Sentinels of Liberation


Well-known member
Allow me to lay out my thoughts before posing my question.

Seems to me there are two camps. On one side, you've got hyper-objective "liberators" who see any form of spiritualism as irrational and potentially dangerous to human scientific progress, and they're not wrong. On the other hand, you've got the hyper-subjective "liberators" who see anything practical or realistic as being a threat to peoples' spiritual growth.

Neither side truly understands the other because they don't know how to communicate their outlooks to the other side. Yet both are emblematic of the feminine and the masculine, and both demand equality for human beings to function at our highest levels. When things become too "feminine" we lose touch with reality. When things become too "masculine" we lose touch with each other. Without a balance between the Yin and the Yang, we are at great risk of losing everything. That doesn't mean we need to have mega-men and ultra-women in equal number in positions of power. It doesn't mean we need an equal number of Republicans and Democrats, or Liberals and Conservatives.

What it means is that we, as individuals, must take it upon ourselves to find balance within ourselves, not externally. But very few have the understanding necessary to achieve such a state of mind. So, then, how do people affect such a change in themselves? Simply by choice and with trustworthy help. I routinely hear people say that, "if we lived in a perfect world," people might be willing and able to put in the time and effort to examine themselves and change for the better. Well, why does the world have to be perfect for them to try? If the world were perfect, there would be no need for them to.

What I'm getting at is this: I'm looking at creating a group called the Sentinels of Liberation. Supported by my modern interpretation of the "Stoic" philosophy, I intend for it to be an activism group whose purpose it is to promote self-development and self-awareness. People can be moved to work through their own issues, they simply don't know how. And the various secular and religious institutions - who I have no doubt honestly believe their own shtick - are only going to make things worse as they fumble to understand only half the picture.

In other words, SoL's purpose would be to liberate people. From their outdated and unhealthy perspectives, from government tyranny, from peer cognitive influences, and from the impracticality and misdirection of religious and spiritual institutions. More precisely, I want to use SoL as a means of enforcing the roles other institutions play in each individual's development so as to reduce and eventually eliminate extremism. Not so much a government of ideologies as a sentinel against misinformation and delusion, perhaps even against physical oppression and material dependency.

The organization would essentially be a rebellion against existing biases and harmful ideologies. I envision it sending representatives to observe secular, religious and political rallies and addresses to fact check and moderate information. No force of violence, of course; they are the "Sentinels" of Liberation, not the Warriors of Social Justice. They are intended to act as guardians against misinformation. As a network of individuals who take the Truth very seriously and are not beholden to any one ideology outside that of the organization itself.

So my question is this: Who would willingly take part in such a cause? Who here feels compelled by deeper purpose to rectify the world at an informational level at the very least? Does the bending of the Truth tick you off? Does the suppression of evidence make you furious? Maybe you can find a common goal with other aligned to the same cause.

More importantly, however, is leadership and experience. I've never regarded myself as a leader in any sense, just an innovator. And I don't have any experience starting or running an organization. What I need most of all is a co-founder. Someone with Valor, Judgment, Compassion and Integrity to spare. Can anyone point me in such a person's direction? Could anyone here maybe even help me to begin recruiting such a person? My ingenuity is generally geared at a sociological level, not the more practical processes involved in founding such a group. So I could use a hand working that part out, if anyone's willing.