Is it possible to have a happy relationship with a 12th house Venus...

Is it possible to have a happy relationship with all these negative aspects...

Venus in the 12th, a Sun/Moon square, Saturn in the 5th, Neptune in the 7th and North Node in the first? It's a combination that spells major bad luck in the love department, I think.

I am on my first Saturn return now. I've been completely unattached since February (I saw someone briefly over the summer, but it wasn't serious). I'm fine being on my own, but at the same time, like most normal human beings, I would like companionship.

I don't believe my chart shows good relationship potential. I'll probably keep ending up in relationships, but I believe it may be borderline impossible for me to derive any happiness from them. I'm not entirely sure if my chart has any marriage potential (I do have a child, however). I would love another Astrologer's honest opinion on my relationship potential.

Is it possible to overcome negative chart aspects? Or are they just things we have to accept (and possibly avoid)?

Also, if my chart shows a marriage, I am curious as to when that might happen. And whether or not it'll be permanent.


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Queen of Wands

Active member
Hi GR,

The factors you name do present challenges in relationships (except 1st house North Node -- astrologers seem to differ in calling the South Node "unlucky"), but for suggestions toward a long-term partnership, look to the lord of the 7th house. In this case, Jupiter, in its own sign and trining your Sun. Sixth house placement should be good for stability. Although, the conjunction with Uranus could spell some difficulties there.

In answer to your title, my husband has Venus in the 12th. I am admittedly biased, but I think he has a fantastically happy relationship.

(Sorry for the shortness of the reply, just found out I had to run)
Thanks for your reply.

It's not just the 12H Venus; it's all those factors. I really think I have bad relationship karma in this lifetime. I don't think I am capable of being happy in a paired-off state, yet I would like to get married one day.

How does one get around those challenges? Do they ease with age? Or are they just things I have to accept? It seems, to me, that I have too many challenges, more than most I think.

dr. farr

Well-known member
I don't think your natal Venus situation is so bad: its cadent and in whole sign 12th, sure, but it is also in its domicile of Taurus, it disposits all planets in the chart except Jupiter and Uranus (so its a pretty potent influence in the chart), it receives an applying trine from the Moon, there is a sextile relationship bewteen it and the Part of Fortune, and (for me at least) Venus is beyond orb and so does not square the MC.

Jupiter in its domicile as lord of the 7th whole sign house is quite positive; Uranus there does show sudden situations regarding 7th house matters, and possible intensities there, not always of a happy quality, but at least not dull or boring regarding potential relationships! Your Woman's Lot of Marriage (ascendant+saturn-venus) falls @ 3 Sagittarius RIGHT IN THE 7TH whole sign house (angular, and certainly an excellent position for such a Lot), and @ 3 degrees of that sign it falls in the monomoiria (degree rulership) of-VENUS!!

The natal potentials are there for happy love relationships: just don't get disappointed too easily (that's the liability of Venus in the 12th house, for you) and don't let Uranian impulses get the upper hand in your love relationships!