Natal chart


hi christiana8

you have moon conjunct venus giving you a loving nature.this is sextile to mars which shows you are very social and quite attractive to the guys. this gives many friends as you are supportive and positive. venus/moon is also sextile to Jupiter which increases your general popularity and increase your sense of fairplay. as the node is square to mercury, you are extremely intelligent and have excellent intuitions. this sometimes comes up as psychic abilities but either way you always seem to know what is happening to those around you.
this overall pattern gives you good social skills ,ambition and a loving personality.

but you do have a bit of wild streak as the sun/mars midpoint is square to Uranus. this shows you have an abundance of physical energy and liely are always moving around. this aspect can give you irrational behavior , at least you can surprise your friends act radical as they know you to be a loving and even tempered person.

your sun/moon and sun/venus midpoints are conjunct to pluto. this gives you a hidden emotional void. though most see you as a laughing and happy person, at times you fall into despondency that seems to have no reason.
it seems that emotional arguments deeply hurt you and you can take a while to bring back your optimistic demeanor that others expect

Thank you!

What you said about me it's true. In general I am tempered, sociable and try hard to not hurt nobody with my words or actions. But sometimes I have moments of anger and irrational behavior that I regret it later!

I am very sensitive and I hate it because I am easily hurt about people without they even knowing. It's frustrating.


Well-known member
I try to look at themes in the chart and what jumped out at me with yours is friendships/relationships and insecurity about them. Although you crave deep, true, solid relationships, you are insecure about your ability to get them and you adapt/change yourself maybe too much to suit the people you're with as a way to deal with this. You see relating to others as serious business. So you pick your relationships in a very careful manner so as to minimize rejection. Your go-to reaction is to shy away from others if you suspect that they may not accept you.

Sound like you?


Well-known member
That is very true! I am aware of that but I don't know what to do, how to act...any advices, please? :crying:

You have a strong mind and would make a good friend, you just have to have more confidence in your abilities. Be aware of thinking others are more effective or have more to offer. This confidence will come with age, most definitely with your Mercury controlled Saturn; these can blossom later on when they accept and work with these energies.


Hello -

Rahu gave an excellent summation.

Your BIG 6th house needs to be of helpful offerings. Yours is pretty much an 'other' oriented chart.

Your Saturn & Pluto will jive very well in career pursuits- but watch out for your sinister leanings ;)

Mercury ruler of 1st in 7th of contracts or negotiations.

A career in law or justice or equality will suit you.

Hard sun-mars aspects will usually leave you feeling useless, in jail, or ever striving for that which you've already gotten but don't know how to surpass.

That's the only struggle you have in your chart - as I see it.

Mars by tradition supports the Sun. Sun is where light is cast and the spirit of life is fulfilled. When Mars is bad to Sun - ( I have it too - so consider the bias) - you have to look to the friends of Mars in the chart - to give it reason to support the sun. when the friends support the sun - it's an easier row to hoe.
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