Question time or reception time?


Well-known member
Hi, everybody!

I am from a branch of horary that teaches that the astrologer must use the time (and place) he received and understood the question to cast the horary chart. However, I see that most of you here in the forum use the time the querent informs.

So I would like to have oppinions about it. Anyone uses both methods? If yes, why?

Why should one use the question time or the reception time?

Best Regards

dr. farr

Well-known member
Traditionally it has been (and is) the reception time (time the astrologer hears/reads or gets the question) I have always used the time that the querent asked the question. So, I have no personal experience using the time of reception (of course usually in the past the astrologer was with the querent when the question was asked by the querent, and reception time was used when the questions were submitted either by messenger or through letters)