Divorce transits


Hi all,
I just started learning about transits.Can someone tell me wich transits are often found to trriger divorce?Are you divorced?Do you know which were the transits at the time?Or you know what should be looked at? It doesn't always have to be transiting planet on the ruler of the 7th or the planet in 7th?I didn't find a lot of information.Can one really predict a divorce?
Please, share your knowledge,I'm such a newbie.
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hi there, i'm very new too but i did read carol rushman's book the art of predictive astrology and she really details natal indicators of divorce and transiting/progression triggers. i believe squares to venus was one thing she mentioned and that was true at my divorce.


Well-known member
Now I'm a guy... and I know that some planets effect woman and men differently. Saturn when it came close to my natal 7th house, I got married. It lasted nearly two years. Then she filed for divorce and I counter filed, and I won the divorce. I married another woman before Saturn had left my natal 7th house. (Why I will never know... yea right.) That lasted nearly 10 years. It seemed like Saturn moved in my 7th house and was empowered and I ran with it in the marriages I had 7-12 houses. When It was about time for it to come to my natal 1st house I was already divorced my second and last time. Those were the most horrable marriages I've had to live through and still do. The first one I had a daughter who is now 17 years old. When she was 15 her mother (my ex) was killed in a car wreck. The second ex hardly lets me see my daughters at all. They are now 11 and 14. What did I learn? Don't get married when Saturn is in the 7th house and is a significator of your marriage.
Will I marry again? Possibly. But I am a lot wiser from the first two and how the planets work. V.r LionKIng:sunny:


Well-known member
Hmm... my natal Saturn is 5th House Sagittarius. I think I read some where that indicates that you're suppose to be stupid. Ha! Really, I read that. Maybe that ment for the selection of my wives, ha!
I don't know how it ment "bad" for me, because I already wrote 5 books and writing more as the days go. Maybe my books are stupid, ha! Naa... laughing aside... Saturn isn't such a bad planet, it just is very sobering planet. It's like Dr. Phil saying; "Get real." Or; "Wake up and smell the coffee because life is happening and we need you on ALERT status."
V/r LionKing


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Girl here.
When Neptune conjuncted my 4th house Mars, signifying probably guys AND it was the ruler of my 7th house of partnerships, my 23 year marriage D-I-S-S-O-L-V-E-D. Probably lots of ways for divorces to happen. That was mine.


Well-known member
I agree... Neptune and Mars can be pretty malific planets. Keeps you on your toes. Mars is getting a conjuction on Saturn pretty quick. That is another wake-up call to all of those listening. V/r LionKing:sunny:


Well-known member
What about Uranus transiting 7- could that lead to separation, sudden break-ups - just thinking out aloud.
At least, I've read somewhere that marriages happening during a Ura-transit are more prone to break-ups!!


Well-known member
Going through a divorce right now. I have Pluto conjuncting my IC and squaring my Desc.. Pluto is also squaring my Sun(6th).

My soon-to-be ex will have Uranus conjuncting his IC and Saturn conjuncting his MC on the (tentative) final divorce hearing date.

On that date Pluto will be retrograding to an exact square (for the final time--thank God!) to my Sun.


Well-known member
The seventh house is both marriage and divorce. Remember my first marriage and divorce was while Saturn was in the seventh house. The seventh house is the house of partnerships. You can probably decipher where certain planets were when you were married and where they are presently at. That is how mine went. I hope this was helpful. V/r LionKing


Thank you,guys.I also saw Astrologers using transits of the midpoints to both natal and composite charts as the indicators of the divorce and they were really precise time-wise,but the explanations were vague.I coudn't decifer how they came to the conclusions.With my astrological skills ,I am not anywhere near capable to read midpoints.
Well, with Uranus("planet of the divorce", among other things),the picture is clearer,yeah Iwould think also Saturn-7th,afflicted...Pluto on the IC-that's interesting clue ..Neptune/Mers-4th..hmmm
I also wonder about Chiron in 7th?Could that lead to divorce?
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Well-known member
Saturn was transiting my 7th house when my marriage completely fell apart. He wound up re-marrying...transiting Saturn in Virgo is in his 7th house...they are now getting divorced!