depressed, trapped, emprisioned


Well-known member

Yes im that private AnD even going to those appointments are painfull to me,
cause obliges me to realize im not that perfect or able to work problems on my own withot help - virgo traits
- só groups i only talk about good things :biggrin:


By all means, that is a subject ive been reading over The last couple of years
AnD ITs even related to what The thread is all about isnt it?

Our suffering comes from needing things we probably dont need,
but our ego wants, AnD we live our whole life from routine to routine,
wanting and having,wanting and having again another thing , not being satisfied ever.
probably,if it werent The 'noise in my head-ego' telling me all The time -'worry About money,worry about work,worry about society, worry about something..'
then i wouldnt be in this ' identity crisis'.

Só, feel free to share ur thoughts about it with US.


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do you practice any kind of conscious breathing, circular breathing, abdominal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, etc...?


Well-known member
Thank u all for all your replies, never thought i would havê that many advices, só thank u.

I believe all will be ok, once i clean whatever needs to be cleansed in my mind, and when i Start to see things from a higher perspective. I tend to dwell on negative instead of being neutral to circunstances, and i shouldnt be labelling anything as negative/positive. Its just as it needs to be.

I must say im not depressed by being indoors (as its been a temporary circunstace), but rather by having reached to a turning point in my life. This time indoors havê served for me to introspect,analyse and re-order priorities. I searched for therapy,its gonna help and i wont be taking any pills whatsoever. As libra ASC,i'll Fung The balance i need between The sn/NN demandings.

Till nos never jade any of those. Onde i Trier meditation bit i think i cannot manager to ' shut down' The mind enough, in order to 'find The voice within' :lol:


Well-known member
no, Deirdre, I didn't mean meditation. Just breathing. let your mind do whatever it wants, but at the same time, just try and be aware of your breathing, too.


Well-known member
All The time.

The feelings are of sadness, not good enough, everything is waste of time as The passion i had with life is gone.
My only joy is my son but even that i feel im not Being The best mother i coul be, due to THW way im feeling...i feel guilty for that too AnD frustrated.
. . .
In one simple word: i feel im dying a little every day, due to depression.

Hi Deirdre,

The aspect that matches your depression, which you have described so well, is the progressed conjunction of Pluto to Saturn in your chart as shown by the image in this post (that is one sixth of a degree difference - a sliver). Indeed, it is exacerbated now because of the transit of Neptune in opposition to your natal Sun.

Because you are dealing with the progression of 2 slow moving planets the aspect has been slow in building and, to tell the truth, it will be a few years before it is exact and will then slowly begin to dissipate. It is one of the most trying aspects one can have to deal with in a lifetime but as is true of all aspects it will eventually be gone.

On a positive note you have a wonderful natal aspect which comes around frequently in various charts. It is the nearly exact conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your chart. Unlike a transit or progressed aspect it is permanent - so hang on to those times for dear life even if they last only for a day. There will be good times even as you go through the difficult ones. Try to spend as much time as you can with people who brighten your mood and doing the things that make you happy. It may be as simple as going for a walk, giving a cheerful "Hi" to anybody you meet which might brighten their day and get you a smile in return. None of that costs a penny.

I wish you the best and have said a prayer that you be given the strength you need to get through this.


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Well-known member
Never Tried that. Its for relaxation?

I guess it is whatever you are using it for. Breathing is one of the simplest reminders that we do not exist in a vacuum, we are not isolated. The world around us (Spirit/God/Mother Earth/the Universe whichever you prefer) enters us, circulates within us, keeps us alive, shares with us all that we are, and when we exhale, it takes part of us with it in exchange for what it leaves behind, and we join the wind, and the rain... we can't always tell where our pain and suffering comes from, nor can we always see what it will bring. But it's my personal experience that it does help to offer it to the greater whole (whatever it is), where it belongs. You can't help sharing it anyway.


Well-known member
Thank u Bob for ut reply and prayer.what specific chalenge does The pluto in Saturn can bring btw?

Thank u therese, i'll try that.só u use The exhale to 'offer'what no longer serves your highest good- pain,sadness,suffering- to The 'exterior' which was 'from' where The pain came from?
I havê read a book many times ago that advised to give our burdens-pain,sorrows,regrets,anything bad- to angels, i think it was from Florence scovel The game of life.
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Well-known member
Just to vive news. The dr. Gave me some breathing techniques to do,and said doing meditation or yoga would do nicely to me.

Other than that i go these just to talo, i asked about finding out causes for my depression,panic attacks AMD he said its not that important.that ITs good is to live in The present, doing all that is needed,all usual routines, bit doing The exercises whenever i feel to.

Só i understand this approach, bit i feel i need to go further, and i decided to search for hipnotherapists. Hás anyone went to one?was it goog for what u needed?


Active member
I had a therapist try it with me once without success. My mind is too inquisitive and rational for hypnotherapy. I have found writing affirmations to be much more successful, as the affirmation is coming from within me rather than from someone else's suggestion. It's a simple process too and all it requires is a pen(cil) and paper. I've tried doing affirmations on a computer and it just doesn't work well for me. Here's a link on affirmations you may find helpful.

If you do go through with hypnotherapy, make sure you really trust the person. Good luck.


Well-known member
só u use The exhale to 'offer'what no longer serves your highest good- pain,sadness,suffering- to The 'exterior' which was 'from' where The pain came from?

I meant try and offer everything you have and everything you are, good and bad, painful and joyous, great and small, and "inhale" life.


Well-known member
Yeah you have transiting Neptune in 5th house like me.

I too have a 2yr old son and twins also and am finding the focus is on motherhood, but it's hard. Im not sure if that's giving you depression, but it is opposition your sun 11th house. Neptune is currently in my 5th house also in opposition to natal mars 11th house. Im finding this transit similar to when Uranus was here in 2003. But when it passed over I felt better. My guess for you is that it will get better for you also once it passes. Do you remember what it was like for you when Uranus was in opposition to your son and how you felt in the years after?

I also reckon the Saturn is having a partial affect adding to it.
If anything I think these transits are shaking up your desires, and once you figure out what they are you can move forward and then you will feel better. I personally don't think the depression will be long term if you recognise what you need and then take action..

Neptune can make one's mind and thinking quite foggy, unclear. And Neptune is also about fluids, so it can affect your body in terms of lymphatic system, circulation, or even hormones - which could also be due to that foggy thinking.

Are you in a relationship?
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Well-known member
Waybread i havê some James to search and pick.


Yes se might discover só many delicate things about ourselves in this type of is very i believe in this and im sensitive,it might work well.

Im gonna try it.thanks


Well-known member
Congrats on ur motherhood.
When uranus oposed my sun i had very food years,it was The internship in college, went well,felt good and met lot of people. The year after i graduated, AMD met my partner, father of my son. Then worked 2 years in family business and in 2011 mover out to live in with my partner and started working where im now.
My depression not due to motherhood, started since arrived work after motherhood leave. Its due to not liking work,being far away from home and im re-thinking my desaires and aims in life. The finantial parte is not food either,so i stock with sth i dont Luke just for The sake of salary.


Well-known member
As a person diagnosed with mild depression, anxiety disorder and high-functioning autism, I struggled with feeling very depressed in episodes and phases of fear or panic for many years. Genetics, biochemistry and life situations that are traumatic or dramatic can trigger or causes depression in various people.

To come to think of it, my natal chart: Aquarius Sun-Moon in 8th, Cancer ascendant, Uranus in Scorpio and Mercury in Pisces, with the influence of Capricorn present in the 8th and Neptune in Sagittarius in my 5th house are sure signs of developing depression and anxiety in my lifetime, and whenever these planets move around or cross a certain sign or house in my daily horoscope, the risk of depressed or anxious minds increases with it.

The planets Mars, Saturn and Pluto are representative of negative energy in astrology. Mars is known for aggression, Saturn for melancholy and Pluto has a dark psychological overtone. My natal chart shows Mars, Saturn, Lilith and Jupiter form a stellium in the 3rd house under Virgo. Lilith is just as malefic like Saturn...and not forgetting the role Neptune can have on me.

I come out as not a very "happy" person on my outlook on life. But I know to take life day by day and focus on what I have makes me content and enchanted. Depression is something you can't hide even from yourself, if anyone encounters long periods of depression, please seek a psychiatrist or counselor. They can prescribe you the right medications and one-on-one therapy to handle your depressed state of mind.


Well-known member

Im sorry that u havê been suffering for só long.
Im already in treatment bit i found out that for me, medication doesnt gonna try a more alternative method.

Wish u The best