The 12th house and pre-birth experiences


not sure if you're asking but since it's below my post...

my pluto is in scorpio. i'm new to this natal chart thing. how would i know if my pluto as aspects to my asc (virgo) and my moon (pisces)?

ETA: umm wait... i don't have planets in my 12th house but leo is in my 12th house

here's what i got for aspects.. i think nothing is related to my pluto.


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I have Sagittarius and Capricorn (but no planets) in my 12th. And I have one heck of an interesting story about my birth, not that I can remember it but here's how the tale was told:

I was born three weeks early and breech. I literally came into the world *** backwards. An emergency c-section was done and the doctors gave my mother too much anesthetic, so she was unconscious when I was born and for a long time afterwards. My estimated due date turned out to be my brother's birthday 7 years later.

My dad was going to go into the operating room when I was born. They told him, put these scrubs on and we'll come and get you, but they never did. He stood outside and waited and waited and however long later, they wheel baby me out in one of those incubator things. I don't know if the next part is true, I only heard my father's version of this once, but the nurse pushing the incubator supposedly almost tipped it over while I was in it.

So neither of my parents were present/conscious, and I faced what could have been certain death if not for modern day surgery. It's a surprise I got this far, LOL.


Well-known member
I have Sagittarius and Capricorn (but no planets) in my 12th. And I have one heck of an interesting story about my birth, not that I can remember it but here's how the tale was told:

I was born three weeks early and breech. I literally came into the world *** backwards. An emergency c-section was done and the doctors gave my mother too much anesthetic, so she was unconscious when I was born and for a long time afterwards. My estimated due date turned out to be my brother's birthday 7 years later.

My dad was going to go into the operating room when I was born. They told him, put these scrubs on and we'll come and get you, but they never did. He stood outside and waited and waited and however long later, they wheel baby me out in one of those incubator things. I don't know if the next part is true, I only heard my father's version of this once, but the nurse pushing the incubator supposedly almost tipped it over while I was in it.

So neither of my parents were present/conscious, and I faced what could have been certain death if not for modern day surgery. It's a surprise I got this far, LOL.


Well-known member
I am not familiar with the book mentioned by OP, although I have Hamaker-Zondag's book on Yods and unaspected planets, which is a wonderful work.

I do question the `planets in the 12th house' theory of in utero experience. However, I have noticed, just from my own rather random research, that any planets *close* to the Asc - either very late in 12th, or very early in 1st - do describe conditions either pre-birth, or immediately post-birth. For instance, having Neptune conjunct Asc on a natal chart appears to describe a health limitation, which is generally present for no more than 12-18 months of the baby's life. To give just one example, my grandson's half-sister was born with Neptune 31' short of her Aqua Ascendant. For the first year of her life she was in and out of hospital with a condition which took some time to diagnose, but was as a result of some muscles not yet being fully ready to function. By the time she was 15 months she was healthy. She has just turned 3. With natal Chiron very early in Pisces, and a little less that 3 degr past her Asc, I suspect this experience will have a lasting resonance for her, even if only at an unconscious level.
(At the time the child was having regular hospital visits, I detected almost an enjoyment in the adults - parents & grandparents - around her. She seemed to be used as an attention-getter. I'm hoping the little girl doesn't use illness to seek attention in her future life, but it is a possibility.)


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ScorpioCrow, I've just read your post above. I assume that you have Capricorn Rising. Almost universally (but not always) Cap rising people struggle to be born. Mine was a difficult birth which wiped out my mother for 12 months. I also have no planets in the 12th. My own theory about Cap Rising births is that before and during the birth process we actively resist being born, because we know what we're in for during our life. Just a theory.


Well-known member
My 12th house is Gemini/Cancer (my ascendant 17 Cancer) without any planets. The 12th house is symbolized by hospitals and emergencies. When a house lacks a planet or force interfering with the natal charts, like a 12th house indicating no serious health issues or risks, it could explain some of ours' births or our mother's experiences in childbirth as good or bad. Pregnancy and childbirth are risky, esp. the chances of maternal death and infant mortality, noting they are ruled by the signs Cancer (a disease named after the sign) and Scorpio (associated with death and medical/health conditions), but Pisces rules the 12th house also rules the mother-child bond.

Going by my parents' recollection of my birth, my Mom had a comparably short labor for a first time mother (6+ hours) and she described it a painful experience, but lacked drama and no epidural used (and she said "I didn't scream"). I stayed in a hospital 60 miles from my home for treatment of jaundice for like 3 days. It was a very rainy Feb. day (the 15th) in 1980 in So CA and my Dad who had paramedic training in the Riverside county fire dept. could well delivered me to the world. I was supposedly due 2 weeks before Mar 1 (or Feb 29, leap year) but I turned out an Aquarius. Feb or Mar 1980 had two full moons while Feb 14-16 was a new moon.


Well-known member
My daughter has a singleton Virgo Mars in 12th, nothing happened to me during the pregnancy. She was a lovely cooperative pregnancy, never made me feel bad.

During the delivery, however, she was nearly asphyxiated (the umbilical was wrapped around her neck twice). In the olden times we both would have died, I joke about this sometimes.
So yea.

Mercury who is responsible for asphyxiation is the lord of Virgo, as you well know.
This is all it took, seriously, Merc is sitting in Aquarius, well-aspected by all kinds of planets, and not at all damaged, in a nice 5th house.
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