Should the baby be vaccinated?

Hello everyone,

Below is my interpretation of the horary question. I do understand that the question itself maybe surrounded by some controversy. My warm request to all of you is to maintain objectivity (as much as possible), hence can the comments refer to the horary interpretation rather then private views about the vaccinations in general.

Original question: Should my baby be vaccinated?
Interpretation of question: Is the vaccination safe for the baby?

The query has been recorded on 21st Nov 2014, 19:33, 51N06, 1W03

House system: Koch

Almuten Figuris: Mars

Querent is a father of the baby.

Asc in Cancer, hence querent is represented by the Moon in 4th (father). Also 4th in Virgo is ruled by Mercury (father’s significator) conjunct Moon. Trine between Asc and the Moon and Mercury confirms above.

Querent’s baby is represented by 5th in Aries ruled by Mars and modern ruler Pluto, both in 6th (sickness, public health service), ruled by Jupiter in 2nd.
Since the question is about the querent’s baby, I am using relative houses, where 5th is 1st of the baby, hence 10th is 6th (baby’s sickness).

Now, baby’s sickness (6th) is occupied by Uranus (bringer of sudden and unexpected change, malefic) squared to Pluto (sting, vaccination?) in querent’s 6th (public health service), hence baby’s health maybe inflicted by the health service. Also baby (Mars) is ruled by the health system 6th and has applying quincunx (associated with health problems) from Jupiter (doctor ?). Jupiter has also separating quincunx to baby’s 6th. Jupiter’s affiliations may imply that health problems are inflicted by the doctor and not as a sinister action but rather as misunderstanding (quincunx).

Baby’s 5th (children) is occupied by Neptune (dissolution) squaring Venus (Friday, ruler of day), ruling baby’s 1st (baby’s health). Further, the Sun, another ruler of the baby is very fragile and week, as it occupies the last degree of Scorpio, natural ruler of the 5th (children); it also conjuncts star Toliman or Bungula associated with poisons. Baby’s 5th is occupied by Chiron (wound). Would all this indicate some issues with the baby’s fertility?

Eventually, 7th is ruled by Saturn in querent’s 5th, which suggests that astrologer judgment and objectivity may be affected by the baby, which is certainly true, as the baby is a daughter of the astrologer.

Hence, my request: can anyone verify above or offer her/his own interpretation, please? I am novice in this matter as well, so please be gentle :smile:


Well-known member
This goes on the health/medical horary section.

You also need to put up a chart, not just the info.


Well-known member
the baby should be 5th .. even if father is the querent

we are not testing if he is the father of the baby
The idea of the 5th becoming 1st of the baby isn't mine. It comes from the Anthony Louis' book, where he uses relative house system to describe querent's baby.

Sorry for the silly question, what do you mean by not testing if he is father of the baby?


Well-known member
lol i know the baby isnt yours

who asked the question?

the father?

if so take him as 1st
then baby as 5th and see if anything makes sense

from the look of it I just don't understand why L5 Mars is going from strong to weak?~!
Sticking to Louis' interpretation, for him, the 5th in Scorpio becomes the 1st of the baby (ruling baby's body, health) as the query is about the baby, so the baby's sickness would be placed in 10th Pcs (6th of the baby), 5 houses from the 5th.
Is my thinking still correct, please?
Tikana, If I was looking for a confirmation of my interpretation, would you be able to look on the chart and perhaps share your thoughts, please?

Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
This question is a difficult one to make sense of. Certainly a child should always be vaccinated unless there is some reason to suspect some sort of reaction to the vaccine? So, barring a strong no, it should be a yes.

The child is signified by the Fifth house and Mars. Strong in its exaltation, so should be relatively healthy as is. The vaccine is signified by the Tenth house (traditionally used to signify treatments and cures) and Jupiter. Being ruled by a benefic planet seems a pretty positive and safe indicator. Jupiter is applying a square to Saturn, but Jupiter will retrograde before that connection completes.

Seeing as Mars is essentially dignified and not afflicted by any planet and that L10 is a benefic planet who keeps to himself, I don't really see anything that jumps out to me as dangerous.

One thing I do note is the debilitated state of the Moon. Querent's significator is the Moon in her detriment and applying towards combustion. Moon is applying a Square to Jupiter as L10, and shows the unease you feel towards the idea of inoculation. With the Moon in such a bad state it seems like you may be being overly worried or suspicious, but with the Combustion and the square to L10 and L10s eventual retrograde, I wouldn't be surprised if you decided not to vaccinate anyway.

Louis is really big on turning charts, but this isn't really necessary. For the record, I was not very impressed by his book. It was basically a mass of speculative horaries that don't really demonstrate principles very clearly...


Well-known member
Hi supervirgo!

Baby - 5th -Mars
Vaccination (medical treatment) - 10th -Jupiter

Chart indicates that your baby is strong and healthy as it is (Mars exalted in 7th). There is no (ptolemaic) aspect between Mars and Jupiter nor translation of light. However, we can look at receptions to better understand dynamics between vaccine and the baby. Jupiter is in the face of Mars which is very minor dignity (indicating that baby's body will accept vaccine to some extent) and Mars is in the fall of Jupiter (indicating that vaccine will harm the baby's body inflicting the damage which is repairable). Process described is actually how vaccine operates in general. Good thing is that Mars is stronger than Jupiter in the chart, meaning baby's immune system is stronger than damage inflicted by the vaccine.

I hope this helps. Respecting your wish I will refrain from comments about usefulness of vaccination.

Best wishes!
Many thanks for your interpretations, I really appreciate that. They gave me a fresh look on this pressing matter for me. I do research on this as well, and as you would expect, the subject is very polarised.
Both of your interpretations didn't confirm mine, which means that I may need to do my homework.

Kaiousei no Senshi: there is something valid in your statement, I am quite worried
(I guess it's a lack of fire in my natal chart). Your comment about Louis is interesting, and I'll have a look around for other horary reference as well

Thanks you Cap for confirming Kaiousei no Senshi and mentioning receptions. They add to the picture.

Would any of the modern rulers have a place in this equation?

Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
Your comment about Louis is interesting, and I'll have a look around for other horary reference as well

There really aren't any good contemporary books on horary in circulation right now. For good quality you're going to have to reach back in the past. Bonatti, Lilly, or the Book of Nine Judges (Masha'allah's On Reception is good too) are going to be your best bet for a complete study of horary.