the node and reality



A few initial thoughts.
It seems that transits to the natal node do not often show any significance, or the significance is less often than with other symbols. I believe this is because the node is the seminal astrological power and when it moves on, it “leaves” one natal, whereas the other symbols always remain sign post in your life. As Phoenix Venus has reported a transit of Uranus had an effect on her , so transits do affect your natal node position, but they seem weaker. I think this is another reason the node is overlooked.
When I first started researching the node there was only the mean node. At that time my predictions had about a 70% success rate, so I was a bit confused as to what I was overlooking. But when the late Neil Michelson programmed the true position of the node, my prediction rate rose to 90% or better.
I think this is another reason the node has been obscure as before the middle 70’s even the most competent astrologer would not have constantly good predictions.
Though occultist likely have always had a good idea when the true node is as one can simply look at where the moon crosses the ecliptic bimonthly. likely uses the node for their prediction as I have found that what I would predict is very similar what they come up with.
some years ago a forum member opened a thread about how did what he did. He and a friend had compared some predictions ad there was one prediction that was virtually identical. As he were separated by 3 months , e was wondering what symbol could be so constant that it would affect to individuals so separated. It was quite interesting thread as he seemed to be edging toward the node(the node can move just a few minute arc by repeated direct and retrograde motions for about 2-3 months, then it can move thro 2-3 degrees in a single month. But when the member got close alois shut the thread down .
I am hoping that readers will do research on their own charts ,as I is did not start this thread to interpret individuals charts. The feedback to what I have written is welcome, but giving tools for research is my intent.

As to discussing transits to the node, there is a subject that must be broached first. this has to do with incest. As several planets in a natal when conjoined with the node are indicative of sexual abuse. this subject is controversial and passions are strong. The problem being that many times these issues are blocked out or repressed and great hate can be directed toward the messenger. Though with individuals, who have coherent memories, agree with these observations. So it is a delicate task to interpret a chart so as to know when it is advisable to tap into these “demons”.
Incest is the hidden problem of civilization. Freud was of the mind in ,civilization and it’s discontent, that civilization is direct function to our repressing this behavior. The more civilized we become the further we push away are impulses for incest. In the 80’s letters were made public in which Freud wrote that early in his practice he was finding that 38% of his clients had sexual abuse as the causal factor in their mental problems.
In fact he was counseling the son of Wilhelm fleiss
and flies had revealed he was sexual abused by his father. The letter further reported that Freud had felt pressured to retreat from this perspective by the existing psychoanalytical establishment for fear his career would be ended. Psychoanalytical theory , as late as 1970 ,stated sexual abuse accounted for only 2% of the underlying problems. This is worth note , as carl junge and other were of the mind that freud had an incestual relationship with his neice/. In fact , jung broke with freud for this exact reason. Jung was psychoanalyzing Freud and when he brought up his neice freud broke off the therapy.
So the role of incest in civilization must be consider before, one can explore te nodal transits. As there are underlying prejudices in society to repress this fact. As any discussion of node transits must begin with this hornet nest.
The close association with the node and incest is another reason the node is not understood and censored by those who do understand the full scope of its influence.



Well-known member
So the transit of NN in scorpio combined with Saturn is exposing abuse now across many sectors. is it aspects to certain key planets or do you say this as a blanket statement.

when do you think this abuse will end, as the NN SN will always conjunct planets?

How will we know when humanity is finally able to lift itself from the quagmire?.


i am referring to the natal chart. several planets including saturn when conjunct the NN or SN show an sexual abusive and/or incestual history.
i will make this clearer afer a bit more discussion about incest and civilization
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As I have posited the nodal axis as fixating reality and all planes of experience, I seems natural that there should be a connection with incest as Freudian theory professes.
Culturally the central role of incest is obvious when one looks at the history of civilization.
Civilization has from it beginnings been governed by kingship. One might say that this “divine right” ended with the French revolution, but that example is flawed as napoleon marrying Josephine, and she was descended from the Merovingian blood line, which were the first “holy roman emperors”( though the actual term arose a few centuries later), later he divorced the childless Josephine and married Maria Louisa, daughter of the emperor of Austria.
The united state of America would be a more likely example of the fall off ofthe monarchial system but this was an isolated example and in fact monarchies continued to be all powerful until WWI, a war which was essentially a war between queen Victoria’s grand kids.

But the example gaining recognition by marrying a princess is in fact the norm for all monarchies since the first Sumerian example. Though history is ruled but kings, kingship legitimacy was bestowed by marrying the queen. is it is through the queen that kingship was passed on. This was true from the Sumerian thru the Egyptians and on.
And from the earliest monarchies, absolute legitimacy was passed when the queen was a half sister to the king. This was true even in the new world as the Emperor Huayna Capac was married to his full sister( as were many 18th dynasty Egyptian kings). The Spanish tried to force Huayna Capac to stop his intercourse with his sister but the emperor said he love her too much to stop.
So through out civilization incest was a divine element of kingship. And a half siste always took precedence over a heir from a non related queen. This can be seen the the bible. Abram was the son of terah who was a high priest of Sumerian and hence of royal blood. Sarai was a half sister to abram and the name means princess in Sumerian . abram and sarai are Sumerian worlds and it was not until god changes their names to Abraham and Sarah that the Hebrew race began.
The biblical contention between, Ishmael, the first born of Abraham and sarah’s son Isaac is a reflection of this ancient tradition. Even though Ishmael was the oldest son and hence the direct heir to Abraham, Isaac was the first born to the half sister of Abraham,sarah, and hence he became the heir of Abraham by royal tradition.
The point of these examples is to show that incest was at the apex of the transmission of civilizations for over 3 thousand years.
Couple with freud’s early observations, incest is a seminal dynamic of civilization and hence it seems coherent that the node should have a connection to incest if the node indeed rules or “fixate all planes of consciousness and history.
( note this post has been censored by deleting "freuds early observations". I will repost the deleted information)

psychiatrist jeffery masson was given access to he unpublished works of the freud archives by anna freud. in them he found a letter written by Freud very early in his career. in it he says that in 38% of his clients, there mental problems are cause by sexual abuse. at this time, psychoanalysis was a purely Jewish construct. one reason Freud wanted carl jung involved in psychiatry was to broaden the acceptance of psychoanalytical theory to the "gentile" population also. this is also why the psychiatric institute was ultimately moved to Switzerland from Vienna.
the famous doctor Wilhelm Fliess's son was under psychoanalysis at this time and reported his abusive father. in the letter, Freud continued that he was threatened by loss of his position if he published these results.
as later as 1970, the official psychiatric stance was that only 3% of psychoanalytical problems were based on sexual abuse.

freud wrote in civilization and it's discontents , that incest is a the base of human civilization. the more civilized we become ,the more we repress and move away from the incestual impulse.

I am not trying to legitimize the tragic and evil consequence that incest/sexual abuse inflicts on the survivors. “modern” attitudes preclude the necessity and morality of incestual /sexual abusive relationships ,but the fact remains that incest and sexual abuse are deep in the underbelly of “modern” society. It is worth noting that child abuse was not made a crime until the very end of the 19th century, first in new York whereas cruelty to animals was instituted hundreds years earlier depending on the culture.
This digression is necessary before discussing transits of the node because ,t is all part of the altered states/magic that the node also rules.

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just a side note for now.
if anyone was interested in the freudian aspect of the post ,one should check out jeffery masson as he was the individual who was given access to he unpublished works of the freud archives by anna freud

masson also was an advocate for bring the pschological dymanics of sexual abuse to he forefont .
his books provoked the back lash in te 80's and 90's that started the "false memory" theory tha sexual abuse and incest were not common and only a function of false memories. this theory caught on with some membersof the psychoanalytical school. but in fact there is absolutely no statistical proof of false memeories theory being anything except a attempt to rebut the facts of the endemic existance of sexual abuse in our society.

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I am not interested In providing interpretation for rote memorization rather iam attempting to provide guide lines for others to investigate the nodal axis.
The use of the node is censored and it’s real power hidden in occult/religious societies. This subterfuge is at the base of judean/Christian culture.
One example I like to show is in genesis.
For fun , who told the first lie in the bible. We are taught that eve lied first about eating from the tree of knowledge. This is a ploy to legitimize the subjugation of women in our societies. I find I interesting that extremist religious orders are the ones that marginalize women the most.
The most ancient religious icon s are of women.
But back to the question at hand. God himself told the fist lie as he told adam and eve they would surely die if the ate from the tree of knowledge. His clearly was incorrect because adam and eve did not die. And it was the serpent that told the truth, that they would not die.
And further cultural subterfuge is shown by the words of religious leader for thousands of years,i.e. that adam and eve were banished from the garden of eden for eating of the forbidden fruit.
Whereas a cursory reading of genesis shows that they were expelled so that the could not eat fom the tree of life and becomes gods like themselves and live for ever. In the Hebrew god falls into the plural tense and is talking to other gods.
So the serpent (dragon head) is an equal if not superior to the god of the bible.
This is a good site for a general understanding of the serpent symbol
this is offered so as to keep in mind how deeply the suppression of the serpent symbol(dragon’s head) in our culture and in astrology.
My understanding came in a ephanic moment. It was not the intellectual research but rather a sense of the symbol in a all encompassing gnosis that lead to understanding the nodes significance.
That is my attempt here. Mere blocks of words cannot replace the need for a higher all embracing point of view about the node, since the significance of the node is so deeply suppressed.

The conjunct of the node and saturn is probably the most complicated as Saturn rules Time and “reality“.The distinction I make is that the node “fixates” reality. But there is a deeper cultural antagonism between these symbols as Saturn conjunct the node can be seen as the primogenituric suppression of the matriarchical base of human life , society and spirit.
I describe the north node as the point of creation of time and existence and the south node as the point of egress of time and the point of accumulation of thought forms,. Then the practical difference in north node transits versus south node transits is the psychic accumulations of the south node tend to bring real power to the individual. The north node tends to bring knowledge an inspiration which can be translated into power and the accumulations of desired matter.
Whereas the south node transits bring power of thedense plane directly. As both are of the same element ,both bring inspiration and knowledge but once time begins the desires of the body are inundated by coarser more “real” forms of energy under the south node tan the north node.
So basically north node transits can be more intellectual/ spiritual whereas south node transits bring tension and psychic power dynamics into play. But both affect “reality”.
The south node can bring confusion if the individual cannot integrate the forces that come through them. The south node can bring megalomania whereas the north node can bring flights of illusion.
Traditionally the north node is of the nature of Jupiter and the south node is of the nature of Saturn and this does generally holds true.
Node transits to Saturn highlight the difference in the north and south node.
South node conjunct saturn often show material wealth.usually from the gives a stubborn and controlling personality and the father is likely the major influence in this person life. Often a person is over shadowed by the father with this placement and can harbor a womans chart especially ,this is an intial sign of sexual abuse, thought other aspects can make this definitive such as Pluto square to saturn or Pluto square the sun, actually Pluto square venus or mars also makes the sexual abuse likely.this placement brings a “magic” or altered state to the natives sense of reality . this can be because of financial or material advantage, but it can also show that coincidence play a big part I lifes experience. As the node is lunar in nature ,often such a placement in a man’s chart shows a domineering nature toward women. This placement shows a self sufficient attitude that often is accompanied by selfishness and insensitivity.
Adding the concept of magic, this placement is similar to the devil card as passions and selfishness are paramount. This is the placement of the occultist and can show the application of occult principles on the astral to control and influence others.
Afflicted this placement shows ill fortune because of selfishness and desires. It can bring economic problems throughout life and and inability to take advantage of opportunities .often hardship in early life give such a native an eternal”chip” on their shoulder.
Here the key is to not be greedy. The image is to catch power of the south node with open hands. That is do not try to catch all that come to one. This greed of wanting to control everything and retain everything leads to collapse as no mortal can contain the infinite.

The north node conjunct to Saturn often lessens the rigid ego structure that Saturn symbolizes. Insome ways the ego structure is dissolved and the native can embrace a
“spiritual “perspective . This can bring a sense of insecurity .This brings also indications of wealth ad in a woman’s chart the likelihood of sexual abuse for the same reasons as the south node placement.

Here the sense of magic and coincidence is less burdening as the environment does not “crush’ the native as strongly as when the south node is conjunct. The influence of the father is strong and usually has a dominating affect on the personality development .with hard aspect to mars, this placement can also result in stubbornness ad selfishness but always there is a insecurity as the transient nature of reality is felt much stronger than with a south node placement.
This placement also gives synchronistic events throughout life.
Both placements with Saturn and the nodes can give unusual physical symptoms. Sometimes negative sometimes positive. both placement are very “magnetic” to karmic or psycho kinetic influences.
I know of one native with a Saturn/south node conjunction who always would end up pits in her cherry pie or similar particles when she dined out. I have personally never bit into a pit but this occurred repeatedly in her case. on the flip side she had an uncanny ability to always arrive at a public destination moments before a crowd of people would arrive.
This is totally anecdotal but it serves to illustrate the quirky nature that reality can have with nodal/Saturn placements.
The distinction between south and north node transits is somewhat arbitrary as either placement can result in exalted or malicious examples. And either placement can give rise to opposite effects This is why I emphasize that each individual must research how the node affects them.
And as usual the aspects to Saturn can complicate the manifestation that occur.


just a note are research...
as many new objects are being found astronomically , a good way to find out the asrological value is to research what occurred in a mundane sense when the node and south node transits them.
i look up the past transits of for example sedna and read what occurred in the new york times, the london times and a local paper which is the sf chronicle in my should also read the social and local pages as the human factor can be acertained if similar social occurance happen in the three different locales. go back as many 18.6 year cycles as the papers are published.
look at the south node and north node transits for the various years and look for common events repeated over the years. sometimes there are acually very similar events each cycle but more often 3-4 of of 6-7 cycles is more common.
if the node moves through a degree in 10 days then it is easy to read through these days. but if the node forms a station for 2-3 months , then it is easier to look at those days when another planet is transitting the nodes or even a square.
this technique can also be used for the fixed stars to give a better uderstanding of ther affects.
for historical analysis, one need not look to planetary transits but simply compare 18.6 years back,37.2 years back, 55.8 years back etc.

37.2 and 74.2 seem to show the most similarities in historical analysis.



when watching the transits of the node, a one degree orb is efficient. Sometimes the transit effect will occur where the node is 1 degree from exact, but usually one should look at the exact arc minute for the timing. For example if you are following a node transiting a natal venus, at 5cancer 24, then you would look to the day when the node was exactly at 5 cancer24.
Sometimes the node will form a station for a couple of months ,going back and forth over 2-4 arc minutes. If this occurs then the effect of the node will be felt for quite a long time.
Say a natal Uranus is at 19sag20 and the south node forms a station going back and forth between 19sag18 and 19sag22. Then this native would likely experience mental problems before the period is over. This could also be a period of constant astral experiences and a time of great creative outpouring. But the mental intensity would likely wear the native down and ultimately cause psychic mental disruption. Then if the transit involves venus, one would expect a amazingly successful love life. but with this duration likely jealousy and emotional problems might arise
Always use the true node.

The node conjunct to venus in the natal gives a attractive emotional and physical presence(though a strong Saturn placement can harden the physical attributes). The emotional aura is very strong and this native will be felt psychically by others. This can bring great creativity and prophecy. Intuitions are very good but the desire body can distort the intuition. love and opportunity come to this native but as the sexual aura is present from birth, this placement very often show sexual abuse .if the native also has hard Saturn/Pluto/Chiron/nessus aspect then sexual abuse is a given. if abuse starts very young then likely the native will not have any memory, so it is very delicate interpretation to make.
Often, especially with the south node transiting, a native will draw many suitors but many arguments and jealousies will occur.
The nodal axis can bring out both the good and bad in any symbol.
This tends to bring material luck and gain with many friends. but even with a bright façade this transit can burden the native with “emotional demons” and when afflicted can show a hateful ad vindictive personality under the attractive countenance .often the native will put out love and get hate in return.

note: the observations on abuse are gleaned predominately from womens charts, so i am unsure if these aspects signify the same experiences in men as women

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Mars conjunct the nodal axis gives a powerful charisma or “magic” around them. the individuals aura is felt by all around.
This aspect gives an inherent “luck” of direction. That is ,if the individual is not overly bound by ego desires, then their spontaneous actions and responses are usually correct. It gives an “intuitive” sense of what their “path” in life is. But if the native has selfish motivations then this favorable vibration goes out the window. this aspect gives a magnetic quality to he native and are usually very attractive whether the physical body is “attractive” or not. This affect is similar to what athletes call being in the “zone”. If one can stay in the moment and not “think “ too much then the expectations and desires tend to follow.
the nodal axis gives a strong sexual aura also. And in a woman’s chart sexual abuse can be problem. With both mars and Venus, the sexual aura is very powerful from birth and hence sexually abuse experiences are very likely. On the positive side I usually is associated with a strong sexual drive but is not aggressive unless mars is afflicted. This mars aspect is closely associated with the 25th hexagram in the I CHING.
As a personally magnetic aspect, negative forces as well as positive forces can be directed a the native, as others may react if the native does not respond o their entreaties .
With a north node transit ,the native has an easier time following their “path”, as they intuitively take the correct turns.
A south node transit is more powerful and difficult because the dense plane is attracted to this aspect very strongly. The individual is more likely to allow his ego desires to take precedence over higher motivations. here the sense of personal strength is stronger as the environment is more easily molded and controlled by the native. This is one aspect of a black magician, where the individual seeks power and control over others. With this aspect a native tries to control all that comes to him, which is a fool errand ,as no mortal can contain the infinite energy of the universe that flows through the nodal axis .if the native can receive the infinite with open hands ,then the dense plane accumulations will not bury them. But very often this has to be learned by being overwhelmed by the nodal energy and falling from “grace” and success because of greed and selfishness.
This holds true for all nodal transits of the planet. That is , trying to contain or control all the energy of the south node will ultimately bring disaster . the correct image is to keep that which comes through your open hands but not to try to contain everything. The south node often bring a sense of megalomania to the native before hey learn their limitations
The north node transit does no usually bring this trial as it tends to bring truth ,insight ,knowledge and inspiration. Though such knowledge can bring the dense plane around them and so the same trials as the south node can be present. the distinctions between the north and south node are not absolute as it is the same energy axis and therefore the conditions described can be felt by either north or south node transits.



Jupiter conjunct the nodal axis gives intelligence and great understanding. With the north node it give noble morals and intuitive and inspired knowledge of the larger patterns of society. it brings innate teaching abilities and friends are drawn to the native for counseling and understanding. it tends to show a close connection to the grandparents and usually bring educational or financial success,
This position brings out the spiritual and religious feeling I a native and they usually are very just .

the node is also the path that enlightened spirits come to guide and instruct.
rahu The south node conjunct Jupiter tends toward accretion of power and the naïve can become very authoritarian. Obsession with money and power can follow and tyrannical a personality can develop if the personality structure is greedy and selfish. rather than being just , this position can show the native to be only interested In personal gain.and instead of trustworthy the power drawn by the south node can manifest as deception and lying.
Afflict this is a very aggressive and combative aspect. Megalomania can develop and any signs or impartiality can disappear .
with other indications in a chart ,this can show abuse by authority figures or aunts, uncles , grandparents or family friends.

whenever the node is conjunct a planet , the potential for the native’s personality being overwhelmed by the astral energies is present
with the nodal axis conjunct Jupiter , the native can become a beacon of light and understanding or an despotic , ruthless tyrant. The magic of the node can be good or evil.
All node conjunctions bring the danger of forces from the nether realms trying to take control of the naïve yet it is also the pathway enlighten spirits use to bring illlumination.



Uranus conjunct the nodal axis gives direct access to the astral plane. This shows astral projection , vivid dreaming ,out of the body experiences , prophetic dreams and access to the akashic records. when favorable the native can see time as a ribbon . It give a potential of intellectual and creative genius and gives a reformative personality. It gives intelligence and foresightedness. It gives the potential for scientific and mathematical brilliance. but if the energy of the nodal axis overwhelms the native erratic and unstable efforts can result. Especially with the south node, this can bring “insanity”. it is rare that this conjunction does not at some point subject a person to influences that put them so far out of the social norm that they are characterized as “crazy”, as genius and insanity are but flip sides of the same two edged sword.
The problem here is the same with trying to contain all the cosmic energy that runs through the node. one must be able to integrate the astral input and let go of that which is beyond comprehension, but often the desire body identifies with the cosmic energies and loses sight that they are but a vessel. Insanity descends when the native identifies with the energy.
This position gives the potential for all forms of psychic phenomenon. Clairvoyance, astral projection and interchanges with other entities on the astral plane.
This brings spontaneous states of altered consciousness and this can turn to volatility and instability of the mind..The influx of the infinite will cause a rigid ego to explode while a expansive worldview brings great success. If this aspect occurs with an afflicted Saturn then the native will likely develop some form of bipolar personality disorder. And this aspect can destroy a natives life with continual mental instability.
Discipline in early life is imperative, as the rebellious nature this aspect brings must be channeled constructively, else an early death thru accidents or impulsive behavior can result, or a life of disruption and chaos can ensue.
With Saturn square the node/Uranus conjunction, the natives life will continually be abruptly changed by circumstances beyond them this aspect is associated with accidents. And in any case the native’s life will change in abrupt steps, either for the good or bad. These changes will occur every 4-5 years, especially in youth.
This aspect is associated with the great reformer, the radical anarchist, the brilliant scientist or all seeing occultist.


you need to include the entire chart as other aspects to this conjunction can greatly modify how it manifests. the node can be either divine or decadent, it csn bring life or death.



Well-known member
I have scorpio mercury-NN conjunct 3°28'S and parallel 0°48'S

often there is an intuitive intelligence that allows a indivual to get to the center of his analysis without having to read through the breath of the subject matter
Well this is true, but I always thought it was from the aries jupiter-MC disposition to cancer moon-mars conjunction trine uranus. By the age of 12 I was fixing things mechanical and electrical. I would take things apart to study how I thought things should work and see where it is failing. Most of the time I don't even need technical specifications, except when I need part number. I've always had a very high success rate at "winging" it. At some point people started giving me all their broken stuff thinking I could make use of it...and I did.

Today I can say this compulsive behavior to investigate and analyze things has become a bit of double edged sword. It's great asset to have, but the extent of the compulsiveness becomes a distraction from prioritizing things properly. I'm always ready to drop everything to follow my curiosities. I can be waiting at doctors office, see piece of furniture with a different type of construction that I have never seen before and go into to this crazy investigative mode to ponder if it is good technique that I should try in one of my future projects. Going into this mode, I suddenly dismiss everything that is going on around me.
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hi 14C

yes you describe the node mercury conjunction. you wrote NN=uranus/neptune, i don't quite uderstand what this means. but uranus/neptune midponits conjunct the node or actually neptune/uranus conjunctions with the node gives the potential to to visualize theorical material relationships and fabricate these visions. nickolai tesla had uranus/neptune midpont conjunct the NN and he visulaized every piece of his electricsal inventions exactly in his mind. he would give the engineer the exact deminsions and when they were fabricated everything fit exactly.i believe john couch adams ,the first man to mathematically discover neptune and and fritz zwicky the first scientist to theorize dark matter had this ability to also.



Neptune is the only symbol that as no physical correspondent. It is symbolic of the plane of archetypes., the primordial thoughts and ideas that give rise to reality. It is the content of dreams, visions and illusion .it is the impulse of morality , the awareness of the sacredness of life, or the abuse of life.
On the psychological plane It is creativity and beliefs .it gives the power of transcendent sight, though afflicted it bring delusion, self destruction and malice.depending on the aspects the node with Neptune can give artistic abilities and as a pervasive psychic influence it can give the ability to influence other’s preference hence it is excellent for marketing and sales.
With he nodal axis , it brings connection to the spirit planes and influences both divine and decadent. here visions become real and malicious intent can become all consuming. with the south node particularly,

drugs and alcohol can dominate the consciousness, though the powers of natural healing substances also have great strength with this placement. Altered consciousness and waking visions can confuse the naïve. He native is open to interactions with the higher planes .it can bring cosmic consciousness or the most malevolent intrusion of selfish and evil spirits. with Saturn square to neptune, the native often has terrifying dreams and nightmares.
Neptune with the nodal axis bring psychic abilities and allows the native to be influenced or influence other from the astral plane.
The nodal axis can serves as the pathway that malicious adepts use to control and enslave. Everyone has a connection to the astral plane as it is the pathway that the soul uses to pass through incarnations. yet the astral plane is also the path that souls in the body use to influence and communicate with each other. The attitudes one has in the waking state are the same that one has on the astral plane. hence the selfish, deceiving and manipulative adepts on earth can use these pathways to further their plots of domination on the astral.
As Neptune is the symbol of spiritual viewpoints and attitudes, with the node can give the impulses of saints or the schemes of the religious extremist.
Occult forces have from time immemorial controlled the face of civilization. The “enlightenment “ ,from the 16century on, has been a ruse to conceal the magical machination of society. As your conscious mind and personality are reflections of your immortal soul, the “enlightenment” has served to erase these magical dynamics from the personality of “modern” men and women. If one cannot conceptualize the power of the astral plane, then one can not consciously use these abilities. Nor can one see these occult forces manipulating society.

Pluto with the nodal axis (and orcus to a similar degree), on the psychological plane gives great selfishness. but it is also an aspect of a “survivor”, an individual who will employ any means necessary to survive. But the selfishness so colors the personality that usually this placement ends up causing the native to “shoot” themselves in the foot.
This placement also shows that past life influences are directly affecting the native. This gives great power to an enlightened native as past lives can give ability and insights far broader than could be gained from a single lifetime of experiences .it gives healing powers but most often the natïve faces sudden and major disease that force the healing energies to manifest . with sextiles to Neptune strong psychic healing powers are present. in the unenlightened, it gives malicious joy in death and brutality . the psychic power is strong and the native spontaneously travels on the astral. But if they have a crude personality, they only cause themselves problems because the can gain enemies because of their selfishness presence in other’s dreams. Often this placement gives prophetic dreams but usually involving the occurrence of death of those around them.
With venus square Pluto in a man’s chart, often girl friends will die early in his life. In a woman’s chart, usually a sister or friend is lost early in her life.
Probably no other nodal conjunction has so much promise for good or such a potential for evil.
This is because the desire body spontaneously travels on the astral and base desires try to influence others. This is usually an unconsciously experience but the affects can never the less bring repercussions in to reality
The sexual nature is very strong but the capacity for love is often absent in the unenlightened. Usually love can only manifest in its higher form as a love of god or of humanity in a general sense as the carnal passions are difficult to control on the personal level, as this placemen is prone to domineering and controlling, abusive emotional interactions.
Chiron with the nodal axis I quite powerful. The full potential of chiron is not addressed In modern astrological texts.emphasis is place on the “wounded healer” concept which , it is true is major psychological dynamic. But overlooked in the myth is that chiron was taught all manner of arts ,medicine, and astrology by Apollo.
Chirons orbit reaches from just inside Saturn to nearly the orbit of Uranus. Saturn is the Adept with his rings being the doors to the occult realities. Uranus is the pathway all knowledge, occult and deductive. Uranus and Saturn form one of the most powerful dialectics in astrology and Chiron is the key to the resolution of these mysteries.
Chiron with the node brings access and application of the occult principles to reality. It gives great intelligence ,psychic awareness and insights to the real dynamics of the material plane. With the nodal access, there is an interest in secret or ritual societies as well as control of the powers that rule society and reality .often mason,kiwanis,moose lodge or cabbalist etc. can have a strong Chiron.
It is analytical and critical but bound by the absolute laws. Chiron was conjunct the node when the stock market crash of 1929 occurred, showing the manipulations that continue to our day. It is the application of occult principles to control reality. As the go between of Saturn and Uranus, Chiron gravitates to knowing the unknowable. And hence often is associated with applied magic.
Psychologically it give an analytical frame of mind that expects coherence of thoughts and action. But it tolerates no contradiction and will cut the leg from under a charlatan or fool with a few incisive words as Chiron has no tact when truth is not observed . a north note association is marked by intelligence and psychic certainty, with the south node, Chiron seeks to control and accumulate and govern of regulate..
Chiron with the node and Jupiter is often found in covert or governmental /corporate agencies as the use of black magic is endemic in these social structures. With Saturn and the node In hard aspects, Chiron can bring sexual exploitation and incest, though these behaviors can be cloaked by philosophic and moral obfuscation.
Psychologically Chiron gives a eccentric sexual impulse and often same sex relationships have prominent chirons. It tends to increase the sexual potency already present in a chart
Intellectually it gives a analytical mind and can be associated with excellent memory abilities, what arecalled photographic memories.


Alice McDermott

Well-known member
Thank you Rahu for your very interesting presentation on the nodes.

Princess Diana had Moon conjunct South Node in Aquarius opposing Uranus conjunct North Node in Leo and Mars in Virgo.

This configuration in her chart has always interested me a very great deal as I felt it was the centre or fulcrum of her identity. I think the Moon conjunct South Node made her both psychic and unstable.

Would you like to comment on the Sun or Moon conjunct the nodes?

I hope you are healing from your illness and continue to post your interesting work on forums.


dr. farr

Well-known member
I will add that the Nodes have been given particular attention in the (largely unknown) Nadi branch of Vedic astrology, since the ancient time of Sage Bhrigu (who established the Nadi astrological approach)

I will also say that I have (after many years of using the Mean Node) come to prefer the use of the True Node (as Rahu has recommended, above)


Well-known member
Thanks for the latest installment in this series.

Just for ref though when we talk of conjunction with the node are we lookingat a 3 degree maximum for a conjunction?

I ask this as the case of Princess of Wales, the orb is out by 8 degrees with her natal moon.(or uranus /nn) would you still consider this to have some inference on the behaviour of the moon? Her node(SN and NN) is on 29 degrees though.

I know we are not looking at individual charts but there is a number of ways at looking at the Diana ,PoW chart NN, one is that she brought the gift of love of humanity to a very leo(regal) family(NN in 8th in leo) and significantly altered their structure( in a very radical way) uranus(leo) way. however this was percieved by some in a negative way. In particular her stance on landmines.

Alice McDermott

Well-known member
Diana's Moon-South Node conjunction is under three degrees. Attached is the chart.

Mars-Uranus midpoint the North Node, making the conjunction much stronger.



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dr. farr

Well-known member
Oldtime Western astrology considered the Nodes to influence ALL planets in the same sign as the Node-I don't go as far as considering an actual conjunction to exist beyond a 3 degree orb for the Nodes (or a 2 degree declination Parallel "orb"), however I frequently do take the oldtime "some influence if in same sign as Node" concept, into delineative consideration.