Amazing Relationship Comparison Technique

Hey everyone so I have this software in Sirius that gives compatibility scores. It is very interesting. It scores in 8 categories and gives ranges of 50-150+

50 or lower shows it's very weak
50-75 is weak
75-85 is slightly below average
115-125-slightly above average
125-150-above average
150+ is very high, very strong

The categories are:

Romantic and Sexual Attraction

Similarity of Interests and Temperament

Mutual Success and High Achievement

Problem Solving, Communication and Mutual Understanding

Mutual Kindness, Friendliness, Pleasantness and Peace

Aggressiveness, Competition, Power, Success or Violence

Adventurousness, Surprises and Disturbances

Shared Creativity, Imagination and Inspiration

I have been doing a study of my own and looking at people who have been married such as Paul Newmann and Joanne Woodward, Prince William and Princess Kate, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, Beyonce and Jay Z, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie/Jennifer Aniston and a host of other celebrity and family charts.

What I've noticed is that if there is a score of 115-150+ in Mutual Success and High Achievement, Problem Solving category, Mutual Kindness and Share Creativity that is a successful marriage. Just having Romantic Attraction and/or Similarity of Interest won't last, I'm sure we know that. For example, Brad Pitt and Angelina have high scores in Similarities and Mutual Success and average scores in Romantic Attraction and Disturbances but Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith score high in Shared Creativity, Mutual Success, Kindness and Aggressiveness/Competition and have average scores in romantic attraction, mutual understanding and disturbances. Paul Neumann and Joanne Woodward have high scores in similarity, mutual success, communication/mutual understanding and kindness which is why these were long marriages. I looked up my scores with present or past partners and can see what areas we score high or low in and it's pretty accurate. For example, my current person we score a 443 in romantic attraction and 44 in communication/mutual understanding which is accurate for us. We also score high in the mutual success, shared creativity and kindness and average in similarity.My last relationship scored high in romantic attraction, similarity and disturbances. Guess what the high in disturbance won, the attraction and similarity just wasn't enough and I have my theory on why but I'll save that for a later post.

I look at this first before I even I start the comparison analysis. It automatically calculates the aspects between the synastry and composite chart. I have found that even if the birth time is unknown the scores don't change, if so very slightly. The only one that changes significantly is Similarity of Interest category so I don't count that if I don't know the birth time of one or both charts. Has anyone ever used this software method? Do you find it accurate? It explains the categories and the aspects it uses to calculate these I just didn't want to post all that here.
Oh my! Can I get this software too for free? I'm dying to test it 😂

Ardentika I was over $300. But if you are curious I would be happy to run two charts for you and send you the results. I won't do it for everyone but I don't mind doing it for some. Let me know


Well-known member
Oh I'd love that! Maybe I can provide with some feedback too since I've tried the vedic method but haven't found it working quite well.
Hey Ardentika I think I've sent messages. I am not sure they are going through so please don't think I'm crazy if you open your inbox and see multiple messages from me lol. Let me know if you haven't received them thanks. Hopefully it answers some questions for you and you find the method interesting and hopefully accurate!