I wannt to commit suicide I am a cancer man

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I really dont find a reason to live as a cancer man, i am feminine in a way no one notices it but i feel it very very deeply, I don;t feel like a real man, i don't think like ordinary men, and sure i dont act like men, I am a womanly man, disguised in a very very hard exterior. I am not physically handsome, i ahave the cancer man ugliness (the small features if you remember tom hanks annoying ugly face). I think with my emotions (according to the mood), I am not stupid, I am very smart, i have a genius iq. but only 20% of my day i tend to think logically and the other 80% i think as women do, according to their mood. I understand other peoples emotions and thoughts very well to the extent that i tell someone what they wanna say before even thinking about it . I am extremely perceptive. I even lost any hope long time ago of dating any women with my looks or my personality, the only hope i am considering right now i that i can lose my virginity through my money (if i made any) to some *hore, or i can marry a gold digger (again if i made any money).

I know i am speaking in a negative tone, but I swear and I am very honest right now, I gave all of that **** a lot of logical thinking and extensive analyzing. trying to find a motivating reason to complete a life that i dont find it very interesting.

this is my natal chart if you wanna see it and want to give me any comment about it, maybe you can find a new light for me i couldnt find, maybe you are smarter than me and i missed something that you didnt miss.



Staff member
Talk to someone outside the Internet


Suicidal thoughts are a very serious matter and you won't solve it by posting to the Internet. Talk to your parents, friends, doctor, anyone, in person if possible or on the phone if not possible. Get in touch with a suicide hotline or get other help. Since an Internet astrology forum is NOT the right place to help you, I am locking down this thread according to Forum rules.

Urging you to get outside help,

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