Arrest Horary

I did a horary chart, "When will xx be arrested". Somehow I came up with December 2012, which didn't happen. XX was arrested for a different offense than I asked about (but somewhat related) on July 6, 2013 at 11:15pm, and was booked on July 7, 2013 at 12:20am. Interesting note, on the booking chart, Libra 18 is on the descendant. Check out the Sabian Symbol for that degree.

My question is: why did I get it wrong, and will XX be arrested for the offense I queried about and when?

Thanks in advance for help!



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IMO, you don't understand about how horary works.

You can only ask questions that are deeply personal to YOU, and that impact YOU personally. If you were asking when YOU would get arrested, then it would be a valid question. Asking questions that other people, in this case particularly, the person who might be arrested, can ask already, brings up the impossible multiple birth time conundrum. Astrology is built on a one birth time per person, per corporation, per question scenario.

Secondly, horary is built on essentially questions that have yes or no answers. If your were the person who might be arrested, and had asked, "Will I get arrested?" that would be valid. Other informations would also be available.

Finally Horary is based on a time period, which is limited to about 3-6 months. Forever questions are not permitted.


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This question is deeply personal to me. Thank you for your response. His arrest was well past the 3-6 months time period.

It may mean something to you, but it not about you. The dude who is having it happen to him is the one who is appropriate ask the question not you. I could have in tense personal realtionship with there being world peace, but its not an appropriatre horary question.

You wanted to know why the horary didn't work.


Well-known member
Hello, Grace. We are but grains of sand :)virgo:) on the vast beach that lines the oceans :)pisces:) and as so, are all connected. If you are concerned then you are simply recognizing that you are part of the one that contains us all and are a concerned party. The chart is radical, :jupiter: ruling the hour, showing that your question is valid. I assume this also means you are seeking justice, a quality of both :sagittarius: and :libra:. Arrest might be shown through :venus: parallel :jupiter:, and square when he trades places with :mar: through the mutual reception by face. I believe the difference in your timing is due to the speed of the planets. :moon:, :mercury:, :venus: are all quite slow, the messenger not yet recovered from his Rx, still within the shadow period.

Since this is your significator, it is important to ask yourself if you are having trouble being objective because :moon: is in the 12th, the most difficult place to do that. Your question and that placement leads me to believe you expect him to be arrested and assume his guilt. :mercury: is also at the same degree as :southnode:, along with :venus:, hinting again at a loss of objectivity, :gemini:. I think some facts might be withheld, due to the :southnode: location.

I can see a potential domestic violence through the traditional Regio house system for horary. :aries: /:libra: are intercepted in 11/5. But using Placidus, did you expect it to be for murder or money fraud? Through mutual receptions I can see his arrest. :moon: is also parallel :jupiter:. :moon: and :jupiter: have numbered the months, 11. This is the strangest chart if it is supposed to show a guilty man though. He has almost no past aspects. he was sextile :uranus: in his daughter's house. That could be an accident in the home or possibly an abduction. :uranus: is known to take his goods and hand to :pluto:, the sky god pouring out lightening and rain to saturate the underworld. But, :pluto: is the real kidnapper, having taken Persephone away from Demeter. Before this sextile, they were square. Isn't it :jupiter: that sent :mercury: to the underworld to negotiate a deal for her release? :jupiter: is in MR not only with :mercury:, but with :mars:, only one degree past the Arabic part of negotiations. You might want to look at the arrest chart for this potential.

If we are looking for lies, false rumors in a horary or event chart, mutable angles are one potential way to spot that, but :pisces: is the most difficult because it is the most mute and misunderstood, potentially the most deceptive. That is the sign rising in his arrest. Not only that, the equatorial ascendant is a degree that either has a hard time telling the truth or is easily deceived. Just ask Casey Anthony. You got me curious so I followed your link and then did some research. The quesited is under suspicion by a lot of people but apparently not even named a person of interest by LE. Could this arrest, the eye witness being LE, be a deceptive attempt to put pressure on him if he has information that he hasn't previously given about his daughter's disappearance? His was the lowest bond I've ever heard of.

Reading the 911 call, the last person to have contact with :mercury: his child, was :venus: , both at critical degrees. The contact was through antiscion. She disposes the caller/dad. This looks like probably the girlfriend, mom or relative by marriage. The latter might include the mom, even if they weren't married. They are legally bound through their daughter. They appear to have a love to hate relationship because they are in mutual reception but square at the same time. Now, it looks to me like, at first he thought the mom might have taken her. :saturn: trine :neptune: could imply he isn't being honest but i think it is describing what he is telling LE, she's suddenly gone, been kidnapped, held captive.

In the unrelated arrest chart, the moving party/LE, has joined with the mother or family, :jupiter: contained between :moon: and Lilith. This picture reminds me of the wise king Solomon, surrounded by two women both claiming to be the mother. His solution? cut the baby in half (joint custody). Lilith had her children taken, as a way of bullying her into retuning to Adam's domination. So, she is known for taking other's children.11° shows up again, through :venus: and negotiations hidden in the 12th, calculated with the moving party/plaintiff/asc=:jupiter:, ruler of asc,-:mars: law enforcement. Hmmm A crisis degree on the 12th with rights intercepted, holding :uranus:. If he does know anything else maybe he'll talk. He is in MR with :mars:, which would put him in talkative :gemini: in the 3rd. But, he will be square the horizon then.

This is just a quick look but thought I'd share a couple of thoughts.