Will I have a child soon


New member
I’m feeling a little bit defeated and over whelm. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHEN I WILL CONCEIVE A HEALTHY BABY? I currently have 2 children.....

I had a tubal pregnancy in 2013 and a miscarriage 2 months ago. I don’t have my husbands time of birth. Is it possible to still predict child birth with only the mother’s chart?

My birthday is DECEMBER 26, 1987 I was born at 2:14pm in Dallas, Tx

Upon looking at my birth chart...I realized that my 5th house is empty.
However that didn’t stop me for having children in the past.

I decided to try on September 5th using the fertility astrology calculator

Sun 5th house
Moon. 7th house
Mercury 5th house
Venus 5th house
Mars 5th house
Jupiter. 8th house
Saturn. 9th house
Uranus. 12th house
Neptune. 11th house
Pluto 9th house
Lilith. (M) 11th house
Chiron. 12th house
Node (M). 3rd house

[Merged duplicate threads, deleted duplicate starting post. - Moderator]
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Staff member
You're expected to post your chart if you want it interpreted, not just birth information. Follow the instructions here: https://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1171

Is the list of house placements supposed to be your natal placements? If so, it can't be right. If you were born at 2:14 pm, it's impossible for your sun to be in the fifth house. You would have to have been born after sunset but before midnight to have the sun in that part of the chart. It's also impossible for your fifth house to be empty if the sun plus all those planets are in it.


Well-known member
Your 5th ruler maybe capricorn with capricorn sun in the 5th house and also mars.

I horary question may be the best in this scenario.

I wish you the best.


Well-known member
I’m feeling a little bit defeated and over whelm. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHEN I WILL CONCEIVE A HEALTHY BABY? I currently have 2 children.....

I had a tubal pregnancy in 2013 and a miscarriage 2 months ago. I don’t have my husbands time of birth. Is it possible to still predict child birth with only the mother’s chart?

My birthday is DECEMBER 26, 1987 I was born at 2:14pm in Dallas, Tx

Upon looking at my birth chart...I realized that my 5th house is empty.
However that didn’t stop me for having children in the past.

I decided to try on September 5th using the fertility astrology calculator

Sun 5th house
Moon. 7th house
Mercury 5th house
Venus 5th house
Mars 5th house
Jupiter. 8th house
Saturn. 9th house
Uranus. 12th house
Neptune. 11th house
Pluto 9th house
Lilith. (M) 11th house
Chiron. 12th house
Node (M). 3rd house

You have to post your chart. We can't tell you without it.

these are instructions



1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address

2) Upload the image to Imgur using the following URL:


3) Once the chart is uploaded to Imgur, click on 'Copy' or 'Embed Post'

4) Paste the Imgur image location to forum post

1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address

2) Click on the Attachment icon (if you don't see it, select 'Advanced' posting first)

3) New window will open, paste the image address, click Upload button, close the window

if that is for some reason not possible
another option is, after creating the natal chart
then save the chart to your desktop
then when on the thread click to edit your post
then scroll down to the Attach Files box
then click on Manage Attachments
and follow the instructions on the screen to upload your chart that way :smile:


Well-known member
Re: Will I have a child soon???

You seem to have a better chance of having a child from January/2021 to September/2023.
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New member
Re: Will I have a child soon???

Hello Ashley,

I'm only posting this because I'm just as frustrated as you for the lack of help here. Literally anyone could have mentioned that, judging by the nature of your question, it would be much simpler and maybe even more appropriate to do a horary reading. It's a much simpler process that give much more precise answers to your question/concerns and doesn't even require your or anyone's natal chart, which renders your issue of uploading a natal chart moot.

Just so I'm misunderstanding this, is there a particular reason you would like your natal chart analyzed rather than do a horary astrology reading? If there are reason you don't want one, then you can ignore the rest of this post.

last night (this morning more like) was when I read your question and I decided to do a horary reading for it of my own.

Now, based on the result I got, maybe I shouldn't even be posting it here. I had come across a very strong Saturn conjunct the descendant, a sign of a great block to this reading, either because I as an astrologer am not qualified enough to answer your question or because of fears or blocks you yourself harbor that prevent you from succeeding and, if not addressed, would result in a resounding "no" to your question. This is something I should tell you from the start; If I was a professional horary astrologer with some integrity, I'd probably return your money and ask you either to consult another horary astrologer or, especially of other astrologer give you the same result, deal with those personal blockages directly before even asking the baby question. They could be related to fear, grief or your partner's fears and grief or other issues (Saturn being on the 7th house cusp)

All that being said, because this is a forum I use for learning and I'm by no means a professional, and because no one else posted their horary readings to this question, I thought it may prove to be of some help, if anything at least to give you an idea of how precise and definitive a horary reading can be, much more so if done by a professional! They could probably narrow down the timing of your pregnancy (if successful) down to the day, if not the hour.

Well here's my attempt. As this is a very important question to you, please take it with a huge grain of salt or only as a sample of what you can expect from a professional horary reader:



Now let's set aside that strong Saturn on the descendant for a minute and look at everything else:

You're represented by the moon (ruler of the ascendant sign and prime significator)
Your current children or past pregnancies are represented by Mars and Pluto (rulers of your radical 5th house)
Your next child/pregnancy is represented by Jupiter and Neptune (rulers of the turned 5th house starting from the 5th)

From the get-go, I can see the question may not be an issue of fertility here because almost all the relevant signs are known to be the most fertile signs; Ascendant in Cancer, 5th house in Scorpio, turned 5th house in Pisces, and Jupiter in Sagittarius. If I only had these to look at I'd say you're naturally so fertile you could get pregnant just by looking at another man! So what's the problem here? Your current circumstances, indicated by the position of the moon, perhaps. Right now it's in Leo, which is a barren sign. It's in a very close conjunction to Mars (2°08’), albeit separating from it. The fact that they're very close and both in the 2nd house also shows how important this matter is to you and how invested you are in it.
So first, there's the matter of you past pregnancies or current children. The moon separating from Mars by 2 degrees got me concerned that this may be referring to your past failed pregnancies and not the successful ones, as you mentioned you had a miscarriage 2 months ago. This suspicion would be supported by Pluto as well, since the moon is separating from a quincunx with it (0°24’) (plus an applied quincunx to Mars) and separating from a opposition to Mercury (2°31’). A quincunx is usually very relevant in medical astrology, but whether it should be counted in horary readings is debatable. however, I found it relevant because there's a history of medical procedures in your question, and also Mercury is the ruler of the 12th house of death, which could be referring to your tubal pregnancy. There's also the fact that it's separating from a conjunction with super malefic Saturn (5°52’) that emphasizes matters of death, grief and/or fear may be form such a difficult block that it may be better to focus on them first and then deal with the question of future pregnancy later. however, since it's in your radical 7th house I must ask, are there any medical issues, physical or otherwise, with your partner related to this topic? Have they been having difficulty dealing with the failed pregnancies?
The fact that most of the above aspects are separating may mean this is behind you now, although very recent in Mars' case and still has an effect on you, so much so that it may prevent another pregnancy only for the time being.

Now looking at your future pregnancy. Both Jupiter and Neptune are very strong in their respective signs, which is hopeful. However, as fortunate as Jupiter is, it looks to be the exact antiscion of Saturn here almost down to the minute (Jupiter is at 14°38 Sag while Saturn is at 15°34’ Capricorn). That represents a great shadow of this aspect that needs to be dealt with and resolved. The issue of having children will carry the fears/grief/blockage that may be associated past pregnancies, your partner, or another kind of block altogether, further reinforcing Saturn here.

So, the moon isn't in the best place for pregnancy now in Leo and separating from a trine to Jupiter. Its next aspect (in about about 10 days) is a trine with Uranus, another "bad" sign and after that (another 10 days) a trine with Pluto and super bad Saturn, Jupiter's antiscion. However, in about 2 months and 20 days from now you'll be in a much more fertile position (moon at a distance of 80 units of time from entering the 5th house) and in another 4-5 weeks (35 units of time away from a conjunction to Jupiter) you may be getting pregnant. So that's at least 4 months from now in total.

I did not focus on the nature of your future pregnancy so much as the Saturn issue seemed more pressing to me.


Here are some quotes from William Lilly, our Horary Homeboy, on the question of conception:

"If the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, or the Lord of the 5th in the 1st, or the Lord of the 1st in the 5th, or if the Lord of the 5th be in the 7th, or the Lord of the 7th in the 5th, or the Moon with him, or good Planets in the Ascendant, or with the Lord of the 5th, or in any of the Angles; she may then conceive:
But if none of these testimonies concurre, and you find barren Signes and ill Planets to be in the former places, she neither is at present conceived, or will thereafter conceive.
If good and bad Planets be mixed together, she may perhaps conceive or have Children, but they will not live: If Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces be in the Ascendant or 5th, she may have Children; but if Leo or Virgo be there, she neither is at present, or hardly after will be with Child.
What time: See then where you find the Lord of the 5th house, viz. if in the ascendant or lst house; then judge the lst yeere; if in the 2nd house, the 2nd yeere; if in the lOth house, the 3rd yeere; if in the 7th house, the 4th yeere; if in the 4th house, the 5th yeere.
And herein you must be carefull in considering what Signe the Lord of the 5th house is in; for the Swiftnesse of a Planet in a moveable Signe doth somewhat hasten the time; a double bodied Signe doth not manifest so soon; fixed Signes prolong the matter; however, this is worthy of your consideration, that let the Significator be in what Signe he will be, yet if he be swift in motion and direct, he doth make the more haste in performance of the businesse he is a Significator in, and causeth the matter sooner to be accomplished."

So if I were to judge purely on Lilly's rules here, you have a high chance of getting pregnant for several factors:
1. Ruler of the 5th house, Pluto, in the 7th
2. Having your ascendant in Cancer and 5th house in Scorpio
3. May be in your second year if we take Mars as the ruler of your 5th house, or your 4th year if we take Pluto as the ruler.
4. Your significator being the moon, the "swiftest" of bodies and a sign of haste

Judgements against conception:
1. An "ill planet" in your 7th, namely Saturn.


This is as much as I could glean from the reading and your information, but I'm sure a professional horary astrologer would be able to provide you with much more info with their own reading, and possibly a look at your natal chart. Sorry I couldn't provide a more solid or hopeful answer, but the blocks seemed pretty real against pregnancy for now. (or against this reading!)
Would you please provide more info if you have anything to share or update me on your progress in the future?

Rooting for you.


Staff member
Re: Will I have a child soon???

Yasumi (and Ashely87),

Please note, this is the Read My Chart board. (I merged two threads on the same topic, so the thread posted on the Vedic board is now part of the Read My Chart one. Making the same post more than once is against the rules. For that reason, duplicate threads are always either merged or deleted.) Horary posts are ONLY to be posted in the horary section.

I'm not deleting the post because it does address the question, astrologically, and there's no way to move it to horary and have it still make sense. But going forward, posts in this thread must be based on natal astrology. Suggesting horary instead is fine, but don't do a horary reading here.

Your recommendation to consult a more experienced horary astrologer is a good one, and can be taken as a recommendation to use the Horary forum instead. However, in our horary forum, the poster is required to supply a horary chart. Asking others to cast it really won't do, because the validity of a horary chart depends on it being cast for the correct time and location.

If the querent casts it, the correct time and location is the time and place that they decided to make it a horary question. If they consult an astrologer online, the correct time and place is the astrologer's location and the time the astrologer understands the question. But in the horary forum, there isn't just one consulting astrologer. It's multiple people who are all in different locations and will understand the question at different times. There's no way to cast a valid horary chart if it's not provided by the OP.

I have addressed the chart posting difficulty on the Help With Forums and Suggestions board.

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