platonic view. The envisioned a divine consciousness that permeated everything (translated as "God" though not in the strictly Judeo-Christian sense.) They reasoned that because the human body encapsulated part of this divine mind, that humans were capable of understanding astrology as part of a divine plan. Their gods, whether understood literally or metaphorically, were part of this divine plan, as were the planets. This was a holistic system. Moreover, the gods might change their plans through human prayer or sacrifice.

The gods that gave the planets their names and attributes were human creations: they looked, spoke, and behaved like human beings. Mythology was the great literature of Antiquity-- and some would say, of today. Consequently the myths can be interpreted as allegory and metaphor for the different types of human experience. Venus, for example, is not just a Roman love-goddess, but symbolizes human love with all of its shadings of meaning. Thus the myths of the goddess Venus show her as amorous towards lovers, affectionate towards her child, jealous of her rivals, exemplifying feminine beauty, and so on.

For people today of a religious or literary frame of mind, this still makes some sense. Great literature reveals truths about the human condition, even though we know that a novel is a work of fiction.

I don't think mechanistic cause-and-effect explanations such as gravity or electro-magnetism really work. The interactions between earth and planets beyond the sun and moon are negligible. The physics explanations don't explain the level of detail we see in astrology: why, for example, a woman with Venus in Scorpio square Saturn might be prone to jealousy. Even if we imagine that the planet Mars, say, affects iron in the blood, it doesn't explain why Mars should be domiciled in Aries.

Moreover, cause-and-effect explanations borrowed from physics do not explain horary astrology at all. Why should a horoscope for a moment of a question explain where you left your missing car keys?

Ultimately the question of "why astrology works" (assuming it does) remains unanswered.


Well-known member
I have had psychic experiences from the age of 7 years. After years of seeking answers to the why of things and finally getting loose from organizing religious view of reality, I believe the following: The planets and other heavenly bodies seem to be angelic principles that facilitate experiences on the earth plane for us humans.
These bodies do not control us. They simply participate in an atmosphere of vibratory energy. For example, the mars vibration seems to be forceful and thrusting. Neptune seems otherworldly etc.
We are free to respond to their energies in whatever manner we choose but the energies present at the time we incarnate must be addressed in our lives.
I think these energies want us to dance with them. If they are challenging to us then we seem to be forced by them to evolve in whatever way we are able to.
This may seem a simplistic way of responding to their forces but I have found it to successfully work in the lives of people that I know.



Premium Member
There are lots of theories. Plato wrote that on the way to birth the soul visits all the planets on the way down. That way it learns what will happen in life.

But this does not explain other kinds of charts: Mundane, horary, electional etc.
I do mostly electional astrology and from that it is evident that astrology is all about finding the right time to begin anything. Astrology involves time, so perhaps the planets represent a complicated clock that shows the progress of fate and destiny.


*Removed stuff that may have contributed to an argument.

waybread said:
Bearwalk9, the answer really depends upon whom you ask.

Back when horoscopic astrology got started, the Hellenistic astrologers took a neo-platonic view. The envisioned a divine consciousness that permeated everything (translated as "God" though not in the strictly Judeo-Christian sense.) They reasoned that because the human body encapsulated part of this divine mind, that humans were capable of understanding astrology as part of a divine plan. Their gods, whether understood literally or metaphorically, were part of this divine plan, as were the planets. This was a holistic system. Moreover, the gods might change their plans through human prayer or sacrifice.

The gods that gave the planets their names and attributes were human creations: they looked, spoke, and behaved like human beings. Mythology was the great literature of Antiquity-- and some would say, of today. Consequently the myths can be interpreted as allegory and metaphor for the different types of human experience. Venus, for example, is not just a Roman love-goddess, but symbolizes human love with all of its shadings of meaning. Thus the myths of the goddess Venus show her as amorous towards lovers, affectionate towards her child, jealous of her rivals, exemplifying feminine beauty, and so on.

For people today of a religious or literary frame of mind, this still makes some sense. Great literature reveals truths about the human condition, even though we know that a novel is a work of fiction.

I don't think mechanistic cause-and-effect explanations such as gravity or electro-magnetism really work. The interactions between earth and planets beyond the sun and moon are negligible. The physics explanations don't explain the level of detail we see in astrology: why, for example, a woman with Venus in Scorpio square Saturn might be prone to jealousy. Even if we imagine that the planet Mars, say, affects iron in the blood, it doesn't explain why Mars should be domiciled in Aries.

Moreover, cause-and-effect explanations borrowed from physics do not explain horary astrology at all. Why should a horoscope for a moment of a question explain where you left your missing car keys?

Ultimately the question of "why astrology works" (assuming it does) remains unanswered.

An intelligent, well-reasoned response. I agree. Astrology is so beautiful.

Culpeper said:
Astrology involves time, so perhaps the planets represent a complicated clock that shows the progress of fate and destiny.

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Carl Jung said:
The fact that it is possible to reconstruct a person's character fairly accurately from the birth data shows the relative validity of astrology. It must be remembered however, that the birth data are in no way dependent on the actual astronomical constellations, but are based on an arbitrary, purely conceptual time-system … If there are any astrological diagnoses of character that are in fact correct, this is not due to the influence of the stars but to our own hypothetical time qualities. In other words, whatever is born or done at this moment in time has the quality of this moment in time.

The intersection of time and space...