Donald Trump will be impeached.


Well-known member
People who oppose Trump will not see or agree with his success

but you can see that he is not leaving office today. :)


david starling

Well-known member
She said she delivering them Tuesday. I'll believe it when I see it happen. :)

Moondancing, why do you think McConnell and Graham are refusing to listen to more witnesses, like John Bolton, for example. If there IS "damaging testimony", a fair and impartial trial HAS to allow it to be presented.

It's like, "How DARE anyone say ANTHING bad about our glorious Leader, whether it's true or not!"

david starling

Well-known member
Moondancing, why do you think McConnell and Graham are refusing to listen to more witnesses, like John Bolton, for example? If there IS "damaging testimony", a fair and impartial trial HAS to allow it to be presented.

It's like, "How DARE anyone say ANTHING bad about our glorious Leader, whether it's true or not!"

Can't answer this honest and meaningful question? All right, then by all memes, back to irrelevant ridicule and misdirection. :biggrin:
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Premium Member
Moondancing, why do you think McConnell and Graham are refusing to listen to more witnesses, like John Bolton, for example. If there IS "damaging testimony", a fair and impartial trial HAS to allow it to be presented.

It's like, "How DARE anyone say ANTHING bad about our glorious Leader, whether it's true or not!"

Do you listen to the opposing points of view? Do you find them in the least bit credible? Or, do you just assume the only reason is they are protecting Trump?

What about the fact Pelosi said that they may still subpoena witnesses but they now spent 4 weeks without doing a thing? Just making a lot of misdirection how unfair the process is. Do you really think she wants more witnesses that include the Bidens, the supposed whistleblower, Schiff, etc?

A huge reason McConnell and Graham don't want more witnesses is it could very well drag them into the Ukraine corruption mess.

You lack imagination, David. :smile:

david starling

Well-known member
Do you listen to the opposing points of view? Do you find them in the least bit credible? Or, do you just assume the only reason is they are protecting Trump?

What about the fact Pelosi said that they may still subpoena witnesses but they now spent 4 weeks without doing a thing? Just making a lot of misdirection how unfair the process is. Do you really think she wants more witnesses that include the Bidens, the supposed whistleblower, Schiff, etc?

A huge reason McConnell and Graham don't want more witnesses is it could very well drag them into the Ukraine corruption mess.

You lack imagination, David. :smile:

The witnesses Pelosi wants are forbidden by the Administration from testifying. Legal subpoenas are being illegally ignored. Evidence is being withheld or redacted. And, the Senate is planning to issue a "get out of jail free card". Doesn't require imagination to see what's going on here.


Well-known member
The witnesses Pelosi wants are forbidden by the Administration from testifying. Legal subpoenas are being illegally ignored. Evidence is being withheld or redacted. And, the Senate is planning to issue a "get out of jail free card". Doesn't require imagination to see what's going on here.



Premium Member
The witnesses Pelosi wants are forbidden by the Administration from testifying. Legal subpoenas are being illegally ignored. Evidence is being withheld or redacted. And, the Senate is planning to issue a "get out of jail free card". Doesn't require imagination to see what's going on here.

Schiff says there’s “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. He's yet to show this direct evidence, as a matter of fact it's been proven he lied. Pelosi won't take the articles to the Senate because she knows they have not proven high crimes and she does not want Trump vindicated.

Getting subpoenas would put pressure on Senate and WH to call these witnesses but she's not playing that card. Sure, WH has the legal right to use executive privilege. As I showed you in another post Obama use it lots to prevent witnesses being called. WH says they are protecting the President's legal powers. Given that 3 years of intensive investigation have shown nothing, I'm inclined to believe the WH is protecting the powers of their branch rather than they are hiding something.



Well-known member
Just an observation...
The transiting N. Node was conjunct Donald Trump's natal Part of Debate, aka Negotiations, @ 09* Cancer 17' 27" ...and if we adjust for the sidereal precession that has taken place in his over 72 years of living, then we add apprx. 01* 00' 50"... that gave hin a needed boost just when He needed it most His natal Part of Benevolence aka Assurance is @ 08* Sag. 35' 35", and adjusted for the Sidereal prec. it comes to 09* Sag. 36' 25" and transiting Mars will be conjunct that today and tomorrow... again with the timing, as so many events have been at seemingly astrologically opportune times for Trump...the man appears to live a charmed life.


Lest any forget, or is unaware, Trumps natal Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration is @ 02* Aries 34' 43" and by Dane's interpretation as to the Sabian Symbol for the 3rd degree of Aries... and this is the prime factor that gave me cause to predict Trump's victory in the presidential election as early as I did in January of 2016... it's why He has so many voters enamored by him and loyal to him.[ibid.]
The sustaining power of the Whole, as the individual identifies themselves with It’s life.
Having become objectively aware of their nature and basic humanity, the individualizing person finds power and inner security in realizing their essential identity with the section of the universe in which they operate. They and it seem to the consciousness united in a cosmic-planetary process - in a 'participation mystique'. Metaphysically expressed, this is the concept of the identity of Atman and Brahman. In another sense, through the ability to identify themselves with the complex of life activities surrounding them, the individual person can become truly, not only an image and representation of the Whole of their natal environment (local, planetary and perhaps eventually cosmic), but an agent through whom the Whole may express itself in an act of creative resonance and outpouring. This is the avatar ideal — the ideal of a 'transpersonal' life and consciousness totally consecrated to and directed by a divine Power. This Power can also be conceived as the archetypal Self, the Christ-principle as it operates in and through an individual person and destiny who have become its outward manifestation in order to meet a collective human need.

The concept of the formal-structural identity of the universal macrocosm and the human microcosm is a very important one, as it manifests itself at many levels. It provided an inner sense of security and harmonic strength to archaic man. To the modern individual assailed by surface evidence of meaninglessness and futility it gives a feeling of participation in the vast tide of evolution. It is the answer to the tragic sense of alienation so prevalent today. This symbol characterizes the third stage of the first five-fold sequence of phases: the stage of

People don't see Trump, the man, they see the personification of the United States speaking to them.

In fact, I doubt that He will be defeated this November, for another thing the transiting N. Node will be conjunct his natal Sun the entire month before and right up to election day and it will be almost precisely exact in conjunction with His natal N. Node on election day. His N.Node at birth was at 20* Gemini 48' 14 and by Sidereal precession next November it should be at an additional 01* 01' 32", that makes it about 21* Gemini 49' 46' and when the polls open in Maine that day the true N.Node will be at 20* Gemini 20' 02", and when the polls close in Hawaii on Election day the North Node will be at 20* Gemini 19' 48", because the Nodes will be in direct motion when the last one closes in the United States that day... just as the Nodes were in direct motion when He was born....

Then take into account that transiting Neptune will be conjunct the Sidereal Prec. adjusted USA's natal Part of Intelligence and Skill which is presently at 21* Pisces 16' 46" and the adjusted natal Part of Catastrophe which is presently at 21* Pisces 08' 46" by the beginning of this May by a one degree orb and will get to within a 20 minute of a degree orb when it goes direct in late June and stays in a one degree orb of conjunction until the end of July this year
That ought to really mess with the minds of the masses here in the USA as that Part will always be symbolically active attuned to the Natal tropical Zodiac degree Sabian Symbol... remember? [ibid.]

The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory"

...and Neptune triggering that associative imagery to all those presidential speeches you just know are coming this Summer. My, My.
Reeaaalllly messing with the minds right when clarity will be needed the most.

I'll await and see whom is getting the Demo nomination before I stick my neck too far out on predicting this one, but I'm beginning to think He''s more of a shoe in this election than He was in the last...
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Well-known member
The idea of an increase in political (or even underworld) assassinations goes along with one set of dynamics symbolized by the Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.This is a 32-27-year long-term planetary cycle that is exact this weekend, but which has an orb of influence up to two years either side of its occurrence. And so,this means of dealing with one’s enemies"assassinations" is rising again.

But who would have thought the initiator of an assassination of a political enemy on foreign soil (Iraq) would be the United States of America? This is one side of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. It’s like you can commit an assassination, justify it as an act of national security (or deny it and begin a coverup), and believe it will soon disappear, as it has in other cases of assassinations recently (think Russia, think Saudi Arabia). The problem is that is now justifies similar acts by other world leaders.
If the U.S. can do it, why can’t other nations do it under the same pretext
R. Merriman